
820 lines
20 KiB

* File: AutoFill.js
* Version: 1.1.2
* CVS: $Id$
* Description: AutoFill for DataTables
* Author: Allan Jardine (www.sprymedia.co.uk)
* Created: Mon 6 Sep 2010 16:54:41 BST
* Modified: $Date$ by $Author$
* Language: Javascript
* License: GPL v2 or BSD 3 point
* Project: DataTables
* Contact: www.sprymedia.co.uk/contact
* Copyright 2010-2011 Allan Jardine, all rights reserved.
* This source file is free software, under either the GPL v2 license or a
* BSD style license, available at:
* http://datatables.net/license_gpl2
* http://datatables.net/license_bsd
/* Global scope for AutoFill */
var AutoFill;
(function($) {
* AutoFill provides Excel like auto fill features for a DataTable
* @class AutoFill
* @constructor
* @param {object} DataTables settings object
* @param {object} Configuration object for AutoFill
AutoFill = function( oDT, oConfig )
/* Santiy check that we are a new instance */
if ( !this.CLASS || this.CLASS != "AutoFill" )
alert( "Warning: AutoFill must be initialised with the keyword 'new'" );
if ( !$.fn.dataTableExt.fnVersionCheck('1.7.0') )
alert( "Warning: AutoFill requires DataTables 1.7 or greater - www.datatables.net/download");
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Public class variables
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* @namespace Settings object which contains customisable information for AutoFill instance
this.s = {
* @namespace Cached information about the little dragging icon (the filler)
"filler": {
"height": 0,
"width": 0
* @namespace Cached information about the border display
"border": {
"width": 2
* @namespace Store for live information for the current drag
"drag": {
"startX": -1,
"startY": -1,
"startTd": null,
"endTd": null,
"dragging": false
* @namespace Data cache for information that we need for scrolling the screen when we near
* the edges
"screen": {
"interval": null,
"y": 0,
"height": 0,
"scrollTop": 0
* @namespace Data cache for the position of the DataTables scrolling element (when scrolling
* is enabled)
"scroller": {
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
* @namespace Information stored for each column. An array of objects
"columns": []
* @namespace Common and useful DOM elements for the class instance
this.dom = {
"table": null,
"filler": null,
"borderTop": null,
"borderRight": null,
"borderBottom": null,
"borderLeft": null,
"currentTarget": null
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Public class methods
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Retreieve the settings object from an instance
* @method fnSettings
* @returns {object} AutoFill settings object
this.fnSettings = function () {
return this.s;
/* Constructor logic */
this._fnInit( oDT, oConfig );
return this;
AutoFill.prototype = {
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Private methods (they are of course public in JS, but recommended as private)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Initialisation
* @method _fnInit
* @param {object} oDT DataTables settings object
* @param {object} oConfig Configuration object for AutoFill
* @returns void
"_fnInit": function ( oDT, oConfig )
that = this,
i, iLen;
* Settings
this.s.dt = oDT.fnSettings();
this.dom.table = this.s.dt.nTable;
/* Add and configure the columns */
for ( i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
this._fnAddColumn( i );
if ( typeof oConfig != 'undefined' && typeof oConfig.aoColumnDefs != 'undefined' )
this._fnColumnDefs( oConfig.aoColumnDefs );
if ( typeof oConfig != 'undefined' && typeof oConfig.aoColumns != 'undefined' )
this._fnColumnsAll( oConfig.aoColumns );
/* Auto Fill click and drag icon */
var filler = document.createElement('div');
filler.className = "AutoFill_filler";
document.body.appendChild( filler );
this.dom.filler = filler;
filler.style.display = "block";
this.s.filler.height = $(filler).height();
this.s.filler.width = $(filler).width();
filler.style.display = "none";
/* Border display - one div for each side. We can't just use a single one with a border, as
* we want the events to effectively pass through the transparent bit of the box
var border;
var appender = document.body;
if ( that.s.dt.oScroll.sY !== "" )
that.s.dt.nTable.parentNode.style.position = "relative";
appender = that.s.dt.nTable.parentNode;
border = document.createElement('div');
border.className = "AutoFill_border";
appender.appendChild( border );
this.dom.borderTop = border;
border = document.createElement('div');
border.className = "AutoFill_border";
appender.appendChild( border );
