#!/bin/bash ### Description: Sonarr .NET Debian install ### Originally written for Radarr by: DoctorArr - doctorarr@the-rowlands.co.uk on 2021-10-01 v1.0 ### Updates for servarr suite made by Bakerboy448, DoctorArr, brightghost, aeramor and VP-EN ### Version v1.0.0 2023-12-29 - StevieTV - adapted from servarr script for Sonarr installs ### Boilerplate Warning #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, #EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF #MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND #NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE #LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION #OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION #WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. scriptversion="1.0.0" scriptdate="2023-12-29" set -euo pipefail echo "Running Sonarr Install Script - Version [$scriptversion] as of [$scriptdate]" # Am I root?, need root! if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run as root." exit fi app="sonarr" app_port="8989" app_prereq="curl sqlite3 wget" app_umask="0002" branch="main" # Constants ### Update these variables as required for your specific instance installdir="/opt" # {Update me if needed} Install Location bindir="${installdir}/${app^}" # Full Path to Install Location datadir="/var/lib/$app/" # {Update me if needed} AppData directory to use app_bin=${app^} # Binary Name of the app # Prompt User read -r -p "What user should ${app^} run as? (Default: $app): " app_uid app_uid=$(echo "$app_uid" | tr -d ' ') app_uid=${app_uid:-$app} # Prompt Group read -r -p "What group should ${app^} run as? (Default: media): " app_guid app_guid=$(echo "$app_guid" | tr -d ' ') app_guid=${app_guid:-media} echo "This will install [${app^}] to [$bindir] and use [$datadir] for the AppData Directory" echo "${app^} will run as the user [$app_uid] and group [$app_guid]. By continuing, you've confirmed that that user and group will have READ and WRITE access to your Media Library and Download Client Completed Download directories" read -n 1 -r -s -p $'Press enter to continue or ctrl+c to exit...\n' # Create User / Group as needed if [ "$app_guid" != "$app_uid" ]; then if ! getent group "$app_guid" >/dev/null; then groupadd "$app_guid" fi fi if ! getent passwd "$app_uid" >/dev/null; then adduser --system --no-create-home --ingroup "$app_guid" "$app_uid" echo "Created and added User [$app_uid] to Group [$app_guid]" fi if ! getent group "$app_guid" | grep -qw "$app_uid"; then echo "User [$app_uid] did not exist in Group [$app_guid]" usermod -a -G "$app_guid" "$app_uid" echo "Added User [$app_uid] to Group [$app_guid]" fi # Stop the App if running if service --status-all | grep -Fq "$app"; then systemctl stop "$app" systemctl disable "$app".service echo "Stopped existing $app" fi # Create Appdata Directory # AppData mkdir -p "$datadir" chown -R "$app_uid":"$app_guid" "$datadir" chmod 775 "$datadir" echo "Directories created" # Download and install the App # prerequisite packages echo "" echo "Installing pre-requisite Packages" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 apt update && apt install $app_prereq echo "" ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture) # get arch dlbase="https://services.sonarr.tv/v1/download/$branch/latest?version=4&os=linux" case "$ARCH" in "amd64") DLURL="${dlbase}&arch=x64" ;; "armhf") DLURL="${dlbase}&arch=arm" ;; "arm64") DLURL="${dlbase}&arch=arm64" ;; *) echo "Arch not supported" exit 1 ;; esac echo "" echo "Removing previous tarballs" # -f to Force so we fail if it doesnt exist rm -f "${app^}".*.tar.gz echo "" echo "Downloading..." wget --content-disposition "$DLURL" tar -xvzf "${app^}".*.tar.gz echo "" echo "Installation files downloaded and extracted" # remove existing installs echo "Removing existing installation" # If you happen to run this script in the installdir the line below will delete the extracted files and cause the mv some lines below to fail. rm -rf "$bindir" echo "Installing..." mv "${app^}" $installdir chown "$app_uid":"$app_guid" -R "$bindir" chmod 775 "$bindir" rm -rf "${app^}.*.tar.gz" # Ensure we check for an update in case user installs older version or different branch touch "$datadir"/update_required chown "$app_uid":"$app_guid" "$datadir"/update_required echo "App Installed" # Configure Autostart # Remove any previous app .service echo "Removing old service file" rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/"$app".service # Create app .service with correct user startup echo "Creating service file" cat </dev/null [Unit] Description=${app^} Daemon After=syslog.target network.target [Service] User=$app_uid Group=$app_guid UMask=$app_umask Type=simple ExecStart=$bindir/$app_bin -nobrowser -data=$datadir TimeoutStopSec=20 KillMode=process Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF # Start the App echo "Service file created. Attempting to start the app" systemctl -q daemon-reload systemctl enable --now -q "$app" # Finish Update/Installation host=$(hostname -I) ip_local=$(grep -oP '^\S*' <<<"$host") echo "" echo "Install complete" sleep 10 STATUS="$(systemctl is-active "$app")" if [ "${STATUS}" = "active" ]; then echo "Browse to http://$ip_local:$app_port for the ${app^} GUI" else echo "${app^} failed to start" fi # Exit exit 0