FluentAssertions Provides a fluent API for verifying an arbitrary condition. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the name or identifier of the current subject, or a default value if the subject is not known. Indicates that every argument passed into is displayed on a separate line. Gets or sets the name of the subject for the next verification. The amount of time that a should exceed compared to another . The amount of time that a should be equal or exceed compared to another . The amount of time that a should differ exactly compared to another . The maximum amount of time that a should differ compared to another . The amount of time that a should be within another . Gets the object which value is being asserted. Gets the object which value is being asserted. Asserts that the object is assignable to a variable of type . The type to which the object should be assignable. An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the object is assignable to a variable of type . The type to which the object should be assignable. The reason why the object should be assignable to the type. The parameters used when formatting the . An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the is statisfied. The predicate which must be satisfied by the . An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the is satisfied. The predicate which must be statisfied by the . The reason why the predicate should be satisfied. The parameters used when formatting the . An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the is satisfied. The predicate which must be statisfied by the . An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the is satisfied. The predicate which must be statisfied by the . The reason why the predicate should be satisfied. The parameters used when formatting the . An which can be used to chain assertions. Gets the object which value is being asserted. Asserts that the number of items in the collection matches the supplied amount. Asserts that the number of items in the collection matches the supplied amount. Asserts that the number of items in the collection matches a condition stated by a predicate. Asserts that the number of items in the collection matches a condition stated by a predicate. Asserts that the collection does not contain any items. Asserts that the collection does not contain any items. Asserts that the collection contains at least 1 item. Asserts that the collection contains at least 1 item. Asserts that the collection does not contain any duplicate items. Asserts that the collection does not contain any duplicate items. Asserts that the collection does not contain any null items. Asserts that the collection does not contain any null items. Expects the current collection to contain all the same elements in the same order as the collection identified by . Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection to contain all the same elements in the same order as the collection identified by . Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection to contain all the same elements in the same order as the collection identified by . Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection not to contain all the same elements in the same order as the collection identified by . Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection not to contain all the same elements in the same order as the collection identified by . Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection to contain all elements of the collection identified by , regardless of the order. Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection to contain all elements of the collection identified by , regardless of the order. Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection to contain all elements of the collection identified by , regardless of the order. Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection not to contain all elements of the collection identified by , regardless of the order. Elements are compared using their . Expects the current collection not to contain all elements of the collection identified by , regardless of the order. Elements are compared using their . Asserts that the current collection only contains items that are assignable to the type . Expects the current collection to contain the specified elements in any order. Elements are compared using their implementation. Expects the current collection to contain the specified elements in any order. Elements are compared using their implementation. Expects the current collection to contain the specified elements in the exact same order. Elements are compared using their implementation. Expects the current collection to contain the specified elements in the exact same order. Elements are compared using their implementation. Asserts that the collection is a subset of the . Asserts that the collection is a subset of the . A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that the collection is not a subset of the . Asserts that the collection is not a subset of the . A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Assert that the current collection has the same number of elements as . Assert that the current collection has the same number of elements as . Asserts that the current collection has not been initialized yet with an actual collection. Asserts that the current collection has not been initialized yet with an actual collection. Asserts that the current collection has been initialized with an actual collection. Asserts that the current collection has been initialized with an actual collection. Asserts that the current collection has the supplied at the supplied . Asserts that the current collection has the supplied at the supplied . Asserts that the current collection only contains items that are assignable to the type . Asserts that the current collection does not contain the supplied item. Asserts that the current collection does not contain the supplied item. Asserts that the collection contains the specified item. Asserts that the collection contains the specified item. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that the collection contains some extra items in addition to the original items. Asserts that the collection contains at least one item that matches the predicate. Asserts that the collection contains at least one item that matches the predicate. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that the collection only contains items that match a predicate. Asserts that the collection only contains items that match a predicate. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that the collection does not contain any items that match the predicate. Asserts that the collection does not contain any items that match the predicate. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Provides services for formatting an object being used in an assertion in a human readable format. A list of objects responsible for formatting the objects represented by placeholders. Returns a human-readable representation of a particular object. Returns a human-readable representation of a particular object that starts on a new line. Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts a floating point value approximates another value as close as possible. The expected value to compare the actual value with. The maximum amount of which the two values may differ. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Records activity for a single event. Records raised events for one event on one object Store information about a raised event Parameters the event was raised with The object events are recorded from The name of the event that's recorded The object events are recorded from The name of the event that's recorded Enumerate raised events Enumerate raised events Called by the auto-generated IL, to record information about a raised event. The object events are recorded from The name of the event that's recorded Helper class for verifying a condition and/or throwing a test harness specific exception representing an assertion failure. Asserts that the supplied is met. The condition to assert. The message that will be used in the exception. This should describe what was expected and why. This message can contain the following three placeholders:
