using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml.Linq; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers { public class TorrentRssParser : RssParser { // Parse various seeder/leecher/peers formats in the description element to determine number of seeders. public bool ParseSeedersInDescription { get; set; } // Use the specified element name to determine the size public string SizeElementName { get; set; } public TorrentRssParser() { PreferredEnclosureMimeType = "application/x-bittorrent"; } public IEnumerable GetItems(IndexerResponse indexerResponse) { var document = LoadXmlDocument(indexerResponse); var items = GetItems(document); return items; } protected override ReleaseInfo CreateNewReleaseInfo() { return new TorrentInfo(); } protected override ReleaseInfo ProcessItem(XElement item, ReleaseInfo releaseInfo) { var result = base.ProcessItem(item, releaseInfo) as TorrentInfo; result.InfoHash = GetInfoHash(item); result.MagnetUrl = GetMagnetUrl(item); result.Seeders = GetSeeders(item); result.Peers = GetPeers(item); return result; } protected virtual string GetInfoHash(XElement item) { var magnetUrl = GetMagnetUrl(item); if (magnetUrl.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { try { var magnetLink = new MonoTorrent.MagnetLink(magnetUrl); return magnetLink.InfoHash.ToHex(); } catch { } } return null; } protected virtual string GetMagnetUrl(XElement item) { var downloadUrl = GetDownloadUrl(item); if (downloadUrl.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() && downloadUrl.StartsWith("magnet:")) { return downloadUrl; } return null; } protected virtual int? GetSeeders(XElement item) { if (ParseSeedersInDescription && item.Element("description") != null) { var matchSeeders = ParseSeedersRegex.Match(item.Element("description").Value); if (matchSeeders.Success) { return int.Parse(matchSeeders.Groups["value"].Value); } var matchPeers = ParsePeersRegex.Match(item.Element("description").Value); var matchLeechers = ParseLeechersRegex.Match(item.Element("description").Value); if (matchPeers.Success && matchLeechers.Success) { return int.Parse(matchPeers.Groups["value"].Value) - int.Parse(matchLeechers.Groups["value"].Value); } } return null; } protected virtual int? GetPeers(XElement item) { if (ParseSeedersInDescription && item.Element("description") != null) { var matchPeers = ParsePeersRegex.Match(item.Element("description").Value); if (matchPeers.Success) { return int.Parse(matchPeers.Groups["value"].Value); } var matchSeeders = ParseSeedersRegex.Match(item.Element("description").Value); var matchLeechers = ParseLeechersRegex.Match(item.Element("description").Value); if (matchSeeders.Success && matchLeechers.Success) { return int.Parse(matchSeeders.Groups["value"].Value) + int.Parse(matchLeechers.Groups["value"].Value); } } return null; } protected override long GetSize(XElement item) { var size = base.GetSize(item); if (size == 0 && SizeElementName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (item.Element(SizeElementName) != null) { size = ParseSize(item.Element(SizeElementName).Value, true); } } return size; } private static readonly Regex ParseSeedersRegex = new Regex(@"(Seeder)s?:\s+(?\d+)|(?\d+)\s+(seeder)s?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); private static readonly Regex ParseLeechersRegex = new Regex(@"(Leecher)s?:\s+(?\d+)|(?\d+)\s+(leecher)s?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); private static readonly Regex ParsePeersRegex = new Regex(@"(Peer)s?:\s+(?\d+)|(?\d+)\s+(peer)s?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); } }