
695 lines
28 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using FluentValidation.Results;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Cache;
using NzbDrone.Common.Disk;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TorrentInfo;
using NzbDrone.Core.Organizer;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.RemotePathMappings;
using NzbDrone.Core.Validation;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.QBittorrent
public class QBittorrent : TorrentClientBase<QBittorrentSettings>
private readonly IQBittorrentProxySelector _proxySelector;
private readonly ICached<SeedingTimeCacheEntry> _seedingTimeCache;
private class SeedingTimeCacheEntry
public DateTime LastFetched { get; set; }
public long SeedingTime { get; set; }
public QBittorrent(IQBittorrentProxySelector proxySelector,
ITorrentFileInfoReader torrentFileInfoReader,
IHttpClient httpClient,
IConfigService configService,
INamingConfigService namingConfigService,
IDiskProvider diskProvider,
IRemotePathMappingService remotePathMappingService,
ICacheManager cacheManager,
Logger logger)
: base(torrentFileInfoReader, httpClient, configService, namingConfigService, diskProvider, remotePathMappingService, logger)
_proxySelector = proxySelector;
_seedingTimeCache = cacheManager.GetCache<SeedingTimeCacheEntry>(GetType(), "seedingTime");
private IQBittorrentProxy Proxy => _proxySelector.GetProxy(Settings);
private Version ProxyApiVersion => _proxySelector.GetApiVersion(Settings);
public override void MarkItemAsImported(DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem)
// set post-import category
if (Settings.MovieImportedCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() &&
Settings.MovieImportedCategory != Settings.MovieCategory)
Proxy.SetTorrentLabel(downloadClientItem.DownloadId.ToLower(), Settings.MovieImportedCategory, Settings);
catch (DownloadClientException)
_logger.Warn("Failed to set post-import torrent label \"{0}\" for {1} in qBittorrent. Does the label exist?", Settings.MovieImportedCategory, downloadClientItem.Title);
protected override string AddFromMagnetLink(RemoteMovie remoteMovie, string hash, string magnetLink)
if (!Proxy.GetConfig(Settings).DhtEnabled && !magnetLink.Contains("&tr="))
throw new NotSupportedException("Magnet Links without trackers not supported if DHT is disabled");
var setShareLimits = remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration != null && (remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration.Ratio.HasValue || remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration.SeedTime.HasValue);
var addHasSetShareLimits = setShareLimits && ProxyApiVersion >= new Version(2, 8, 1);
var isRecentMovie = remoteMovie.Movie.MovieMetadata.Value.IsRecentMovie;
var moveToTop = (isRecentMovie && Settings.RecentMoviePriority == (int)QBittorrentPriority.First) || (!isRecentMovie && Settings.OlderMoviePriority == (int)QBittorrentPriority.First);
var forceStart = (QBittorrentState)Settings.InitialState == QBittorrentState.ForceStart;
Proxy.AddTorrentFromUrl(magnetLink, addHasSetShareLimits && setShareLimits ? remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration : null, Settings);
if ((!addHasSetShareLimits && setShareLimits) || moveToTop || forceStart)
if (!WaitForTorrent(hash))
return hash;
if (!addHasSetShareLimits && setShareLimits)
Proxy.SetTorrentSeedingConfiguration(hash.ToLower(), remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration, Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, "Failed to set the torrent seed criteria for {0}.", hash);
if (moveToTop)
Proxy.MoveTorrentToTopInQueue(hash.ToLower(), Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, "Failed to set the torrent priority for {0}.", hash);
if (forceStart)
Proxy.SetForceStart(hash.ToLower(), true, Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, "Failed to set ForceStart for {0}.", hash);
return hash;
protected override string AddFromTorrentFile(RemoteMovie remoteMovie, string hash, string filename, byte[] fileContent)
var setShareLimits = remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration != null && (remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration.Ratio.HasValue || remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration.SeedTime.HasValue);
var addHasSetShareLimits = setShareLimits && ProxyApiVersion >= new Version(2, 8, 1);
var isRecentMovie = remoteMovie.Movie.MovieMetadata.Value.IsRecentMovie;
var moveToTop = (isRecentMovie && Settings.RecentMoviePriority == (int)QBittorrentPriority.First) || (!isRecentMovie && Settings.OlderMoviePriority == (int)QBittorrentPriority.First);
var forceStart = (QBittorrentState)Settings.InitialState == QBittorrentState.ForceStart;
Proxy.AddTorrentFromFile(filename, fileContent, addHasSetShareLimits ? remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration : null, Settings);
if ((!addHasSetShareLimits && setShareLimits) || moveToTop || forceStart)
if (!WaitForTorrent(hash))
return hash;
if (!addHasSetShareLimits && setShareLimits)
Proxy.SetTorrentSeedingConfiguration(hash.ToLower(), remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration, Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, "Failed to set the torrent seed criteria for {0}.", hash);
if (moveToTop)
Proxy.MoveTorrentToTopInQueue(hash.ToLower(), Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, "Failed to set the torrent priority for {0}.", hash);
if (forceStart)
Proxy.SetForceStart(hash.ToLower(), true, Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, "Failed to set ForceStart for {0}.", hash);