this.dom.borderRight = border;
border = document.createElement('div');
border.className = "AutoFill_border";
appender.appendChild( border );
this.dom.borderBottom = border;
border = document.createElement('div');
border.className = "AutoFill_border";
appender.appendChild( border );
this.dom.borderLeft = border;
* Events
$(filler).mousedown( function (e) {
this.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
that._fnFillerDragStart.call( that, e );
return false;
} );
$('tbody>tr>td', this.dom.table).live( 'mouseover mouseout', function (e) {
that._fnFillerDisplay.call( that, e );
} );
"_fnColumnDefs": function ( aoColumnDefs )
i, j, k, iLen, jLen, kLen,
/* Loop over the column defs array - loop in reverse so first instace has priority */
for ( i=aoColumnDefs.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
/* Each column def can target multiple columns, as it is an array */
aTargets = aoColumnDefs[i].aTargets;
for ( j=0, jLen=aTargets.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
if ( typeof aTargets[j] == 'number' && aTargets[j] >= 0 )
/* 0+ integer, left to right column counting. */
this._fnColumnOptions( aTargets[j], aoColumnDefs[i] );
else if ( typeof aTargets[j] == 'number' && aTargets[j] < 0 )
/* Negative integer, right to left column counting */
this._fnColumnOptions( this.s.dt.aoColumns.length+aTargets[j], aoColumnDefs[i] );
else if ( typeof aTargets[j] == 'string' )
/* Class name matching on TH element */
for ( k=0, kLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; k<kLen ; k++ )
if ( aTargets[j] == "_all" ||
this.s.dt.aoColumns[k].nTh.className.indexOf( aTargets[j] ) != -1 )
this._fnColumnOptions( k, aoColumnDefs[i] );
"_fnColumnsAll": function ( aoColumns )
for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
this._fnColumnOptions( i, aoColumns[i] );
"_fnAddColumn": function ( i )
this.s.columns[i] = {
"enable": true,
"read": this._fnReadCell,
"write": this._fnWriteCell,
"step": this._fnStep,
"complete": null
"_fnColumnOptions": function ( i, opts )
if ( typeof opts.bEnable != 'undefined' )
this.s.columns[i].enable = opts.bEnable;
if ( typeof opts.fnRead != 'undefined' )
this.s.columns[i].read = opts.fnRead;
if ( typeof opts.fnWrite != 'undefined' )
this.s.columns[i].write = opts.fnWrite;
if ( typeof opts.fnStep != 'undefined' )
this.s.columns[i].step = opts.fnStep;
if ( typeof opts.fnCallback != 'undefined' )
this.s.columns[i].complete = opts.fnCallback;
* Find out the coordinates of a given TD cell in a table
* @method _fnTargetCoords
* @param {Node} nTd
* @returns {Object} x and y properties, for the position of the cell in the tables DOM
"_fnTargetCoords": function ( nTd )
var nTr = $(nTd).parents('tr')[0];
return {
"x": $('td', nTr).index(nTd),
"y": $('tr', nTr.parentNode).index(nTr)
* Display the border around one or more cells (from start to end)
* @method _fnUpdateBorder
* @param {Node} nStart Starting cell
* @param {Node} nEnd Ending cell
* @returns void
"_fnUpdateBorder": function ( nStart, nEnd )
border = this.s.border.width,
offsetStart = $(nStart).offset(),
offsetEnd = $(nEnd).offset(),
x1 = offsetStart.left - border,
x2 = offsetEnd.left + $(nEnd).outerWidth(),
y1 = offsetStart.top - border,
y2 = offsetEnd.top + $(nEnd).outerHeight(),
width = offsetEnd.left + $(nEnd).outerWidth() - offsetStart.left + (2*border),
height = offsetEnd.top + $(nEnd).outerHeight() - offsetStart.top + (2*border),
if ( this.s.dt.oScroll.sY !== "" )
/* The border elements are inside the DT scroller - so position relative to that */
offsetScroll = $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).offset(),
scrollTop = $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).scrollTop(),
scrollLeft = $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).scrollLeft();
x1 -= offsetScroll.left - scrollLeft;
x2 -= offsetScroll.left - scrollLeft;
y1 -= offsetScroll.top - scrollTop;
y2 -= offsetScroll.top - scrollTop;
/* Top */
oStyle = this.dom.borderTop.style;
oStyle.top = y1+"px";
oStyle.left = x1+"px";
oStyle.height = this.s.border.width+"px";
oStyle.width = width+"px";
/* Bottom */
oStyle = this.dom.borderBottom.style;
oStyle.top = y2+"px";
oStyle.left = x1+"px";
oStyle.height = this.s.border.width+"px";
oStyle.width = width+"px";
/* Left */
oStyle = this.dom.borderLeft.style;
oStyle.top = y1+"px";
oStyle.left = x1+"px";
oStyle.height = height+"px";
oStyle.width = this.s.border.width+"px";
/* Right */
oStyle = this.dom.borderRight.style;
oStyle.top = y1+"px";
oStyle.left = x2+"px";
oStyle.height = height+"px";
