Add a jackett /all section.

Donald Webster 2020-11-03 08:18:26 -08:00
parent 902ef07c3c
commit 760f9a3d16
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ You'll be connecting to most indexers/trackers via https, so you'll need that to
### Hitting rate limits
If you run your Sonarr through a VPN or proxy, you may be competing with 10s or 100s or 1000s of other people all trying to use services like TVDB, Xem and/or your indexers and trackers. Rate limiting and ddos protection are often done by IP address and your VPN/proxy exit point is *one* IP address. Unless you're in a repressive country like China, Australia or South Africa you don't need to VPN/proxy your Sonarr/Radarr.
### Using the Jackett /all endpoint
The Jackett `/all` endpoint is convenient, but that is essentially its only benefit. Everything else is potential problems, so adding each tracker individually is preferred. It allows for fine tuning of categories on a per tracker basis, which can be a problem w/ the `/all` end point if using the wrong category causes errors on some. In Sonarr, each indexer/tracker is limited to 1000 results if pagination is supported or 100 if not, which means as you add more and more trackers to Jackett, you're more and more likely to clip results. Finally, if *one* of the trackers in `/all` returns an error, Sonarr will disable it and now you don't get any results.
## Errors
These are some of the common errors you may see when adding an indexer