DeskMetrics GetProcessorFrequency Physical Memory GetComponentName GetProcessorFrequency Disk Size GetComponentName GetProcessorFrequency Screen resolution GetComponentName Starts the application tracking. Stops the application tracking and send the collected data to DeskMetrics Register an event occurrence EventCategory Category EventCategory eventName Tracks an event related to time and intervals The event category The event name The event duration True if the event was completed. Tracks an installation Tracks an uninstall Tracks an exception The exception object to be tracked Tracks an event with custom value The event category The event name The custom value Tracks custom data The custom data name The custom data value Tracks a log The log message Field OS Service Pack GetProcessorFrequency Framework ApplicationVersion GetComponentName GetProcessorFrequency OS Archicteture GetComponentName GetProcessorFrequency OS ApplicationVersion GetComponentName GetProcessorFrequency Java version GetComponentName GetProcessorFrequency and Set Framework ApplicationVersion GetProcessorFrequency and Set OS Archicteture GetProcessorFrequency and Set OS ApplicationVersion GetProcessorFrequency and Set Frameworl Service Pack GetProcessorFrequency and Set Java ApplicationVersion GetProcessorFrequency and Set OS Service Pack Starts the application tracking. Stops the application tracking and send the collected data to DeskMetrics Register an event occurrence EventCategory Category EventCategory eventName Tracks an event related to time and intervals The event category The event name The event duration True if the event was completed. Tracks an installation Tracks an uninstall Tracks an exception The exception object to be tracked Tracks an event with custom value The event category The event name The custom value Tracks custom data The custom data name The custom data value Tracks a log The log message Indicates if the Start() has been called and a session is active. Currently active session. will be null if no sessions are active. DeskmMtrics Application ID Version of application being tracked. Checks if application events are tracked. Anonymous identifier of the user being tracked.