return hash;
protected bool WaitForTorrent(string hash)
var count = 10;
while (count != 0)
if (Proxy.IsTorrentLoaded(hash.ToLower(), Settings))
return true;
_logger.Trace("Torrent '{0}' not yet visible in qbit, waiting 100ms.", hash);
_logger.Warn("Failed to load torrent '{0}' within 500 ms, skipping additional parameters.", hash);
return false;
public override string Name => "qBittorrent";
public override IEnumerable<DownloadClientItem> GetItems()
var version = Proxy.GetApiVersion(Settings);
var config = Proxy.GetConfig(Settings);
var torrents = Proxy.GetTorrents(Settings);
var queueItems = new List<DownloadClientItem>();
foreach (var torrent in torrents)
var item = new DownloadClientItem()
DownloadId = torrent.Hash.ToUpper(),
Category = torrent.Category.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? torrent.Category : torrent.Label,
Title = torrent.Name,
TotalSize = torrent.Size,
DownloadClientInfo = DownloadClientItemClientInfo.FromDownloadClient(this),
RemainingSize = (long)(torrent.Size * (1.0 - torrent.Progress)),
RemainingTime = GetRemainingTime(torrent),
SeedRatio = torrent.Ratio
// Avoid removing torrents that haven't reached the global max ratio.
// Removal also requires the torrent to be paused, in case a higher max ratio was set on the torrent itself (which is not exposed by the api).
item.CanMoveFiles = item.CanBeRemoved = torrent.State == "pausedUP" && HasReachedSeedLimit(torrent, config);
switch (torrent.State)
case "error": // some error occurred, applies to paused torrents, warning so failed download handling isn't triggered
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Warning;
item.Message = "qBittorrent is reporting an error";
case "pausedDL": // torrent is paused and has NOT finished downloading
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Paused;
case "queuedDL": // queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for download
case "checkingDL": // same as checkingUP, but torrent has NOT finished downloading
case "checkingUP": // torrent has finished downloading and is being checked. Set when `recheck torrent on completion` is enabled. In the event the check fails we shouldn't treat it as completed.
case "checkingResumeData": // torrent is checking resume data on load
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Queued;
case "pausedUP": // torrent is paused and has finished downloading:
case "uploading": // torrent is being seeded and data is being transferred
case "stalledUP": // torrent is being seeded, but no connection were made
case "queuedUP": // queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for upload
case "forcedUP": // torrent has finished downloading and is being forcibly seeded
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Completed;
item.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // qBittorrent sends eta=8640000 for completed torrents
case "stalledDL": // torrent is being downloaded, but no connection were made
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Warning;
item.Message = "The download is stalled with no connections";
case "missingFiles": // torrent is being downloaded, but no connection were made
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Warning;
item.Message = "The download is missing files";
case "metaDL": // torrent magnet is being downloaded
if (config.DhtEnabled)
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Queued;
item.Message = "qBittorrent is downloading metadata";
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Warning;
item.Message = "qBittorrent cannot resolve magnet link with DHT disabled";
case "forcedDL": // torrent is being downloaded, and was forced started
case "forcedMetaDL": // torrent metadata is being forcibly downloaded
case "moving": // torrent is being moved from a folder
case "downloading": // torrent is being downloaded and data is being transferred
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading;
default: // new status in API? default to downloading
item.Message = "Unknown download state: " + torrent.State;
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading;
if (version >= new Version("2.6.1"))
if (torrent.ContentPath != torrent.SavePath)
item.OutputPath = _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, new OsPath(torrent.ContentPath));
else if (item.Status == DownloadItemStatus.Completed)
item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Warning;
item.Message = "Unable to Import. Path matches client base download directory, it's possible 'Keep top-level folder' is disabled for this torrent or 'Torrent Content Layout' is NOT set to 'Original' or 'Create Subfolder'?";
return queueItems;
public override void RemoveItem(DownloadClientItem item, bool deleteData)
Proxy.RemoveTorrent(item.DownloadId.ToLower(), deleteData, Settings);
public override DownloadClientItem GetImportItem(DownloadClientItem item, DownloadClientItem previousImportAttempt)
// On API version >= 2.6.1 this is already set correctly
if (!item.OutputPath.IsEmpty)
return item;
var files = Proxy.GetTorrentFiles(item.DownloadId.ToLower(), Settings);
if (!files.Any())
_logger.Debug($"No files found for torrent {item.Title} in qBittorrent");
return item;
var properties = Proxy.GetTorrentProperties(item.DownloadId.ToLower(), Settings);
var savePath = new OsPath(properties.SavePath);
var result = item.Clone();
// get the first subdirectory - QBittorrent returns `/` path separators even on windows...