oStyle.width = this.s.border.width+"px";
* Mouse down event handler for starting a drag
* @method _fnFillerDragStart
* @param {Object} e Event object
* @returns void
"_fnFillerDragStart": function (e)
var that = this;
var startingTd = this.dom.currentTarget;
this.s.drag.dragging = true;
that.dom.borderTop.style.display = "block";
that.dom.borderRight.style.display = "block";
that.dom.borderBottom.style.display = "block";
that.dom.borderLeft.style.display = "block";
var coords = this._fnTargetCoords( startingTd );
this.s.drag.startX = coords.x;
this.s.drag.startY = coords.y;
this.s.drag.startTd = startingTd;
this.s.drag.endTd = startingTd;
this._fnUpdateBorder( startingTd, startingTd );
$(document).bind('mousemove.AutoFill', function (e) {
that._fnFillerDragMove.call( that, e );
} );
$(document).bind('mouseup.AutoFill', function (e) {
that._fnFillerFinish.call( that, e );
} );
/* Scrolling information cache */
this.s.screen.y = e.pageY;
this.s.screen.height = $(window).height();
this.s.screen.scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
if ( this.s.dt.oScroll.sY !== "" )
this.s.scroller.top = $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).offset().top;
this.s.scroller.bottom = this.s.scroller.top + $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).height();
/* Scrolling handler - we set an interval (which is cancelled on mouse up) which will fire
* regularly and see if we need to do any scrolling
this.s.screen.interval = setInterval( function () {
var iScrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
var iScrollDelta = iScrollTop - that.s.screen.scrollTop;
that.s.screen.y += iScrollDelta;
if ( that.s.screen.height - that.s.screen.y + iScrollTop < 50 )
$('html, body').animate( {
"scrollTop": iScrollTop + 50
}, 240, 'linear' );
else if ( that.s.screen.y - iScrollTop < 50 )
$('html, body').animate( {
"scrollTop": iScrollTop - 50
}, 240, 'linear' );
if ( that.s.dt.oScroll.sY !== "" )
if ( that.s.screen.y > that.s.scroller.bottom - 50 )
$(that.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).animate( {
"scrollTop": $(that.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).scrollTop() + 50
}, 240, 'linear' );
else if ( that.s.screen.y < that.s.scroller.top + 50 )
$(that.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).animate( {
"scrollTop": $(that.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).scrollTop() - 50
}, 240, 'linear' );
}, 250 );
* Mouse move event handler for during a move. See if we want to update the display based on the
* new cursor position
* @method _fnFillerDragMove
* @param {Object} e Event object
* @returns void
"_fnFillerDragMove": function (e)
if ( e.target && e.target.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TD" &&
e.target != this.s.drag.endTd )
var coords = this._fnTargetCoords( e.target );
if ( coords.x != this.s.drag.startX )
e.target = $('tbody>tr:eq('+coords.y+')>td:eq('+this.s.drag.startX+')', this.dom.table)[0];
coords = this._fnTargetCoords( e.target );
if ( coords.x == this.s.drag.startX )
var drag = this.s.drag;
drag.endTd = e.target;
if ( coords.y >= this.s.drag.startY )
this._fnUpdateBorder( drag.startTd, drag.endTd );
this._fnUpdateBorder( drag.endTd, drag.startTd );
this._fnFillerPosition( e.target );
/* Update the screen information so we can perform scrolling */
this.s.screen.y = e.pageY;
this.s.screen.scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
if ( this.s.dt.oScroll.sY !== "" )
this.s.scroller.scrollTop = $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).scrollTop();
this.s.scroller.top = $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).offset().top;
this.s.scroller.bottom = this.s.scroller.top + $(this.s.dt.nTable.parentNode).height();
* Mouse release handler - end the drag and take action to update the cells with the needed values
* @method _fnFillerFinish
* @param {Object} e Event object
* @returns void
"_fnFillerFinish": function (e)
var that = this;
this.dom.borderTop.style.display = "none";
this.dom.borderRight.style.display = "none";
this.dom.borderBottom.style.display = "none";
this.dom.borderLeft.style.display = "none";
this.s.drag.dragging = false;
clearInterval( this.s.screen.interval );
var coordsStart = this._fnTargetCoords( this.s.drag.startTd );
var coordsEnd = this._fnTargetCoords( this.s.drag.endTd );
var aTds = [];
var bIncrement;
if ( coordsStart.y <= coordsEnd.y )
bIncrement = true;
for ( i=coordsStart.y ; i<=coordsEnd.y ; i++ )
aTds.push( $('tbody>tr:eq('+i+')>td:eq('+coordsStart.x+')', this.dom.table)[0] );
