
265 lines
12 KiB

@using NzbDrone.Web.Helpers
@{ViewBag.Title = "NzbDrone";}
@section HeaderContent
width: 125px;
height: 20px;
background-color: transparent;
border: 1px solid #065EFE;
margin: 2px;
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid #065EFE;
.ui-progressbar-value .progressBarText
position: relative;
font-weight: normal;
color: white;
/* Set the row height so it won't resize when the progress bar is created */
.seriesTable tr
height: 28px;
.commandsColumn, .statusColumn
text-align: center;
.ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-delete-button
margin-right: 445px;
@section ActionMenu{
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Add Series", "Index", "AddSeries", null, new { Title = "Add a new or existing series" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Start RSS Sync", "RssSync", "Command", null, null, new { Title = "Check for newly released downloads" })</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Series Editor", "Editor", "Series", null, new { Title = "Edit multiple series" })</li>
<table id="seriesGrid" class="dataTablesGrid hidden-grid">
<th style="width: 10px">Status</th>
<th style="width: auto">Title</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Seasons</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Quality</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Network</th>
<th style="width: 140px">Next Airing</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Episodes</th>
@*Commands Column*@
<th style="width: 80px"></th>
<div style="visibility: hidden">
<div id="seriesEditor" title="Edit Series">
<div id="seriesDelete" title="Delete Series">
<input class="seriesId" type="hidden" value="" />
Are you sure you want to delete '<span class="seriesTitle"></span>'?
<div class="series-delete-files">
<label for="DeleteFromDisk">Delete all files from disk?</label>
@section Scripts{
<script type="text/javascript">
var pauseImage = '<i class="icon-pause grid-icon" title="Not Monitored"></i>';
var stopImage = '<i class="icon-stop grid-icon" title="Ended"></i>';
var playImage = '<i class="icon-play grid-icon" title="Continuing"></i>';
$(document).ready(function () {
oTable = $('.dataTablesGrid').dataTable({
"sAjaxSource": "Series/Series",
"bServerSide": false,
"bShowAll": false,
"bPaginate": false,
"bLengthChange": false,
"bFilter": false,
"bSort": true,
"bInfo": false,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bStateSave": true,
"iCookieDuration": 60 * 60 *24 * 365, //1 year
"aoColumns": [
{ sWidth: '70px',
"sClass": "statusColumn",
"mDataProp": function (source, type, val) {
// 'display' and 'filter' use our fancy naming
if (type === 'display' || type === 'filter') {
var monitored = source["Monitored"];
var status = source["Status"];
if (!monitored) {
return pauseImage;
else {
if (status === "Ended"){
return stopImage;
else {
return playImage;
// 'sort' and 'type' both just use the raw data
return source["Status"];
}, //Status
{ sWidth: 'auto', "mDataProp": function (source, type, val) {
// 'display' and 'filter' use our fancy naming
if (type === 'display' || type === 'filter') {
return "<a href='/Series/Details?seriesId=" + source["SeriesId"] + "'>" + source["Title"] + "</a>";
// 'sort' and 'type' both just use the raw data
return source["TitleSorter"];
}, //Title
{ sWidth: '100px', "mDataProp": "SeasonsCount" }, //Seasons
{ sWidth: '100px', "mDataProp": "QualityProfileName", sClass: "qualityColumn" }, //Quality
{ sWidth: '120px', "mDataProp": "Network" }, //Network
{ sWidth: '120px', "mDataProp": function (source, type, val) {
// 'display' and 'filter' use our fancy naming
if (type === 'display' || type === 'filter') {
return source["NextAiring"];
// 'sort' and 'type' both just use the raw data
return source["NextAiringSorter"];
}, //Next Airing
{ sWidth: '140px', "mDataProp": "Episodes", "bSortable": false, "fnRender": function (row) {
var progress = 100;
if (row.aData["EpisodeCount"] > 0)
progress = row.aData["EpisodeFileCount"] / row.aData["EpisodeCount"] * 100;
var result = "<div class='progressBar' data-value='" + progress + "'>" +
"<span class='progressBarText'>" + row.aData["EpisodeFileCount"] + " / " + row.aData["EpisodeCount"] +"</span>" +
return result;
}, //Episodes
sWidth: '50px', "mDataProp": "HasBanner", "bSortable": false, "fnRender": function (row) {
return "<i class='icon-cog editButton gridAction' title = 'Edit Series' value='" + row.aData["SeriesId"] + "' rel='" + row.aData["Title"] + "' ></i> " +
"<i class='icon-remove deleteButton gridAction' title = 'Delete Series' value='" + row.aData["SeriesId"] + "' rel='" + row.aData["Title"] + "'></i>";
return "<img src='../../Content/Images/settings.png' class='editButton gridAction' title = 'Edit Series' value='" + row.aData["SeriesId"] + "' rel='" + row.aData["Title"] + "' />" +
"<img src='../../Content/Images/close.png' class='deleteButton gridAction' title = 'Delete Series' value='" + row.aData["SeriesId"] + "' rel='" + row.aData["Title"] + "'/>";
}, //Commands
{ sWidth: '60px', "mDataProp": "Details", "bSortable": false, "bVisible": false, "fnRender": function (row) {
var result = "<b>Airs Day of Week: </b>" + row.aData["AirsDayOfWeek"] + "<br/>" +
"<b>Air Time: </b>" + row.aData["AirTime"] + "<br/>" +
"<b>Overview: </b>" + row.aData["Overview"] + "<br/>";
return result;
} //Details
"aaSorting": [[1, 'asc']],
"fnCreatedRow": function( nRow, aData, iDataIndex ) {
$(nRow).attr('data-series-id', aData["SeriesId"].toString());
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
var element = $(nRow).find('.progressBar');
var progressbar = $(element).progressbar({
value: parseInt($(element).attr("data-value"))
var label = progressbar.find('.progressBarText').clone().width(progressbar.width());
"oLanguage": {
"sEmptyTable": "No series have been added"
//After we delete a series do this...
function afterDelete(seriesId) {
var row = $('[data-series-id="' + seriesId + '"]');
if ($(row).hasClass('details-opened')) {
var nextRow = $(row).next('tr');
if($(nextRow).children('.Details').length > 0) {
//After we save do this...
function afterSave() {
//Update Quality
var seriesId = $('#SeriesId').val();
var quality = $('#QualityProfileId :selected').text();
$('.' + seriesId).children('.qualityColumn').text(quality);
function updateStatus() {
var monitored = $('#Monitored').attr('checked');
var seriesId = $('#SeriesId').val();
var status = $('#Status').val();
var imgContainer = $('.' + seriesId).children('.statusColumn');
if (!monitored) {
else {
if (status === "Ended") {
else {