{0} = the expected value {1} = the actual value {2} = a reason explaining the expectations
Any additional placeholders are allowed and will be satisfied using the . The expected value, or null if there is no explicit expected value. The actual value, or null if there is no explicit actual value. Should describe the reason for the expectation. Optional args for formatting placeholders in the . Optional arguments to satisfy any additional placeholders in the
Asserts that the supplied is met. The condition to assert. The message that will be used in the exception. This should describe what was expected and why. This message can contain the following three placeholders:
{0} = the expected value {1} = the actual value {2} = a reason explaining the expectations
Any additional placeholders are allowed and will be satisfied using the . The expected value, or null if there is no explicit expected value. The actual value, or null if there is no explicit actual value. Should describe the reason for the expectation. Optional args for formatting placeholders in the . Optional arguments to satisfy any additional placeholders in the
Handles an assertion failure. The message that will be used in the exception. This should describe what was expected and why. This message can contain the following three placeholders:
{0} = the expected value {1} = the actual value {2} = a reason explaining the expectations
Any additional placeholders are allowed and will be satisfied using the . The expected value, or null if there is no explicit expected value. The actual value, or null if there is no explicit actual value. Should describe the reason for the expectation. Optional args for formatting placeholders in the . Optional arguments to satisfy any additional placeholders in the
Gets an object that wraps and executes a conditional or unconditional verification. Gets the object which value is being asserted. Is responsible for validating the equality of one or more properties of a subject with another object. Returns a based on a number of seconds. Returns a based on a number of seconds. Returns a based on a number of minutes. Returns a based on a number of hours. Returns a based on a number of days. Initializes a new instance of the class. Static methods that aid in generic event subscription Generates an eventhandler for an event of type eventSignature that calls RegisterEvent on recorder when invoked. Finds the Return Type of a Delegate. Returns an Array of Types that make up a delegate's parameter signature. Returns an array of types appended with an EventRecorder reference at the beginning. Returns T/F Dependent on a Type Being a Delegate. Returns the MethodInfo for the Delegate's "Invoke" Method. Asserts that the value of an object equals another object when using it's method. Asserts that an object equals another object using its implementation. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that an object does not equal another object using it's method. Asserts that an object does not equal another object using it's method. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that an object reference refers to the exact same object as another object reference. Asserts that an object reference refers to the exact same object as another object reference. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that an object reference refers to a different object than another object reference refers to. Asserts that an object reference refers to a different object than another object reference refers to. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that an object can be serialized and deserialized using the binary serializer and that it stills retains the values of all properties. Asserts that an object can be serialized and deserialized using the binary serializer and that it stills retains the values of all properties. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that an object can be serialized and deserialized using the XML serializer and that it stills retains the values of all properties. Asserts that an object can be serialized and deserialized using the XML serializer and that it stills retains the values of all properties. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that the thrown exception has a message matching the . The expected message of the exception. Asserts that the thrown exception has a message matching the . The expected message of the exception. The reason why the message of the exception should match the . The parameters used when formatting the . Asserts that the thrown exception contains an inner exception of type . The expected type of the inner exception. An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the thrown exception contains an inner exception of type . The expected type of the inner exception. The reason why the inner exception should be of the supplied type. The parameters used when formatting the . An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the thrown exception contains an inner exception with the . The expected message of the inner exception. An which can be used to chain assertions. Asserts that the thrown exception contains an inner exception with the . The expected message of the inner exception. The reason why the message of the inner exception should match . The parameters used when formatting the . Asserts that the exception matches a particular condition. The condition that the exception must match. Asserts that the exception matches a particular condition. The condition that the exception must match. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Gets the exception object of the exception thrown. Provides methods for selecting one or properties of an object and comparing them with another object. Includes all properties of when comparing the subject with another object using . Includes all properties of including those of the run-time type when comparing the subject with another object using . Includes all properties of when comparing the subject with another object using , except those that the other object does not have. Includes all properties of when comparing the subject with another object using , except those specified using a property expression. Includes only those properties of when comparing the subject with another object using that were specified using a property expression. Asserts that the previously selected properties of have the same value as the equally named properties of . Property values are considered equal if, after converting them to the requested type, calling returns true. Asserts that the previously selected properties of have the same value as the equally named properties of . Property values are considered equal if, after converting them to the requested type, calling returns true. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Gets the object which value is being asserted. Contains extension methods for custom assertions in unit tests. Invokes the specified action on an subject so that you can chain it with any of the ShouldThrow or ShouldNotThrow overloads. Provides methods for asserting the execution time of a method or property. The object that exposes the method or property. A reference to the method or property to measure the execution time of. Returns an object for asserting that the execution time matches certain conditions. Provides methods for asserting the execution time of a method or property. The object that exposes the method or property. A reference to the method or property to measure the execution time of. Returns an object for asserting that the execution time matches certain conditions. Asserts that the throws an exception. The type of the exception it should throw. Returns an object that allows asserting additional members of the thrown exception. Asserts that the throws an exception. The type of the exception it should throw. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Returns an object that allows asserting additional members of the thrown exception. Asserts that the does not throw a particular exception. The type of the exception it should not throw. Any other exceptions are ignored and will satisfy the assertion. Asserts that the does not throw a particular exception. The type of the exception it should not throw. Any other exceptions are ignored and will satisfy the assertion. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that the does not throw any exception at all. Asserts that the does not throw any exception at all. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Forces enumerating a collection. Should be used to assert that a method that uses the yield keyword throws a particular exception. Forces enumerating a collection. Should be used to assert that a method that uses the yield keyword throws a particular exception. Asserts that the properties of an object matches those of another object. Safely casts the specified object to the type specified through . Has been introduced to allow casting objects without breaking the fluent API. Provides methods for asserting that the execution time of an satifies certain conditions. Asserts that the execution time of the operation does not exceed a specified amount of time. The maximum allowed duration. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that the execution time of the operation does not exceed a specified amount of time. The maximum allowed duration. Provides methods for asserting that the execution time of an object member satifies certain conditions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Asserts that a string is equal to another string. The expected string. Asserts that a string is exactly the same as another string, including the casing and any leading or trailing whitespace. The expected string. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Case insensitive comparison Asserts that a string is exactly the same as another string, including the casing and any leading or trailing whitespace. The expected string. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that a string contains another (fragment of a) string. The (fragement of a) string that the current string should contain. Asserts that a string contains another (fragment of a) string. The (fragement of a) string that the current string should contain. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that a string does not contain another (fragment of a) string. The (fragement of a) string that the current string should not contain. Asserts that a string does not contain another (fragment of a) string. The (fragement of a) string that the current string should not contain. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Ensures that a string is neither null or empty. Ensures that a string is neither null or empty. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Ensures that a string is neither null or empty. Ensures that a string is either null or empty. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Ensures that a string is neither null nor empty nor white space Ensures that a string is neither null nor empty nor white space A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Ensures that a string is either null or empty or white space Ensures that a string is either null or empty or white space A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Gets the object which value is being asserted. Asserts that a value is within a range. Where the range is continuous or incremental depends on the actual type of the value. The minimum valid value of the range. The maximum valid value of the range. Asserts that a value is within a range. Where the range is continuous or incremental depends on the actual type of the value. The minimum valid value of the range. The maximum valid value of the range. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Determines whether this instance can handle the specified value. The value. true if this instance can handle the specified value; otherwise, false. Returns a that represents this instance. The value. A that represents this instance. This class is used to store data about an intercepted event Default constructor stores the parameters the event was raised with Parameters for the event Provides methods for asserting that two objects differ in certain ways. Asserts that a occurs a specified amount of time before another . The to compare the subject with. Asserts that a occurs a specified amount of time before another . The to compare the subject with. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Asserts that a occurs a specified amount of time after another . The to compare the subject with. Asserts that a occurs a specified amount of time after another . The to compare the subject with. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. Provides the logic and the display text for a . Provides extension methods for monitoring and querying events. Starts monitoring an object for its events. Thrown if eventSource is Null. Asserts that an object has raised a particular event at least once. The name of the event that should have been raised. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has raised a particular event at least once. The name of the event that should have been raised. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has not raised a particular event. The name of the event that should not be raised. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has not raised a particular event. The name of the event that should not be raised. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has raised the event for a particular property. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has raised the event for a particular property. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has not raised the event for a particular property. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that an object has not raised the event for a particular property. A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended to the message. Zero or more values to use for filling in any compatible placeholders. You must call on the same object prior to this call so that Fluent Assertions can subscribe for the events of the object. Asserts that all occurences of the event originated from the . Asserts that at least one occurrence of the event had an object matching a predicate. Dedicated class for comparing two strings and generating consistent error messages. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the comparison is case sensitive. Simple dictionary that uses a to the event source as the key. This should ensure the Garbage Collector can still clean-up the event source object. Finds the first index at which the does not match the string anymore, including the exact casing. Finds the first index at which the does not match the string anymore, accounting for the specified . Gets the quoted three characters at the specified index of a string, including the index itself. Replaces all characters that might conflict with formatting placeholders and newlines with their escaped counterparts. Asserts that a nullable numeric value is not null. Asserts that a nullable numeric value is not null. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in . Asserts that a nullable numeric value is null. Asserts that a nullable numeric value is null. A formatted phrase as is supported by explaining why the assertion is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word because, it is prepended automatically. Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in .