bIncrement = false;
for ( i=coordsStart.y ; i>=coordsEnd.y ; i-- )
aTds.push( $('tbody>tr:eq('+i+')>td:eq('+coordsStart.x+')', this.dom.table)[0] );
var iColumn = coordsStart.x;
var bLast = false;
var aoEdited = [];
var sStart = this.s.columns[iColumn].read.call( this, this.s.drag.startTd );
var oPrepped = this._fnPrep( sStart );
for ( i=0, iLen=aTds.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( i==iLen-1 )
bLast = true;
var original = this.s.columns[iColumn].read.call( this, aTds[i] );
var step = this.s.columns[iColumn].step.call( this, aTds[i], oPrepped, i, bIncrement,
this.s.columns[iColumn].write.call( this, aTds[i], step, bLast );
aoEdited.push( {
"td": aTds[i],
"newValue": step,
"oldValue": original
} );
if ( this.s.columns[iColumn].complete !== null )
this.s.columns[iColumn].complete.call( this, aoEdited );
* Chunk a string such that it can be filled in by the stepper function
* @method _fnPrep
* @param {String} sStr String to prep
* @returns {Object} with parameters, iStart, sStr and sPostFix
"_fnPrep": function ( sStr )
var aMatch = sStr.match(/[\d\.]+/g);
if ( !aMatch || aMatch.length === 0 )
return {
"iStart": 0,
"sStr": sStr,
"sPostFix": ""
var sLast = aMatch[ aMatch.length-1 ];
var num = parseInt(sLast, 10);
var regex = new RegExp( '^(.*)'+sLast+'(.*?)$' );
var decimal = sLast.match(/\./) ? "."+sLast.split('.')[1] : "";
return {
"iStart": num,
"sStr": sStr.replace(regex, "$1SPRYMEDIA_AUTOFILL_STEPPER$2"),
"sPostFix": decimal
* Render a string for it's position in the table after the drag (incrememt numbers)
* @method _fnStep
* @param {Node} nTd Cell being written to
* @param {Object} oPrepped Prepared object for the stepper (from _fnPrep)
* @param {Int} iDiff Step difference
* @param {Boolean} bIncrement Increment (true) or decriment (false)
* @param {String} sToken Token to replace
* @returns {String} Rendered information
"_fnStep": function ( nTd, oPrepped, iDiff, bIncrement, sToken )
var iReplace = bIncrement ? (oPrepped.iStart+iDiff) : (oPrepped.iStart-iDiff);
if ( isNaN(iReplace) )
iReplace = "";
return oPrepped.sStr.replace( sToken, iReplace+oPrepped.sPostFix );
* Read informaiton from a cell, possibly using live DOM elements if suitable
* @method _fnReadCell
* @param {Node} nTd Cell to read
* @returns {String} Read value
"_fnReadCell": function ( nTd )
var jq = $('input', nTd);
if ( jq.length > 0 )
return $(jq).val();
jq = $('select', nTd);
if ( jq.length > 0 )
return $(jq).val();
return nTd.innerHTML;
* Write informaiton to a cell, possibly using live DOM elements if suitable
* @method _fnWriteCell
* @param {Node} nTd Cell to write
* @param {String} sVal Value to write
* @param {Boolean} bLast Flag to show if this is that last update
* @returns void
"_fnWriteCell": function ( nTd, sVal, bLast )
var jq = $('input', nTd);
if ( jq.length > 0 )
$(jq).val( sVal );
jq = $('select', nTd);
if ( jq.length > 0 )
$(jq).val( sVal );
var pos = this.s.dt.oInstance.fnGetPosition( nTd );
this.s.dt.oInstance.fnUpdate( sVal, pos[0], pos[2], bLast );
* Display the drag handle on mouse over cell
* @method _fnFillerDisplay
* @param {Object} e Event object
* @returns void
"_fnFillerDisplay": function (e)
/* Don't display automatically when dragging */
if ( this.s.drag.dragging)
/* Check that we are allowed to AutoFill this column or not */
var nTd = (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'td') ? e.target : $(e.target).parents('td')[0];
var iX = this._fnTargetCoords(nTd).x;
if ( !this.s.columns[iX].enable )
var filler = this.dom.filler;
if (e.type == 'mouseover')
this.dom.currentTarget = nTd;
this._fnFillerPosition( nTd );
filler.style.display = "block";
else if ( !e.relatedTarget || !e.relatedTarget.className.match(/AutoFill/) )
filler.style.display = "none";
* Position the filler icon over a cell
* @method _fnFillerPosition
* @param {Node} nTd Cell to position filler icon over
* @returns void
"_fnFillerPosition": function ( nTd )
var offset = $(nTd).offset();
var filler = this.dom.filler;
filler.style.top = (offset.top - (this.s.filler.height / 2)-1 + $(nTd).outerHeight())+"px";
filler.style.left = (offset.left - (this.s.filler.width / 2)-1 + $(nTd).outerWidth())+"px";
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Constants
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Name of this class
* @constant CLASS
* @type String
* @default AutoFill
AutoFill.prototype.CLASS = "AutoFill";
* AutoFill version
* @constant VERSION
* @type String
* @default 1.1.2
AutoFill.VERSION = "1.1.2";
AutoFill.prototype.VERSION = AutoFill.VERSION;