using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Nancy; using NzbDrone.Common.Disk; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles; using Radarr.Http.Extensions; namespace NzbDrone.Api.FileSystem { public class FileSystemModule : NzbDroneApiModule { private readonly IFileSystemLookupService _fileSystemLookupService; private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider; private readonly IDiskScanService _diskScanService; public FileSystemModule(IFileSystemLookupService fileSystemLookupService, IDiskProvider diskProvider, IDiskScanService diskScanService) : base("/filesystem") { _fileSystemLookupService = fileSystemLookupService; _diskProvider = diskProvider; _diskScanService = diskScanService; Get("/", x => GetContents()); Get("/type", x => GetEntityType()); Get("/mediafiles", x => GetMediaFiles()); } private object GetContents() { var pathQuery = Request.Query.path; var includeFiles = Request.GetBooleanQueryParameter("includeFiles"); var allowFoldersWithoutTrailingSlashes = Request.GetBooleanQueryParameter("allowFoldersWithoutTrailingSlashes"); return _fileSystemLookupService.LookupContents((string)pathQuery.Value, includeFiles, allowFoldersWithoutTrailingSlashes); } private object GetEntityType() { var pathQuery = Request.Query.path; var path = (string)pathQuery.Value; if (_diskProvider.FileExists(path)) { return new { type = "file" }; } //Return folder even if it doesn't exist on disk to avoid leaking anything from the UI about the underlying system return new { type = "folder" }; } private object GetMediaFiles() { var pathQuery = Request.Query.path; var path = (string)pathQuery.Value; if (!_diskProvider.FolderExists(path)) { return Array.Empty(); } return _diskScanService.GetVideoFiles(path).Select(f => new { Path = f, RelativePath = path.GetRelativePath(f), Name = Path.GetFileName(f) }); } } }