var relativePath = new OsPath(files[0].Name);
while (!relativePath.Directory.IsEmpty)
relativePath = relativePath.Directory;
var outputPath = savePath + relativePath.FileName;
result.OutputPath = _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, outputPath);
return result;
public override DownloadClientInfo GetStatus()
var version = Proxy.GetApiVersion(Settings);
var config = Proxy.GetConfig(Settings);
var destDir = new OsPath(config.SavePath);
if (Settings.MovieCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() && version >= Version.Parse("2.0"))
if (Proxy.GetLabels(Settings).TryGetValue(Settings.MovieCategory, out var label) && label.SavePath.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
var labelDir = new OsPath(label.SavePath);
if (labelDir.IsRooted)
destDir = labelDir;
destDir = destDir + labelDir;
return new DownloadClientInfo
IsLocalhost = Settings.Host == "" || Settings.Host == "localhost",
OutputRootFolders = new List<OsPath> { _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, destDir) }
protected override void Test(List<ValidationFailure> failures)
if (failures.HasErrors())
private ValidationFailure TestConnection()
var version = _proxySelector.GetProxy(Settings, true).GetApiVersion(Settings);
if (version < Version.Parse("1.5"))
// API version 5 introduced the "save_path" property in /query/torrents
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("Host", "Unsupported client version")
DetailedDescription = "Please upgrade to qBittorrent version 3.2.4 or higher."
else if (version < Version.Parse("1.6"))
// API version 6 introduced support for labels
if (Settings.MovieCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("Category", "Category is not supported")
DetailedDescription = "Labels are not supported until qBittorrent version 3.3.0. Please upgrade or try again with an empty Category."
else if (Settings.MovieCategory.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
// warn if labels are supported, but category is not provided
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("MovieCategory", "Category is recommended")
IsWarning = true,
DetailedDescription = "Radarr will not attempt to import completed downloads without a category."
// Complain if qBittorrent is configured to remove torrents on max ratio
var config = Proxy.GetConfig(Settings);
if ((config.MaxRatioEnabled || config.MaxSeedingTimeEnabled) && (config.MaxRatioAction == QBittorrentMaxRatioAction.Remove || config.MaxRatioAction == QBittorrentMaxRatioAction.DeleteFiles))
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(string.Empty, "qBittorrent is configured to remove torrents when they reach their Share Ratio Limit")
DetailedDescription = "Radarr will be unable to perform Completed Download Handling as configured. You can fix this in qBittorrent ('Tools -> Options...' in the menu) by changing 'Options -> BitTorrent -> Share Ratio Limiting' from 'Remove them' to 'Pause them'."
catch (DownloadClientAuthenticationException ex)
_logger.Error(ex, ex.Message);
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("Username", "Authentication failure")
DetailedDescription = "Please verify your username and password."
catch (WebException ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Unable to connect to qBittorrent");
if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure)
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("Host", "Unable to connect")
DetailedDescription = "Please verify the hostname and port."
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(string.Empty, "Unknown exception: " + ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Unable to test qBittorrent");
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("Host", "Unable to connect to qBittorrent")
DetailedDescription = ex.Message
return null;
private ValidationFailure TestCategory()
if (Settings.MovieCategory.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && Settings.MovieImportedCategory.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
return null;
// api v1 doesn't need to check/add categories as it's done on set
var version = _proxySelector.GetProxy(Settings, true).GetApiVersion(Settings);
if (version < Version.Parse("2.0"))
return null;
var labels = Proxy.GetLabels(Settings);
if (Settings.MovieCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() && !labels.ContainsKey(Settings.MovieCategory))
Proxy.AddLabel(Settings.MovieCategory, Settings);
labels = Proxy.GetLabels(Settings);
if (!labels.ContainsKey(Settings.MovieCategory))
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("MovieCategory", "Configuration of label failed")
DetailedDescription = "Radarr was unable to add the label to qBittorrent."
