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synced 2025-03-02 09:55:37 +00:00
Moved Plugin scripts to Scripts (Compatibility with Nuget). jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js no longer uses CDN (Now a Nuget package).
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Watermark v3.1.3 (March 22, 2011) plugin for jQuery
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Todd Northrop
Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
(function (a, h, y) { var w = "function", v = "password", j = "maxLength", n = "type", b = "", c = true, u = "placeholder", i = false, t = "watermark", g = t, f = "watermarkClass", q = "watermarkFocus", l = "watermarkSubmit", o = "watermarkMaxLength", e = "watermarkPassword", d = "watermarkText", k = /\r/g, s = "input:data(" + g + "),textarea:data(" + g + ")", m = "input:text,input:password,input[type=search],input:not([type]),textarea", p = ["Page_ClientValidate"], r = i, x = u in document.createElement("input"); a.watermark = a.watermark || { version: "3.1.3", runOnce: c, options: { className: t, useNative: c, hideBeforeUnload: c }, hide: function (b) { a(b).filter(s).each(function () { a.watermark._hide(a(this)) }) }, _hide: function (a, r) { var p = a[0], q = (p.value || b).replace(k, b), l = a.data(d) || b, m = a.data(o) || 0, i = a.data(f); if (l.length && q == l) { p.value = b; if (a.data(e)) if ((a.attr(n) || b) === "text") { var g = a.data(e) || [], c = a.parent() || []; if (g.length && c.length) { c[0].removeChild(a[0]); c[0].appendChild(g[0]); a = g } } if (m) { a.attr(j, m); a.removeData(o) } if (r) { a.attr("autocomplete", "off"); h.setTimeout(function () { a.select() }, 1) } } i && a.removeClass(i) }, show: function (b) { a(b).filter(s).each(function () { a.watermark._show(a(this)) }) }, _show: function (g) { var p = g[0], u = (p.value || b).replace(k, b), h = g.data(d) || b, s = g.attr(n) || b, t = g.data(f); if ((u.length == 0 || u == h) && !g.data(q)) { r = c; if (g.data(e)) if (s === v) { var m = g.data(e) || [], l = g.parent() || []; if (m.length && l.length) { l[0].removeChild(g[0]); l[0].appendChild(m[0]); g = m; g.attr(j, h.length); p = g[0] } } if (s === "text" || s === "search") { var i = g.attr(j) || 0; if (i > 0 && h.length > i) { g.data(o, i); g.attr(j, h.length) } } t && g.addClass(t); p.value = h } else a.watermark._hide(g) }, hideAll: function () { if (r) { a.watermark.hide(m); r = i } }, showAll: function () { a.watermark.show(m) } }; a.fn.watermark = a.fn.watermark || function (p, o) { var t = "string"; if (!this.length) return this; var s = i, r = typeof p === t; if (r) p = p.replace(k, b); if (typeof o === "object") { s = typeof o.className === t; o = a.extend({}, a.watermark.options, o) } else if (typeof o === t) { s = c; o = a.extend({}, a.watermark.options, { className: o }) } else o = a.watermark.options; if (typeof o.useNative !== w) o.useNative = o.useNative ? function () { return c } : function () { return i }; return this.each(function () { var B = "dragleave", A = "dragenter", z = this, i = a(z); if (!i.is(m)) return; if (i.data(g)) { if (r || s) { a.watermark._hide(i); r && i.data(d, p); s && i.data(f, o.className) } } else { if (x && o.useNative.call(z, i) && (i.attr("tagName") || b) !== "TEXTAREA") { r && i.attr(u, p); return } i.data(d, r ? p : b); i.data(f, o.className); i.data(g, 1); if ((i.attr(n) || b) === v) { var C = i.wrap("<span>").parent(), t = a(C.html().replace(/type=["']?password["']?/i, 'type="text"')); t.data(d, i.data(d)); t.data(f, i.data(f)); t.data(g, 1); t.attr(j, p.length); t.focus(function () { a.watermark._hide(t, c) }).bind(A, function () { a.watermark._hide(t) }).bind("dragend", function () { h.setTimeout(function () { t.blur() }, 1) }); i.blur(function () { a.watermark._show(i) }).bind(B, function () { a.watermark._show(i) }); t.data(e, i); i.data(e, t) } else i.focus(function () { i.data(q, 1); a.watermark._hide(i, c) }).blur(function () { i.data(q, 0); a.watermark._show(i) }).bind(A, function () { a.watermark._hide(i) }).bind(B, function () { a.watermark._show(i) }).bind("dragend", function () { h.setTimeout(function () { a.watermark._show(i) }, 1) }).bind("drop", function (e) { var c = i[0], a = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); if ((c.value || b).replace(k, b).replace(a, b) === i.data(d)) c.value = a; i.focus() }); if (z.form) { var w = z.form, y = a(w); if (!y.data(l)) { y.submit(a.watermark.hideAll); if (w.submit) { y.data(l, w.submit); w.submit = function (c, b) { return function () { var d = b.data(l); a.watermark.hideAll(); if (d.apply) d.apply(c, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); else d() } } (w, y) } else { y.data(l, 1); w.submit = function (b) { return function () { a.watermark.hideAll(); delete b.submit; b.submit() } } (w) } } } } a.watermark._show(i) }) }; if (a.watermark.runOnce) { a.watermark.runOnce = i; a.extend(a.expr[":"], { data: function (c, d, b) { return !!a.data(c, b[3]) } }); (function (c) { a.fn.val = function () { var e = this; if (!e.length) return arguments.length ? e : y; if (!arguments.length) if (e.data(g)) { var f = (e[0].value || b).replace(k, b); return f === (e.data(d) || b) ? b : f } else return c.apply(e, arguments); else { c.apply(e, arguments); a.watermark.show(e); return e } } })(a.fn.val); p.length && a(function () { for (var b, c, d = p.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) { b = p[d]; c = h[b]; if (typeof c === w) h[b] = function (b) { return function () { a.watermark.hideAll(); return b.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)) } } (c) } }); a(h).bind("beforeunload", function () { a.watermark.options.hideBeforeUnload && a.watermark.hideAll() }) } })(jQuery, window); |