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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FizzWare.NBuilder;
using Moq;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Instrumentation;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers;
using SubSonic.DataProviders;
using SubSonic.Repository;
using TvdbLib;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test
/// <summary>
/// Provides the standard Mocks needed for a typical test
/// </summary>
static class MockLib
public static string[] StandardSeries
get { return new string[] { "c:\\tv\\the simpsons", "c:\\tv\\family guy", "c:\\tv\\southpark", "c:\\tv\\24" }; }
public static IRepository GetEmptyRepository()
return GetEmptyRepository(true);
public static IRepository GetEmptyRepository(bool enableLogging)
Console.WriteLine("Creating an empty SQLite database");
var provider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider("Data Source=" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".db;Version=3;New=True", "System.Data.SQLite");
if (enableLogging)
provider.Log = new NlogWriter();
provider.LogParams = true;
return new SimpleRepository(provider, SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations);
public static IConfigProvider StandardConfig
var mock = new Mock<IConfigProvider>();
mock.SetupGet(c => c.SeriesRoot).Returns("C:\\");
return mock.Object;
public static IDiskProvider GetStandardDisk(int seasons, int episodes)
var mock = new Mock<IDiskProvider>();
mock.Setup(c => c.GetDirectories(It.IsAny<String>())).Returns(StandardSeries);
mock.Setup(c => c.FolderExists(It.Is<String>(d => StandardSeries.Contains(d)))).Returns(true);
foreach (var series in StandardSeries)
var file = new List<String>();
for (int s = 0; s < seasons; s++)
for (int e = 0; e < episodes; e++)
file.Add(String.Format("{0}\\Seasons {1}\\myepname.S{1:00}E{2:00}.avi", series, s, e));
string series1 = series;
mock.Setup(c => c.GetFiles(series1, "*.avi", SearchOption.AllDirectories)).Returns(file.ToArray());
return mock.Object;