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2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
# Copyright 2009-2022 Joshua Bronson. All rights reserved.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# * Code review nav *
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
# (see comments in
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
# ← Prev: Current: <FIN>
"""Provide :class:`OrderedBidict`."""
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
from import Set
import typing as t
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
from ._base import BidictKeysView
from ._bidict import MutableBidict
from ._orderedbase import OrderedBidictBase
from ._typing import KT, VT
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
# pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false
class OrderedBidict(OrderedBidictBase[KT, VT], MutableBidict[KT, VT]):
"""Mutable bidict type that maintains items in insertion order."""
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def inverse(self) -> 'OrderedBidict[VT, KT]': ...
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Remove all items."""
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self._sntl.nxt = self._sntl.prv = self._sntl
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def _pop(self, key: KT) -> VT:
val = super()._pop(key)
node = self._node_by_korv[key if self._bykey else val]
return val
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def popitem(self, last: bool = True) -> t.Tuple[KT, VT]:
"""*b.popitem() → (k, v)*
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If *last* is true,
remove and return the most recently added item as a (key, value) pair.
Otherwise, remove and return the least recently added item.
:raises KeyError: if *b* is empty.
if not self:
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
raise KeyError('OrderedBidict is empty')
node = getattr(self._sntl, 'prv' if last else 'nxt')
korv = self._node_by_korv.inverse[node]
if self._bykey:
return korv, self._pop(korv)
return self.inverse._pop(korv), korv # pyright: ignore [reportGeneralTypeIssues]
def move_to_end(self, key: KT, last: bool = True) -> None:
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"""Move the item with the given key to the end if *last* is true, else to the beginning.
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:raises KeyError: if *key* is missing
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korv = key if self._bykey else self._fwdm[key]
node = self._node_by_korv[korv]
node.prv.nxt = node.nxt
node.nxt.prv = node.prv
sntl = self._sntl
if last:
lastnode = sntl.prv
node.prv = lastnode
node.nxt = sntl
sntl.prv = lastnode.nxt = node
firstnode = sntl.nxt
node.prv = sntl
node.nxt = firstnode
sntl.nxt = firstnode.prv = node
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# Override the keys() and items() implementations inherited from BidictBase,
# which may delegate to the backing _fwdm dict, since this is a mutable ordered bidict,
# and therefore the ordering of items can get out of sync with the backing mappings
# after mutation. (Need not override values() because it delegates to .inverse.keys().)
def keys(self) -> t.KeysView[KT]:
"""A set-like object providing a view on the contained keys."""
return _OrderedBidictKeysView(self)
def items(self) -> t.ItemsView[KT, VT]:
"""A set-like object providing a view on the contained items."""
return _OrderedBidictItemsView(self)
# The following MappingView implementations use the __iter__ implementations
# inherited from their superclass counterparts in, so they
# continue to yield items in the correct order even after an OrderedBidict
# is mutated. They also provide a __reversed__ implementation, which is not
# provided by the superclasses.
class _OrderedBidictKeysView(BidictKeysView[KT]):
_mapping: OrderedBidict[KT, t.Any]
def __reversed__(self) -> t.Iterator[KT]:
return reversed(self._mapping)
class _OrderedBidictItemsView(t.ItemsView[KT, VT]):
_mapping: OrderedBidict[KT, VT]
def __reversed__(self) -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[KT, VT]]:
ob = self._mapping
for key in reversed(ob):
yield key, ob[key]
# For better performance, make _OrderedBidictKeysView and _OrderedBidictItemsView delegate
# to backing dicts for the methods they inherit from (Cannot delegate
# for __iter__ and __reversed__ since they are order-sensitive.) See also:
def _override_set_methods_to_use_backing_dict(
cls: t.Union[t.Type[_OrderedBidictKeysView[KT]], t.Type[_OrderedBidictItemsView[KT, t.Any]]],
viewname: str,
_setmethodnames: t.Iterable[str] = (
'__lt__', '__le__', '__gt__', '__ge__', '__eq__', '__ne__', '__sub__', '__rsub__',
'__or__', '__ror__', '__xor__', '__rxor__', '__and__', '__rand__', 'isdisjoint',
) -> None:
def make_proxy_method(methodname: str) -> t.Any:
def method(self: t.Union[_OrderedBidictKeysView[KT], _OrderedBidictItemsView[KT, t.Any]], *args: t.Any) -> t.Any:
fwdm = self._mapping._fwdm
if not isinstance(fwdm, dict): # dict view speedup not available, fall back to Set's implementation.
return getattr(Set, methodname)(self, *args)
fwdm_dict_view = getattr(fwdm, viewname)()
fwdm_dict_view_method = getattr(fwdm_dict_view, methodname)
if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], self.__class__) or not isinstance(args[0]._mapping._fwdm, dict):
return fwdm_dict_view_method(*args)
# self and arg are both _OrderedBidictKeysViews or _OrderedBidictItemsViews whose bidicts are backed by a dict.
# Use arg's backing dict's corresponding view instead of arg. Otherwise, e.g. `ob1.keys() < ob2.keys()` would give
# "TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of '_OrderedBidictKeysView' and '_OrderedBidictKeysView'", because
# both `dict_keys(ob1).__lt__(ob2.keys()) is NotImplemented` and `dict_keys(ob2).__gt__(ob1.keys()) is NotImplemented`.
arg_dict_view = getattr(args[0]._mapping._fwdm, viewname)()
return fwdm_dict_view_method(arg_dict_view)
method.__name__ = methodname
method.__qualname__ = f'{cls.__qualname__}.{methodname}'
return method
for name in _setmethodnames:
setattr(cls, name, make_proxy_method(name))
_override_set_methods_to_use_backing_dict(_OrderedBidictKeysView, 'keys')
_override_set_methods_to_use_backing_dict(_OrderedBidictItemsView, 'items')
# * Code review nav *
2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
# ← Prev: Current: <FIN>