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# Copyright (C) Dnspython Contributors, see LICENSE for text of ISC license
"""DNS Versioned Zones."""
import collections
import threading
from typing import Callable, Deque, Optional, Set, Union
import dns.exception
import dns.immutable
import dns.node
import dns.rdataclass
import dns.rdataset
import dns.rdatatype
import dns.rdtypes.ANY.SOA
class UseTransaction(dns.exception.DNSException):
"""To alter a versioned zone, use a transaction."""
# Backwards compatibility
Node =
ImmutableNode =
Version =
WritableVersion =
ImmutableVersion =
Transaction =
class Zone( # lgtm[py/missing-equals]
__slots__ = [
node_factory = Node
def __init__(
origin: Optional[Union[, str]],
rdclass: dns.rdataclass.RdataClass = dns.rdataclass.IN,
relativize: bool = True,
pruning_policy: Optional[Callable[["Zone", Version], Optional[bool]]] = None,
"""Initialize a versioned zone object.
*origin* is the origin of the zone. It may be a ````,
a ``str``, or ``None``. If ``None``, then the zone's origin will
be set by the first ``$ORIGIN`` line in a zone file.
*rdclass*, an ``int``, the zone's rdata class; the default is class IN.
*relativize*, a ``bool``, determine's whether domain names are
relativized to the zone's origin. The default is ``True``.
*pruning policy*, a function taking a ``Zone`` and a ``Version`` and returning
a ``bool``, or ``None``. Should the version be pruned? If ``None``,
the default policy, which retains one version is used.
super().__init__(origin, rdclass, relativize)
self._versions: Deque[Version] = collections.deque()
self._version_lock = threading.Lock()
if pruning_policy is None:
self._pruning_policy = self._default_pruning_policy
self._pruning_policy = pruning_policy
self._write_txn: Optional[Transaction] = None
self._write_event: Optional[threading.Event] = None
self._write_waiters: Deque[threading.Event] = collections.deque()
self._readers: Set[Transaction] = set()
None, WritableVersion(self, replacement=True), origin
def reader(
self, id: Optional[int] = None, serial: Optional[int] = None
) -> Transaction: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
if id is not None and serial is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot specify both id and serial")
with self._version_lock:
if id is not None:
version = None
for v in reversed(self._versions):
if == id:
version = v
if version is None:
raise KeyError("version not found")
elif serial is not None:
if self.relativize:
oname =
assert self.origin is not None
oname = self.origin
version = None
for v in reversed(self._versions):
n = v.nodes.get(oname)
if n:
rds = n.get_rdataset(self.rdclass, dns.rdatatype.SOA)
if rds and rds[0].serial == serial:
version = v
if version is None:
raise KeyError("serial not found")
version = self._versions[-1]
txn = Transaction(self, False, version)
return txn
def writer(self, replacement: bool = False) -> Transaction:
event = None
while True:
with self._version_lock:
# Checking event == self._write_event ensures that either
# no one was waiting before we got lucky and found no write
# txn, or we were the one who was waiting and got woken up.
# This prevents "taking cuts" when creating a write txn.
if self._write_txn is None and event == self._write_event:
# Creating the transaction defers version setup
# (i.e. copying the nodes dictionary) until we
# give up the lock, so that we hold the lock as
# short a time as possible. This is why we call
# _setup_version() below.
self._write_txn = Transaction(
self, replacement, make_immutable=True
# give up our exclusive right to make a Transaction
self._write_event = None
# Someone else is writing already, so we will have to
# wait, but we want to do the actual wait outside the
# lock.
event = threading.Event()
