Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception.Configuration Configuration element that lets you specify additional interfaces to add when this type is intercepted. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Return the set of s that are needed to configure the container according to this configuration element. Container that is being configured. Type that is being registered. Type that is being mapped to. Name this registration is under. One or more objects that should be applied to the container registration. Type of interface to add. Each element must have a unique key, which is generated by the subclasses. Configuration element representing a call handler. Base class for the two children of the Policy element: MatchingRuleElement and CallHandlerElement. These configuration elements have a required "name" attribute, an optional "type" attribute, and optional child elements <lifetime> and <injection> Elements without a value for the type attribute can only have a value for the name attribute, and indicate that the represented handler or rule is configured elsewhere and that a reference to the given name must be added to the policy to be resolved, while elements with a value for the type attribute indicate how the represented handler or rule should be built and can optionally specify lifetime management and injection configuration. This element is similar to the , except that it does not provide an extension point for arbitrary configuration. Reads XML from the configuration file. The that reads from the configuration file. true to serialize only the collection key properties; otherwise, false. The element to read is locked. - or - An attribute of the current node is not recognized. - or - The lock status of the current node cannot be determined. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Name of this item Type that implements this matching rule or call handler. Injection members that control how this item is created. Lifetime manager for this item. A collection of s for configuration. Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An that acts as the key for the specified . The to return the key for. Causes the configuration system to throw an exception. true if the unrecognized element was deserialized successfully; otherwise, false. The default is false. The name of the unrecognized element. An input stream that reads XML from the configuration file. The element specified in is the <clear> element. starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Retrieve a call handler element from the collection by name. Name to look up. The rule, or null if not in the collection. The <default> element that appears inside an <interceptor> element. Base class for the default and key elements that can occur inside the <interceptor> element. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Actually register the interceptor against this type. Container to configure. interceptor to register. Type name that this interceptor will be registered for. Return the type object that is resolved from the property. The type object. Actually register the interceptor against this type. Container to configure. interceptor to register. Configuration elmement for specifying interception behaviors for a type. Reads XML from the configuration file. The that reads from the configuration file. true to serialize only the collection key properties; otherwise, false. The element to read is locked. - or - An attribute of the current node is not recognized. - or - The lock status of the current node cannot be determined. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Return the set of s that are needed to configure the container according to this configuration element. Container that is being configured. Type that is being registered. Type that is being mapped to. Name this registration is under. One or more objects that should be applied to the container registration. Type of behavior to add. Name of behavior to resolve. Should this behavior be configured as a default behavior for this type, or specifically for this type/name pair only? Each element must have a unique key, which is generated by the subclasses. Section extension class used to add the elements needed to configure Unity interception to the configuration schema. Add the extensions to the section via the context. Context object that can be used to add elements and aliases. A configuration element that contains the top-level container configuration information for interception - handler policies and global interceptor definitions. Gets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization. true when an unknown element is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false. The name of the unknown subelement. The being used for deserialization. The element identified by is locked. - or - One or more of the element's attributes is locked. - or - is unrecognized, or the element has an unrecognized attribute. - or - The element has a Boolean attribute with an invalid value. - or - An attempt was made to deserialize a property more than once. - or - An attempt was made to deserialize a property that is not a valid member of the element. - or - The element cannot contain a CDATA or text element. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Apply this element's configuration to the given . Container to configure. Policies defined for this container. Configuration element that lets you configure what interceptor to use for a type. Initialize a new . Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Return the set of s that are needed to configure the container according to this configuration element. Container that is being configured. Type that is being registered. Type that is being mapped to. Name this registration is under. One or more objects that should be applied to the container registration. Type name for the interceptor to apply. Name to use when resolving interceptors from the container. Should this interceptor be registered as the default for the contained type, or only for this particular type/name pair? Each element must have a unique key, which is generated by the subclasses. A collection of objects as shown in configuration. When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An that acts as the key for the specified . The to return the key for. Configuration element that provides a top-level element for configuration interceptors for types in a container. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Apply this element's configuration to the given . Container to configure. The various child elements that are contained in this element. Configuration element that represents the configuration for a specific interceptor, as presented in the config file inside the <interceptors> element. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Gets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization. true when an unknown element is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false. The name of the unknown subelement. The being used for deserialization. The element identified by is locked. - or - One or more of the element's attributes is locked. - or - is unrecognized, or the element has an unrecognized attribute. - or - The element has a Boolean attribute with an invalid value. - or - An attempt was made to deserialize a property more than once. - or - An attempt was made to deserialize a property that is not a valid member of the element. - or - The element cannot contain a CDATA or text element. Type of interceptor to configure. The types that this interceptor will be registered against. Any value passed to the type converter. Type converter to use to create the interceptor, if any. A collection of objects as stored in configuration. Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An that acts as the key for the specified . The to return the key for. The <key> element that occurs inside an <interceptor> element Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Actually register the interceptor against this type. Container to configure. interceptor to register. Name registration should be under. To register under the default, leave blank. A configuration element representing a matching rule. A collection of s for configuration. Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An that acts as the key for the specified . The to return the key for. Causes the configuration system to throw an exception. true if the unrecognized element was deserialized successfully; otherwise, false. The default is false. The name of the unrecognized element. An input stream that reads XML from the configuration file. The element specified in is the <clear> element. starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Retrieve a matching rule element from the collection by name. Name to look up. The rule, or null if not in the collection. Configuration element for building up an interception policy. Gets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization. true when an unknown element is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false. The name of the unknown subelement. The being used for deserialization. The element identified by is locked. - or - One or more of the element's attributes is locked. - or - is unrecognized, or the element has an unrecognized attribute. - or - The element has a Boolean attribute with an invalid value. - or - An attempt was made to deserialize a property more than once. - or - An attempt was made to deserialize a property that is not a valid member of the element. - or - The element cannot contain a CDATA or text element. Write the contents of this element to the given . The caller of this method has already written the start element tag before calling this method, so deriving classes only need to write the element content, not the start or end tags. Writer to send XML content to. Name of this policy. Matching rules for this policy. Call handlers for this policy. A collection of in the configuration. Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An that acts as the key for the specified . The to return the key for. Indexer to retrieve policy element objects by name. Name of policy to get. The element. A shortcut element to enable the policy injection behavior. Return the set of s that are needed to configure the container according to this configuration element. Container that is being configured. Type that is being registered. Type that is being mapped to. Name this registration is under. One or more objects that should be applied to the container registration. Each element must have a unique key, which is generated by the subclasses. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to The abstract type InterceptorRegistrationElement cannot be created. Please create a concrete instance.. Looks up a localized string similar to The <injection/> element is not allowed on element named '{0}' because it doesn't have a type attribute.. Looks up a localized string similar to The <lifetime/> element is not allowed on element named '{0}' because it doesn't have a type attribute.. Looks up a localized string similar to The type name or alias {0} could not be resolved. Please check your configuration file and verify this type name.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot create instance of type {0} with a default constructor.. Looks up a localized string similar to The type name {0} resolved to type {1} is not compatible with the required type {2}.. Looks up a localized string similar to The type {0} could not be resolved to a valid type. Please double check your configuration.. Looks up a localized string similar to The interception behavior element must have at least one of the 'name' or 'type' attributes..