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synced 2025-03-12 15:19:45 +00:00
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251 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Ninject;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Helpers;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository.Quality;
using PetaPoco;
using NzbDrone.Common;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers
public class MediaFileProvider
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private readonly ConfigProvider _configProvider;
private readonly IDatabase _database;
private readonly EpisodeProvider _episodeProvider;
public MediaFileProvider(EpisodeProvider episodeProvider, ConfigProvider configProvider, IDatabase database)
_episodeProvider = episodeProvider;
_configProvider = configProvider;
_database = database;
public MediaFileProvider()
public virtual int Add(EpisodeFile episodeFile)
return Convert.ToInt32(_database.Insert(episodeFile));
public virtual void Update(EpisodeFile episodeFile)
public virtual void Delete(int episodeFileId)
public virtual bool Exists(string path)
return _database.Exists<EpisodeFile>("WHERE Path =@0", path.NormalizePath());
public virtual EpisodeFile GetFileByPath(string path)
return _database.SingleOrDefault<EpisodeFile>("WHERE Path =@0", path.NormalizePath());
public virtual EpisodeFile GetEpisodeFile(int episodeFileId)
return _database.Single<EpisodeFile>(episodeFileId);
public virtual List<EpisodeFile> GetEpisodeFiles()
return _database.Fetch<EpisodeFile>();
public virtual IList<EpisodeFile> GetSeriesFiles(int seriesId)
return _database.Fetch<EpisodeFile>("WHERE SeriesId= @0", seriesId);
public virtual IList<EpisodeFile> GetSeasonFiles(int seriesId, int seasonNumber)
return _database.Fetch<EpisodeFile>("WHERE SeriesId= @0 AND SeasonNumber = @1", seriesId, seasonNumber);
public virtual Tuple<int, int> GetEpisodeFilesCount(int seriesId)
var allEpisodes = _episodeProvider.GetEpisodeBySeries(seriesId).ToList();
var episodeTotal = allEpisodes.Where(e => !e.Ignored && e.AirDate != null && e.AirDate <= DateTime.Today).ToList();
var avilableEpisodes = episodeTotal.Where(e => e.EpisodeFileId > 0).ToList();
return new Tuple<int, int>(avilableEpisodes.Count, episodeTotal.Count);
public virtual FileInfo CalculateFilePath(Series series, int seasonNumber, string fileName, string extention)
string path = series.Path;
if (series.SeasonFolder)
var seasonFolder = _configProvider.SortingSeasonFolderFormat
.Replace("%0s", seasonNumber.ToString("00"))
.Replace("%s", seasonNumber.ToString());
path = Path.Combine(path, seasonFolder);
path = Path.Combine(path, fileName + extention);
return new FileInfo(path);
public virtual void CleanUpDatabase()
Logger.Trace("Verifying Episode > Episode file relationships.");
string updateString = "UPDATE Episodes SET EpisodeFileId = 0, GrabDate = NULL, PostDownloadStatus = 0";
if (_configProvider.AutoIgnorePreviouslyDownloadedEpisodes)
updateString += ", Ignored = 1";
var updated = _database.Execute(updateString +
@"WHERE EpisodeFileId IN
(SELECT Episodes.EpisodeFileId FROM Episodes
ON Episodes.EpisodeFileId = EpisodeFiles.EpisodeFileId
WHERE Episodes.EpisodeFileId > 0 AND EpisodeFiles.EpisodeFileId IS NULL)");
if (updated > 0)
Logger.Debug("Removed {0} invalid links to episode files.", updated);
Logger.Trace("Deleting orphan files.");
updated = _database.Execute(@"DELETE FROM EpisodeFiles
WHERE EpisodeFileId IN
(SELECT EpisodeFiles.EpisodeFileId FROM EpisodeFiles
ON EpisodeFiles.EpisodeFileId = Episodes.EpisodeFileId
WHERE Episodes.EpisodeFileId IS NULL)");
if (updated > 0)
Logger.Debug("Removed {0} orphan file(s) from database.", updated);
public virtual string GetNewFilename(IList<Episode> episodes, string seriesTitle, QualityTypes quality, bool proper, EpisodeFile episodeFile)
if (_configProvider.SortingUseSceneName)
Logger.Trace("Attempting to use scene name");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(episodeFile.SceneName))
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(episodeFile.Path);
Logger.Trace("Unable to use scene name, because it is null, sticking with current name: {0}", name);
return name;
return episodeFile.SceneName;
var sortedEpisodes = episodes.OrderBy(e => e.EpisodeNumber);
var separatorStyle = EpisodeSortingHelper.GetSeparatorStyle(_configProvider.SortingSeparatorStyle);
var numberStyle = EpisodeSortingHelper.GetNumberStyle(_configProvider.SortingNumberStyle);
var episodeNames = new List<String>();
string result = String.Empty;
if (_configProvider.SortingIncludeSeriesName)
result += seriesTitle + separatorStyle.Pattern;
result += numberStyle.Pattern.Replace("%0e", String.Format("{0:00}", sortedEpisodes.First().EpisodeNumber));
if (episodes.Count > 1)
var multiEpisodeStyle = EpisodeSortingHelper.GetMultiEpisodeStyle(_configProvider.SortingMultiEpisodeStyle);
foreach (var episode in sortedEpisodes.Skip(1))
if (multiEpisodeStyle.Name == "Duplicate")
result += separatorStyle.Pattern + numberStyle.Pattern;
result += multiEpisodeStyle.Pattern;
result = result.Replace("%0e", String.Format("{0:00}", episode.EpisodeNumber));
result = result
.Replace("%s", String.Format("{0}", episodes.First().SeasonNumber))
.Replace("%0s", String.Format("{0:00}", episodes.First().SeasonNumber))
.Replace("%x", numberStyle.EpisodeSeparator)
.Replace("%p", separatorStyle.Pattern);
if (_configProvider.SortingIncludeEpisodeTitle)
if (episodeNames.Distinct().Count() == 1)
result += separatorStyle.Pattern + episodeNames.First();
result += separatorStyle.Pattern + String.Join(" + ", episodeNames.Distinct());
if (_configProvider.SortingAppendQuality)
result += String.Format(" [{0}]", quality);
if (proper)
result += " [Proper]";
if (_configProvider.SortingReplaceSpaces)
result = result.Replace(' ', '.');
Logger.Trace("New File Name is: [{0}]", result.Trim());
return CleanFilename(result.Trim());
public virtual void ChangeQuality(int episodeFileId, QualityTypes quality)
_database.Execute("UPDATE EpisodeFiles SET Quality = @quality WHERE EpisodeFileId = @episodeFileId", new { episodeFileId, quality });
public virtual void ChangeQuality(int seriesId, int seasonNumber, QualityTypes quality)
_database.Execute("UPDATE EpisodeFiles SET Quality = @quality WHERE SeriesId = @seriesId AND SeasonNumber = @seasonNumber", new { seriesId, seasonNumber, quality });
public static string CleanFilename(string name)
string result = name;
string[] badCharacters = { "\\", "/", "<", ">", "?", "*", ":", "|", "\"" };
string[] goodCharacters = { "+", "+", "{", "}", "!", "@", "-", "#", "`" };
for (int i = 0; i < badCharacters.Length; i++)
result = result.Replace(badCharacters[i], goodCharacters[i]);
return result.Trim();
} |