# wait (note we gave up the lock!)
# We only wake one sleeper at a time, so it's important
# that no event waiter can exit this method (e.g. via
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
# cancellation) without returning a transaction or waking
# someone else up.
# This is not a problem with Threading module threads as
# they cannot be canceled, but could be an issue with trio
# tasks when we do the async version of writer().
# I.e. we'd need to do something like:
# try:
# event.wait()
# except trio.Cancelled:
# with self._version_lock:
# self._maybe_wakeup_one_waiter_unlocked()
# raise
# Do the deferred version setup.
return self._write_txn
def _maybe_wakeup_one_waiter_unlocked(self):
if len(self._write_waiters) > 0:
self._write_event = self._write_waiters.popleft()
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _default_pruning_policy(self, zone, version):
return True
# pylint: enable=unused-argument
def _prune_versions_unlocked(self):
assert len(self._versions) > 0
# Don't ever prune a version greater than or equal to one that
# a reader has open. This pins versions in memory while the
# reader is open, and importantly lets the reader open a txn on
# a successor version (e.g. if generating an IXFR).
# Note our definition of least_kept also ensures we do not try to
# delete the greatest version.
if len(self._readers) > 0:
least_kept = min( for txn in self._readers)
least_kept = self._versions[-1].id
while self._versions[0].id < least_kept and self._pruning_policy(
self, self._versions[0]
def set_max_versions(self, max_versions: Optional[int]) -> None:
"""Set a pruning policy that retains up to the specified number
of versions
if max_versions is not None and max_versions < 1:
raise ValueError("max versions must be at least 1")
if max_versions is None:
def policy(zone, _): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
return False
def policy(zone, _):
return len(zone._versions) > max_versions
def set_pruning_policy(
self, policy: Optional[Callable[["Zone", Version], Optional[bool]]]
) -> None:
"""Set the pruning policy for the zone.
The *policy* function takes a `Version` and returns `True` if
the version should be pruned, and `False` otherwise. `None`
may also be specified for policy, in which case the default policy
is used.
Pruning checking proceeds from the least version and the first
time the function returns `False`, the checking stops. I.e. the
retained versions are always a consecutive sequence.
if policy is None:
policy = self._default_pruning_policy
with self._version_lock:
self._pruning_policy = policy
def _end_read(self, txn):
with self._version_lock:
def _end_write_unlocked(self, txn):
assert self._write_txn == txn
self._write_txn = None
def _end_write(self, txn):
with self._version_lock:
def _commit_version_unlocked(self, txn, version, origin):
self.nodes = version.nodes
if self.origin is None:
self.origin = origin
# txn can be None in __init__ when we make the empty version.
if txn is not None:
def _commit_version(self, txn, version, origin):
with self._version_lock:
self._commit_version_unlocked(txn, version, origin)
def _get_next_version_id(self):
if len(self._versions) > 0:
id = self._versions[-1].id + 1
id = 1
return id
def find_node(
self, name: Union[, str], create: bool = False
) -> dns.node.Node:
if create:
raise UseTransaction
return super().find_node(name)
def delete_node(self, name: Union[, str]) -> None:
raise UseTransaction
def find_rdataset(
name: Union[, str],
rdtype: Union[dns.rdatatype.RdataType, str],
covers: Union[dns.rdatatype.RdataType, str] = dns.rdatatype.NONE,
create: bool = False,
) -> dns.rdataset.Rdataset:
if create:
raise UseTransaction
rdataset = super().find_rdataset(name, rdtype, covers)
return dns.rdataset.ImmutableRdataset(rdataset)
def get_rdataset(
name: Union[, str],
rdtype: Union[dns.rdatatype.RdataType, str],
covers: Union[dns.rdatatype.RdataType, str] = dns.rdatatype.NONE,
create: bool = False,
) -> Optional[dns.rdataset.Rdataset]:
if create:
raise UseTransaction
rdataset = super().get_rdataset(name, rdtype, covers)
if rdataset is not None:
return dns.rdataset.ImmutableRdataset(rdataset)
return None
def delete_rdataset(
name: Union[, str],
rdtype: Union[dns.rdatatype.RdataType, str],
covers: Union[dns.rdatatype.RdataType, str] = dns.rdatatype.NONE,
) -> None:
raise UseTransaction
def replace_rdataset(
self, name: Union[, str], replacement: dns.rdataset.Rdataset
) -> None:
raise UseTransaction