using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using FizzWare.NBuilder; using FluentAssertions; using NUnit.Framework; using NzbDrone.Core.CustomFormats; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles; using NzbDrone.Core.Organizer; using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities; using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework; using NzbDrone.Core.Tv; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.OrganizerTests.FileNameBuilderTests { [TestFixture] public class CustomFormatsFixture : CoreTest { private Series _series; private Episode _episode1; private EpisodeFile _episodeFile; private NamingConfig _namingConfig; private List _customFormats; [SetUp] public void Setup() { _series = Builder .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = "South Park") .Build(); _namingConfig = NamingConfig.Default; _namingConfig.RenameEpisodes = true; Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(c => c.GetConfig()).Returns(_namingConfig); _episode1 = Builder.CreateNew() .With(e => e.Title = "City Sushi") .With(e => e.SeasonNumber = 15) .With(e => e.EpisodeNumber = 6) .With(e => e.AbsoluteEpisodeNumber = 100) .Build(); _episodeFile = new EpisodeFile { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.HDTV720p), ReleaseGroup = "SonarrTest" }; _customFormats = new List() { new CustomFormat() { Name = "INTERNAL", IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = true }, new CustomFormat() { Name = "AMZN", IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = true }, new CustomFormat() { Name = "NAME WITH SPACES", IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = true }, new CustomFormat() { Name = "NotIncludedFormat", IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false } }; Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(v => v.Get(Moq.It.IsAny())) .Returns(v => Quality.DefaultQualityDefinitions.First(c => c.Quality == v)); } [TestCase("{Custom Formats}", "INTERNAL AMZN NAME WITH SPACES")] public void should_replace_custom_formats(string format, string expected) { _namingConfig.StandardEpisodeFormat = format; Subject.BuildFileName(new List { _episode1 }, _series, _episodeFile, customFormats: _customFormats) .Should().Be(expected); } [TestCase("{Custom Formats}", "")] public void should_replace_custom_formats_with_no_custom_formats(string format, string expected) { _namingConfig.StandardEpisodeFormat = format; Subject.BuildFileName(new List { _episode1 }, _series, _episodeFile, customFormats: new List()) .Should().Be(expected); } [TestCase("{Custom Formats:-INTERNAL}", "AMZN NAME WITH SPACES")] [TestCase("{Custom Formats:-NAME WITH SPACES}", "INTERNAL AMZN")] [TestCase("{Custom Formats:-INTERNAL,NAME WITH SPACES}", "AMZN")] [TestCase("{Custom Formats:INTERNAL}", "INTERNAL")] [TestCase("{Custom Formats:NAME WITH SPACES}", "NAME WITH SPACES")] [TestCase("{Custom Formats:INTERNAL,NAME WITH SPACES}", "INTERNAL NAME WITH SPACES")] public void should_replace_custom_formats_with_filtered_names(string format, string expected) { _namingConfig.StandardEpisodeFormat = format; Subject.BuildFileName(new List { _episode1 }, _series, _episodeFile, customFormats: _customFormats) .Should().Be(expected); } [TestCase("{Custom Formats:-}", "{Custom Formats:-}")] [TestCase("{Custom Formats:}", "{Custom Formats:}")] public void should_not_replace_custom_formats_due_to_invalid_token(string format, string expected) { _namingConfig.StandardEpisodeFormat = format; Subject.BuildFileName(new List { _episode1 }, _series, _episodeFile, customFormats: _customFormats) .Should().Be(expected); } [TestCase("{Custom Format}", "")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:INTERNAL}", "INTERNAL")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:AMZN}", "AMZN")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:NAME WITH SPACES}", "NAME WITH SPACES")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:DOESNOTEXIST}", "")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:INTERNAL} - {Custom Format:AMZN}", "INTERNAL - AMZN")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:AMZN} - {Custom Format:INTERNAL}", "AMZN - INTERNAL")] public void should_replace_custom_format(string format, string expected) { _namingConfig.StandardEpisodeFormat = format; Subject.BuildFileName(new List { _episode1 }, _series, _episodeFile, customFormats: _customFormats) .Should().Be(expected); } [TestCase("{Custom Format}", "")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:INTERNAL}", "")] [TestCase("{Custom Format:AMZN}", "")] public void should_replace_custom_format_with_no_custom_formats(string format, string expected) { _namingConfig.StandardEpisodeFormat = format; Subject.BuildFileName(new List { _episode1 }, _series, _episodeFile, customFormats: new List()) .Should().Be(expected); } } }