
290 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import collections
from import Iterable
import textwrap
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import overload
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
import uuid
import warnings
from sqlalchemy.util import asbool # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import immutabledict # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import memoized_property # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import to_list # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import unique_list # noqa
from .compat import inspect_getfullargspec
_T = TypeVar("_T")
class _ModuleClsMeta(type):
def __setattr__(cls, key: str, value: Callable) -> None:
super().__setattr__(key, value)
cls._update_module_proxies(key) # type: ignore
class ModuleClsProxy(metaclass=_ModuleClsMeta):
"""Create module level proxy functions for the
methods on a given class.
The functions will have a compatible signature
as the methods.
_setups: Dict[type, Tuple[set, list]] = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: (set(), [])
def _update_module_proxies(cls, name: str) -> None:
attr_names, modules = cls._setups[cls]
for globals_, locals_ in modules:
cls._add_proxied_attribute(name, globals_, locals_, attr_names)
def _install_proxy(self) -> None:
attr_names, modules = self._setups[self.__class__]
for globals_, locals_ in modules:
globals_["_proxy"] = self
for attr_name in attr_names:
globals_[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name)
def _remove_proxy(self) -> None:
attr_names, modules = self._setups[self.__class__]
for globals_, locals_ in modules:
globals_["_proxy"] = None
for attr_name in attr_names:
del globals_[attr_name]
def create_module_class_proxy(cls, globals_, locals_):
attr_names, modules = cls._setups[cls]
modules.append((globals_, locals_))
cls._setup_proxy(globals_, locals_, attr_names)
def _setup_proxy(cls, globals_, locals_, attr_names):
for methname in dir(cls):
cls._add_proxied_attribute(methname, globals_, locals_, attr_names)
def _add_proxied_attribute(cls, methname, globals_, locals_, attr_names):
if not methname.startswith("_"):
meth = getattr(cls, methname)
if callable(meth):
locals_[methname] = cls._create_method_proxy(
methname, globals_, locals_
def _create_method_proxy(cls, name, globals_, locals_):
fn = getattr(cls, name)
def _name_error(name, from_):
raise NameError(
"Can't invoke function '%s', as the proxy object has "
"not yet been "
"established for the Alembic '%s' class. "
"Try placing this code inside a callable."
% (name, cls.__name__)
) from from_
globals_["_name_error"] = _name_error
translations = getattr(fn, "_legacy_translations", [])
if translations:
spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
if spec[0] and spec[0][0] == "self":
outer_args = inner_args = "*args, **kw"
translate_str = "args, kw = _translate(%r, %r, %r, args, kw)" % (
def translate(fn_name, spec, translations, args, kw):
return_kw = {}
return_args = []
for oldname, newname in translations:
if oldname in kw:
"Argument %r is now named %r "
"for method %s()." % (oldname, newname, fn_name)
return_kw[newname] = kw.pop(oldname)
args = list(args)
if spec[3]:
pos_only = spec[0][: -len(spec[3])]
pos_only = spec[0]
for arg in pos_only:
if arg not in return_kw:
except IndexError:
raise TypeError(
"missing required positional argument: %s"
% arg
return return_args, return_kw
globals_["_translate"] = translate
outer_args = "*args, **kw"
inner_args = "*args, **kw"
translate_str = ""
func_text = textwrap.dedent(
def %(name)s(%(args)s):
p = _proxy
except NameError as ne:
_name_error('%(name)s', ne)
return _proxy.%(name)s(%(apply_kw)s)
% {
"name": name,
"translate": translate_str,
"args": outer_args,
"apply_kw": inner_args,
"doc": fn.__doc__,
lcl = {}
exec(func_text, globals_, lcl)
return lcl[name]
def _with_legacy_names(translations):
def decorate(fn):
fn._legacy_translations = translations
return fn
return decorate
def rev_id() -> str:
return uuid.uuid4().hex[-12:]
def to_tuple(x: Any, default: tuple) -> tuple:
def to_tuple(x: None, default: Optional[_T] = None) -> _T:
def to_tuple(x: Any, default: Optional[tuple] = None) -> tuple:
def to_tuple(x, default=None):
if x is None:
return default
elif isinstance(x, str):
return (x,)
elif isinstance(x, Iterable):
return tuple(x)
return (x,)
def dedupe_tuple(tup: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return tuple(unique_list(tup))
class Dispatcher:
def __init__(self, uselist: bool = False) -> None:
self._registry: Dict[tuple, Any] = {}
self.uselist = uselist
def dispatch_for(
self, target: Any, qualifier: str = "default"
) -> Callable:
def decorate(fn):
if self.uselist:
self._registry.setdefault((target, qualifier), []).append(fn)
assert (target, qualifier) not in self._registry
self._registry[(target, qualifier)] = fn
return fn
return decorate
def dispatch(self, obj: Any, qualifier: str = "default") -> Any:
if isinstance(obj, str):
targets: Sequence = [obj]
elif isinstance(obj, type):
targets = obj.__mro__
targets = type(obj).__mro__
for spcls in targets:
if qualifier != "default" and (spcls, qualifier) in self._registry:
return self._fn_or_list(self._registry[(spcls, qualifier)])
elif (spcls, "default") in self._registry:
return self._fn_or_list(self._registry[(spcls, "default")])
raise ValueError("no dispatch function for object: %s" % obj)
def _fn_or_list(
self, fn_or_list: Union[List[Callable], Callable]
) -> Callable:
if self.uselist:
def go(*arg, **kw):
for fn in fn_or_list:
fn(*arg, **kw)
return go
return fn_or_list # type: ignore
def branch(self) -> Dispatcher:
"""Return a copy of this dispatcher that is independently
d = Dispatcher()
if self.uselist:
(k, [fn for fn in self._registry[k]]) for k in self._registry
return d
def not_none(value: Optional[_T]) -> _T:
assert value is not None
return value