using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using NzbDrone.Api.REST; using NzbDrone.Common.Reflection; using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore; namespace NzbDrone.Api.Mapping { public static class MappingValidation { public static void ValidateMapping(Type modelType, Type resourceType) { var errors = modelType.GetSimpleProperties().Select(p => GetError(resourceType, p)).Where(c => c != null).ToList(); if (errors.Any()) { throw new ResourceMappingException(errors); } PrintExtraProperties(modelType, resourceType); } private static void PrintExtraProperties(Type modelType, Type resourceType) { var resourceBaseProperties = typeof(RestResource).GetProperties().Select(c => c.Name); var resourceProperties = resourceType.GetProperties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(resourceBaseProperties); var modelProperties = modelType.GetProperties().Select(c => c.Name); var extra = resourceProperties.Except(modelProperties); foreach (var extraProp in extra) { Console.WriteLine("Extra: [{0}]", extraProp); } } private static string GetError(Type resourceType, PropertyInfo modelProperty) { var resourceProperty = resourceType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == modelProperty.Name); if (resourceProperty == null) { return string.Format("public {0} {1} {{ get; set; }}", modelProperty.PropertyType.Name, modelProperty.Name); } if (resourceProperty.PropertyType != modelProperty.PropertyType) { return string.Format("Excpected {0}.{1} to have type of {2} but found {3}", resourceType.Name, resourceProperty.Name, modelProperty.PropertyType, resourceProperty.PropertyType); } return null; } } }