using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Ninject; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common; using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core; using NzbDrone.Core.Repository; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Jobs { public class BannerDownloadJob : IJob { private readonly SeriesProvider _seriesProvider; private readonly HttpProvider _httpProvider; private readonly DiskProvider _diskProvider; private readonly EnviromentProvider _enviromentProvider; private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private const string _bannerUrlPrefix = ""; [Inject] public BannerDownloadJob(SeriesProvider seriesProvider, HttpProvider httpProvider, DiskProvider diskProvider, EnviromentProvider enviromentProvider) { _seriesProvider = seriesProvider; _httpProvider = httpProvider; _diskProvider = diskProvider; _enviromentProvider = enviromentProvider; } public BannerDownloadJob() { } public string Name { get { return "Banner Download"; } } public int DefaultInterval { //30 days get { return 43200; } } public virtual void Start(ProgressNotification notification, int targetId, int secondaryTargetId) { Logger.Debug("Starting banner download job"); _diskProvider.CreateDirectory(_enviromentProvider.GetBannerPath()); if (targetId > 0) { var series = _seriesProvider.GetSeries(targetId); if (series != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.BannerUrl)) DownloadBanner(notification, series); return; } var seriesInDb = _seriesProvider.GetAllSeries(); foreach (var series in seriesInDb.Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s.BannerUrl))) { DownloadBanner(notification, series); } Logger.Debug("Finished banner download job"); } public virtual void DownloadBanner(ProgressNotification notification, Series series) { var bannerFilename = Path.Combine(_enviromentProvider.GetBannerPath(), series.SeriesId.ToString()) + ".jpg"; notification.CurrentMessage = string.Format("Downloading banner for '{0}'", series.Title); try { _httpProvider.DownloadFile(_bannerUrlPrefix + series.BannerUrl, bannerFilename); notification.CurrentMessage = string.Format("Successfully download banner for '{0}'", series.Title); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Debug("Failed to download banner for '{0}'", series.Title); notification.CurrentMessage = string.Format("Failed to download banner for '{0}'", series.Title); } } } }