'use strict'; define(['app', 'Settings/Indexers/ItemView', 'Settings/Indexers/EditView'], function () { NzbDrone.Settings.Indexers.CollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({ itemView : NzbDrone.Settings.Indexers.ItemView, itemViewContainer : '#x-indexers', template : 'Settings/Indexers/CollectionTemplate', events: { 'click .x-add': 'openSchemaModal' }, initialize: function () { NzbDrone.vent.on(NzbDrone.Commands.SaveSettings, this.saveSettings, this); }, openSchemaModal: function () { var self = this; //TODO: Is there a better way to deal with changing URLs? var schemaCollection = new NzbDrone.Settings.Indexers.Collection(); schemaCollection.url = '/api/indexer/schema'; schemaCollection.fetch({ success: function (collection) { collection.url = '/api/indexer'; var model = _.first(collection.models); model.set('id', undefined); model.set('name', ''); var view = new NzbDrone.Settings.Indexers.EditView({ model: model, indexerCollection: self.collection}); NzbDrone.modalRegion.show(view); } }); }, saveSettings: function () { var self = this; //For now loop through and save all the models _.each(this.collection.models, function (model, index, list) { var name = model.get('name'); var error = 'Failed to save indexer: ' + name; model.save(undefined, self.syncNotification(error)); }); }, syncNotification: function (error) { return { success: function () { }, error : function () { NzbDrone.Shared.Messenger.show({message: "Couldn't Save General Settings", type: 'error'}); } }; } }); });