diff --git a/Create-a-Folder-for-Each-Movie.md b/Create-a-Folder-for-Each-Movie.md index 7e33530..7ea206f 100644 --- a/Create-a-Folder-for-Each-Movie.md +++ b/Create-a-Folder-for-Each-Movie.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ [Filebot](http://www.filebot.net/) is a fantastic utility for getting your movies organized in a way that Radarr can successfully parse. Version 4.7.9's [64 bit](https://sourceforge.mirrorservice.org/f/project/fi/filebot/filebot/FileBot_4.7.9/FileBot_4.7.9_x64.msi) and [32 bit](https://sourceforge.mirrorservice.org/f/project/fi/filebot/filebot/FileBot_4.7.9/FileBot_4.7.9_x86.msi) can still be downloaded free from a SourceForge [mirror](https://sourceforge.mirrorservice.org/f/project/fi/filebot/filebot/FileBot_4.7.9/), but there are also paid versions in the [Windows](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/filebot/9nblggh52t9x?cid=filebot2) and [Apple](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/filebot/id905384638?mt=12&uo=6&at=1l3vupy&ct=filebot2) stores. On Linux, your distribution of choice may have a package for it, like in [Arch's AUR package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/filebot/) or `.deb` files for Debian/Ubuntu from their [download page](http://www.filebot.net/#download). It has both a GUI and a CLI, so should satisfy almost everyone. -There is great help available, including their [format expressions](http://www.filebot.net/naming.html) page. My personal suggestion is to use something like `{ny}\{fn}` *if* your files include useful details like quality, edition and/or group *or* `{ny}/{ny} [{dim[0] >= 1280 ? 'Bluray' : 'DVD'}-{vf}]` if they don't, which would yield `Movie (Year)/Movie (Year) [Bluray-1080p]` or `Movie (Year)/Movie (Year) [DVD-480p]` for example. +There is great help available, including their [format expressions](http://www.filebot.net/naming.html) page. My personal suggestion is to use something like `{ny}\{fn}` *if* your files include useful details like quality, edition and/or group *or* `{ny}/{ny} [{dim[0] >= 1280 ? 'Bluray' : 'DVD'}-{vf}]` if they don't, which would yield `Movie (Year)/Movie (Year) [Bluray-1080p]` or `Movie (Year)/Movie (Year) [DVD-480p]` for example. Instead of `Bluray`, you could also use `WEBDL` if you'd rather your collection be considered that. To keep this pattern for future movies, you should set: