ServiceStack.Text Shortcut escape when we're sure value doesn't contain any escaped chars Since Silverlight doesn't have char.ConvertFromUtf32() so putting Mono's implemenation inline. Implement the serializer using a more static approach A fast, standards-based, serialization-issue free DateTime serailizer. Creates an instance of a Type from a string value Determines whether this serializer can create the specified type from a string. The type. true if this instance [can create from string] the specified type; otherwise, false. Parses the specified value. The value. Deserializes from reader. The reader. Serializes to string. The value. Serializes to writer. The value. The writer. Parses the specified value. The value. if the is configured to take advantage of specification, to support user-friendly serialized formats, ie emitting camelCasing for JSON and parsing member names and enum values in a case-insensitive manner. Provide hint to MonoTouch AOT compiler to pre-compile generic classes for all your DTOs. Just needs to be called once in a static constructor. Never emit type info for this type if the is configured to take advantage of specification, to support user-friendly serialized formats, ie emitting camelCasing for JSON and parsing member names and enum values in a case-insensitive manner. Define custom serialization fn for BCL Structs Define custom deserialization fn for BCL Structs Exclude specific properties of this type from being serialized Pretty Thread-Safe cache class from: This is a micro-cache; suitable when the number of terms is controllable (a few hundred, for example), and strictly append-only; you cannot change existing values. All key matches are on **REFERENCE** equality. The type is fully thread-safe. Creates an instance of a Type from a string value Determines whether the specified type is convertible from string. The type. true if the specified type is convertible from string; otherwise, false. Parses the specified value. The value. Parses the specified type. The type. The value. Useful extension method to get the Dictionary[string,string] representation of any POCO type. Recursively prints the contents of any POCO object in a human-friendly, readable format A class to allow the conversion of doubles to string representations of their exact decimal values. The implementation aims for readability over efficiency. Courtesy of @JonSkeet How many digits are *after* the decimal point Constructs an arbitrary decimal expansion from the given long. The long must not be negative. Multiplies the current expansion by the given amount, which should only be 2 or 5. Shifts the decimal point; a negative value makes the decimal expansion bigger (as fewer digits come after the decimal place) and a positive value makes the decimal expansion smaller. Removes leading/trailing zeroes from the expansion. Converts the value to a proper decimal string representation. @jonskeet: Collection of utility methods which operate on streams. r285, February 26th 2009: Reads the given stream up to the end, returning the data as a byte array. Reads the given stream up to the end, returning the data as a byte array, using the given buffer size. Reads the given stream up to the end, returning the data as a byte array, using the given buffer for transferring data. Note that the current contents of the buffer is ignored, so the buffer needn't be cleared beforehand. Copies all the data from one stream into another. Copies all the data from one stream into another, using a buffer of the given size. Copies all the data from one stream into another, using the given buffer for transferring data. Note that the current contents of the buffer is ignored, so the buffer needn't be cleared beforehand. Reads exactly the given number of bytes from the specified stream. If the end of the stream is reached before the specified amount of data is read, an exception is thrown. Reads into a buffer, filling it completely. Reads exactly the given number of bytes from the specified stream, into the given buffer, starting at position 0 of the array. Reads exactly the given number of bytes from the specified stream, into the given buffer, starting at position 0 of the array. Same as ReadExactly, but without the argument checks. Implement the serializer using a more static approach Parses the specified value. The value. Converts from base: 0 - 62 The source. From. To. Skip the encoding process for 'safe strings' Class to hold Get the type(string) constructor if exists The type. Implement the serializer using a more static approach Utils to load types Find the type from the name supplied [typeName] or [typeName, assemblyName] Find type if it exists The type if it exists micro optimizations: using flags instead of value.IndexOfAny(EscapeChars) WCF Json format: /Date(unixts+0000)/ micro optimizations: using flags instead of value.IndexOfAny(EscapeChars)