if (Settings.MovieImportedCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() && !labels.ContainsKey(Settings.MovieImportedCategory))
Proxy.AddLabel(Settings.MovieImportedCategory, Settings);
labels = Proxy.GetLabels(Settings);
if (!labels.ContainsKey(Settings.MovieImportedCategory))
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("MovieImportedCategory", "Configuration of label failed")
DetailedDescription = "Radarr was unable to add the label to qBittorrent."
return null;
private ValidationFailure TestPrioritySupport()
var recentPriorityDefault = Settings.RecentMoviePriority == (int)QBittorrentPriority.Last;
var olderPriorityDefault = Settings.OlderMoviePriority == (int)QBittorrentPriority.Last;
if (olderPriorityDefault && recentPriorityDefault)
return null;
var config = Proxy.GetConfig(Settings);
if (!config.QueueingEnabled)
if (!recentPriorityDefault)
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(nameof(Settings.RecentMoviePriority), "Queueing not enabled") { DetailedDescription = "Torrent Queueing is not enabled in your qBittorrent settings. Enable it in qBittorrent or select 'Last' as priority." };
else if (!olderPriorityDefault)
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(nameof(Settings.OlderMoviePriority), "Queueing not enabled") { DetailedDescription = "Torrent Queueing is not enabled in your qBittorrent settings. Enable it in qBittorrent or select 'Last' as priority." };
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to test qBittorrent");
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(string.Empty, "Unknown exception: " + ex.Message);
return null;
private ValidationFailure TestGetTorrents()
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to get torrents");
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(string.Empty, "Failed to get the list of torrents: " + ex.Message);
return null;
protected TimeSpan? GetRemainingTime(QBittorrentTorrent torrent)
if (torrent.Eta < 0 || torrent.Eta > 365 * 24 * 3600)
return null;
// qBittorrent sends eta=8640000 if unknown such as queued
if (torrent.Eta == 8640000)
return null;
return TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)torrent.Eta);
protected bool HasReachedSeedLimit(QBittorrentTorrent torrent, QBittorrentPreferences config)
if (torrent.RatioLimit >= 0)
if (torrent.Ratio >= torrent.RatioLimit)
return true;
else if (torrent.RatioLimit == -2 && config.MaxRatioEnabled)
if (torrent.Ratio >= config.MaxRatio)
return true;
if (HasReachedSeedingTimeLimit(torrent, config))
return true;
return false;
protected bool HasReachedSeedingTimeLimit(QBittorrentTorrent torrent, QBittorrentPreferences config)
long seedingTimeLimit;
if (torrent.SeedingTimeLimit >= 0)
seedingTimeLimit = torrent.SeedingTimeLimit;
else if (torrent.SeedingTimeLimit == -2 && config.MaxSeedingTimeEnabled)
seedingTimeLimit = config.MaxSeedingTime;
return false;
if (torrent.SeedingTime.HasValue)
// SeedingTime can't be available here, but use it if the api starts to provide it.
return torrent.SeedingTime.Value >= seedingTimeLimit;
var cacheKey = Settings.Host + Settings.Port + torrent.Hash;
var cacheSeedingTime = _seedingTimeCache.Find(cacheKey);
if (cacheSeedingTime != null)
var togo = seedingTimeLimit - cacheSeedingTime.SeedingTime;
var elapsed = (DateTime.UtcNow - cacheSeedingTime.LastFetched).TotalSeconds;
if (togo <= 0)
// Already reached the limit, keep the cache alive
_seedingTimeCache.Set(cacheKey, cacheSeedingTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
return true;
else if (togo > elapsed)
// SeedingTime cannot have reached the required value since the last check, preserve the cache
_seedingTimeCache.Set(cacheKey, cacheSeedingTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
return false;
cacheSeedingTime = new SeedingTimeCacheEntry
LastFetched = DateTime.UtcNow,
SeedingTime = torrent.SeedingTime.Value
_seedingTimeCache.Set(cacheKey, cacheSeedingTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
if (cacheSeedingTime.SeedingTime >= seedingTimeLimit)
// Reached the limit, keep the cache alive
return true;
return false;
protected void FetchTorrentDetails(QBittorrentTorrent torrent)
var torrentProperties = Proxy.GetTorrentProperties(torrent.Hash, Settings);
torrent.SeedingTime = torrentProperties.SeedingTime;