using System; using System.Linq; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Download; using NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities; using NzbDrone.Core.ThingiProvider; using NzbDrone.Core.Update.History.Events; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Notifications { public class NotificationService : IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandle, IHandleAsync, IHandleAsync, IHandleAsync, IHandleAsync { private readonly INotificationFactory _notificationFactory; private readonly Logger _logger; public NotificationService(INotificationFactory notificationFactory, Logger logger) { _notificationFactory = notificationFactory; _logger = logger; } private string GetMessage(Movie movie, QualityModel quality) { var qualityString = quality.Quality.ToString(); var imdbUrl = "" + movie.MovieMetadata.Value.ImdbId + "/"; if (quality.Revision.Version > 1) { qualityString += " Proper"; } return string.Format("{0} ({1}) [{2}] {3}", movie.Title, movie.Year, qualityString, imdbUrl); } private bool ShouldHandleMovie(ProviderDefinition definition, Movie movie) { if (definition.Tags.Empty()) { _logger.Debug("No tags set for this notification."); return true; } if (definition.Tags.Intersect(movie.Tags).Any()) { _logger.Debug("Notification and movie have one or more intersecting tags."); return true; } // TODO: this message could be more clear _logger.Debug("{0} does not have any intersecting tags with {1}. Notification will not be sent", definition.Name, movie.Title); return false; } private bool ShouldHandleHealthFailure(HealthCheck.HealthCheck healthCheck, bool includeWarnings) { if (healthCheck.Type == HealthCheckResult.Error) { return true; } if (healthCheck.Type == HealthCheckResult.Warning && includeWarnings) { return true; } return false; } public void Handle(MovieGrabbedEvent message) { var grabMessage = new GrabMessage { Message = GetMessage(message.Movie.Movie, message.Movie.ParsedMovieInfo.Quality), Quality = message.Movie.ParsedMovieInfo.Quality, Movie = message.Movie.Movie, RemoteMovie = message.Movie, DownloadClientType = message.DownloadClient, DownloadClientName = message.DownloadClientName, DownloadId = message.DownloadId }; foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnGrabEnabled()) { try { if (!ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, message.Movie.Movie)) { continue; } notification.OnGrab(grabMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send OnGrab notification to {0}", notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(MovieFileImportedEvent message) { if (!message.NewDownload) { return; } var downloadMessage = new DownloadMessage { Message = GetMessage(message.MovieInfo.Movie, message.MovieInfo.Quality), MovieInfo = message.MovieInfo, MovieFile = message.ImportedMovie, Movie = message.MovieInfo.Movie, OldMovieFiles = message.OldFiles, SourcePath = message.MovieInfo.Path, DownloadClientInfo = message.DownloadClientInfo, DownloadId = message.DownloadId, Release = message.MovieInfo.Release }; foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnDownloadEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, message.MovieInfo.Movie)) { if (downloadMessage.OldMovieFiles.Empty() || ((NotificationDefinition)notification.Definition).OnUpgrade) { notification.OnDownload(downloadMessage); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnDownload notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(MovieAddedEvent message) { foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnMovieAddedEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, message.Movie)) { notification.OnMovieAdded(message.Movie); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnMovieAdded notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(MoviesImportedEvent message) { foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnMovieAddedEnabled()) { try { foreach (var movie in message.Movies) { if (ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, movie)) { notification.OnMovieAdded(movie); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnMovieAdded notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(MovieRenamedEvent message) { foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnRenameEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, message.Movie)) { notification.OnMovieRename(message.Movie, message.RenamedFiles); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnRename notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(UpdateInstalledEvent message) { var updateMessage = new ApplicationUpdateMessage(); updateMessage.Message = $"Radarr updated from {message.PreviousVerison.ToString()} to {message.NewVersion.ToString()}"; updateMessage.PreviousVersion = message.PreviousVerison; updateMessage.NewVersion = message.NewVersion; foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnApplicationUpdateEnabled()) { try { notification.OnApplicationUpdate(updateMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnApplicationUpdate notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(ManualInteractionRequiredEvent message) { var manualInteractionMessage = new ManualInteractionRequiredMessage { Message = GetMessage(message.RemoteMovie.Movie, message.RemoteMovie.Movie.MovieFile.Quality), Movie = message.RemoteMovie.Movie, Quality = message.RemoteMovie.ParsedMovieInfo.Quality, RemoteMovie = message.RemoteMovie, TrackedDownload = message.TrackedDownload, DownloadClientType = message.TrackedDownload.DownloadItem.DownloadClientInfo.Type, DownloadClientName = message.TrackedDownload.DownloadItem.DownloadClientInfo.Name, DownloadId = message.TrackedDownload.DownloadItem.DownloadId, Release = message.Release }; foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnManualInteractionEnabled()) { try { if (!ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, message.RemoteMovie.Movie)) { continue; } notification.OnManualInteractionRequired(manualInteractionMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send OnManualInteractionRequired notification to {0}", notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(MovieFileDeletedEvent message) { var deleteMessage = new MovieFileDeleteMessage(); deleteMessage.Message = GetMessage(message.MovieFile.Movie, message.MovieFile.Quality); deleteMessage.MovieFile = message.MovieFile; deleteMessage.Movie = message.MovieFile.Movie; deleteMessage.Reason = message.Reason; foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnMovieFileDeleteEnabled()) { try { if (message.Reason != MediaFiles.DeleteMediaFileReason.Upgrade || ((NotificationDefinition)notification.Definition).OnMovieFileDeleteForUpgrade) { if (ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, message.MovieFile.Movie)) { notification.OnMovieFileDelete(deleteMessage); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnMovieFileDelete notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(MoviesDeletedEvent message) { foreach (var movie in message.Movies) { var deleteMessage = new MovieDeleteMessage(movie, message.DeleteFiles); foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnMovieDeleteEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleMovie(notification.Definition, deleteMessage.Movie)) { notification.OnMovieDelete(deleteMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnMovieDelete notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } } public void Handle(HealthCheckFailedEvent message) { // Don't send health check notifications during the start up grace period, // once that duration expires they they'll be retested and fired off if necessary. if (message.IsInStartupGracePeriod) { return; } foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnHealthIssueEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleHealthFailure(message.HealthCheck, ((NotificationDefinition)notification.Definition).IncludeHealthWarnings)) { notification.OnHealthIssue(message.HealthCheck); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnHealthIssue notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void Handle(HealthCheckRestoredEvent message) { if (message.IsInStartupGracePeriod) { return; } foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnHealthRestoredEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleHealthFailure(message.PreviousCheck, ((NotificationDefinition)notification.Definition).IncludeHealthWarnings)) { notification.OnHealthRestored(message.PreviousCheck); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to send OnHealthRestored notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } public void HandleAsync(DeleteCompletedEvent message) { ProcessQueue(); } public void HandleAsync(DownloadsProcessedEvent message) { ProcessQueue(); } public void HandleAsync(RenameCompletedEvent message) { ProcessQueue(); } public void HandleAsync(HealthCheckCompleteEvent message) { ProcessQueue(); } private void ProcessQueue() { foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.GetAvailableProviders()) { try { notification.ProcessQueue(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to process notification queue for " + notification.Definition.Name); } } } } }