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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: rebulk
Version: 3.2.0
Summary: Rebulk - Define simple search patterns in bulk to perform advanced matching on any string.
Author: Rémi Alvergnat
License: MIT
Keywords: re regexp regular expression search pattern string match
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
License-File: LICENSE
Provides-Extra: dev
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: pylint ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: tox ; extra == 'dev'
Provides-Extra: native
Requires-Dist: regex ; extra == 'native'
Provides-Extra: test
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pylint ; extra == 'test'
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ReBulk is a python library that performs advanced searches in strings
that would be hard to implement using [re
module]( or [String
methods]( only.
It includes some features like `Patterns`, `Match`, `Rule` that allows
developers to build a custom and complex string matcher using a readable
and extendable API.
This project is hosted on GitHub: <>
$ pip install rebulk
Regular expression, string and function based patterns are declared in a
`Rebulk` object. It use a fluent API to chain `string`, `regex`, and
`functional` methods to define various patterns types.
>>> from rebulk import Rebulk
>>> bulk = Rebulk().string('brown').regex(r'qu\w+').functional(lambda s: (20, 25))
When `Rebulk` object is fully configured, you can call `matches` method
with an input string to retrieve all `Match` objects found by registered
>>> bulk.matches("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
[<brown:(10, 15)>, <quick:(4, 9)>, <jumps:(20, 25)>]
If multiple `Match` objects are found at the same position, only the
longer one is kept.
>>> bulk = Rebulk().string('lakers').string('la')
>>> bulk.matches("the lakers are from la")
[<lakers:(4, 10)>, <la:(20, 22)>]
String Patterns
String patterns are based on
method to find matches, but returns all matches in the string.
`ignore_case` can be enabled to ignore case.
>>> Rebulk().string('la').matches("lalalilala")
[<la:(0, 2)>, <la:(2, 4)>, <la:(6, 8)>, <la:(8, 10)>]
>>> Rebulk().string('la').matches("LalAlilAla")
[<la:(8, 10)>]
>>> Rebulk().string('la', ignore_case=True).matches("LalAlilAla")
[<La:(0, 2)>, <lA:(2, 4)>, <lA:(6, 8)>, <la:(8, 10)>]
You can define several patterns with a single `string` method call.
>>> Rebulk().string('Winter', 'coming').matches("Winter is coming...")
[<Winter:(0, 6)>, <coming:(10, 16)>]
Regular Expression Patterns
Regular Expression patterns are based on a compiled regular expression.
method is used to find matches.
If [regex module]( is available, it
can be used by rebulk instead of default [re
module]( Enable it with `REBULK_REGEX_ENABLED=1` environment variable.
>>> Rebulk().regex(r'l\w').matches("lolita")
[<lo:(0, 2)>, <li:(2, 4)>]
You can define several patterns with a single `regex` method call.
>>> Rebulk().regex(r'Wint\wr', r'com\w{3}').matches("Winter is coming...")
[<Winter:(0, 6)>, <coming:(10, 16)>]
All keyword arguments from
[re.compile]( are
>>> import re # import required for flags constant
>>> Rebulk().regex('L[A-Z]KERS', flags=re.IGNORECASE) \
... .matches("The LaKeRs are from La")
[<LaKeRs:(4, 10)>]
>>> Rebulk().regex('L[A-Z]', 'L[A-Z]KERS', flags=re.IGNORECASE) \
... .matches("The LaKeRs are from La")
[<La:(20, 22)>, <LaKeRs:(4, 10)>]
>>> Rebulk().regex(('L[A-Z]', re.IGNORECASE), ('L[a-z]KeRs')) \
... .matches("The LaKeRs are from La")
[<La:(20, 22)>, <LaKeRs:(4, 10)>]
If [regex module]( is available, it
automatically supports repeated captures.
>>> # If regex module is available, repeated_captures is True by default.
>>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'(\d+)(?:-(\d+))+').matches("01-02-03-04")
>>> matches[0].children # doctest:+SKIP
[<01:(0, 2)>, <02:(3, 5)>, <03:(6, 8)>, <04:(9, 11)>]
>>> # If regex module is not available, or if repeated_captures is forced to False.
>>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'(\d+)(?:-(\d+))+', repeated_captures=False) \
... .matches("01-02-03-04")
>>> matches[0].children
[<01:(0, 2)+initiator=01-02-03-04>, <04:(9, 11)+initiator=01-02-03-04>]
- `abbreviations`
Defined as a list of 2-tuple, each tuple is an abbreviation. It
simply replace `tuple[0]` with `tuple[1]` in the expression.
\>\>\> Rebulk().regex(r\'Custom-separators\',
abbreviations=\[(\"-\", r\"\[W\_\]+\")\])\...
.matches(\"Custom\_separators using-abbreviations\")
\[\<Custom\_separators:(0, 17)\>\]
Functional Patterns
Functional Patterns are based on the evaluation of a function.
The function should have the same parameters as `Rebulk.matches` method,
that is the input string, and must return at least start index and end
index of the `Match` object.
>>> def func(string):
... index = string.find('?')
... if index > -1:
... return 0, index - 11
>>> Rebulk().functional(func).matches("Why do simple ? Forget about it ...")
[<Why:(0, 3)>]
You can also return a dict of keywords arguments for `Match` object.
You can define several patterns with a single `functional` method call,
and function used can return multiple matches.
Chain Patterns
Chain Patterns are ordered composition of string, functional and regex
patterns. Repeater can be set to define repetition on chain part.
>>> r = Rebulk().regex_defaults(flags=re.IGNORECASE)\
... .defaults(children=True, formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int})\
... .chain()\
... .regex(r'e(?P<episode>\d{1,4})').repeater(1)\
... .regex(r'v(?P<version>\d+)').repeater('?')\
... .regex(r'[ex-](?P<episode>\d{1,4})').repeater('*')\
... .close() # .repeater(1) could be omitted as it's the default behavior
>>> r.matches("This is E14v2-15-16-17").to_dict() # converts matches to dict
MatchesDict([('episode', [14, 15, 16, 17]), ('version', 2)])
Patterns parameters
All patterns have options that can be given as keyword arguments.
- `validator`
Function to validate `Match` value given by the pattern. Can also be
a `dict`, to use `validator` with pattern named with key.
>>> def check_leap_year(match):
... return int(match.value) in [1980, 1984, 1988]
>>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'\d{4}', validator=check_leap_year) \
... .matches("In year 1982 ...")
>>> len(matches)
>>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'\d{4}', validator=check_leap_year) \
... .matches("In year 1984 ...")
>>> len(matches)
Some base validator functions are available in `rebulk.validators`
module. Most of those functions have to be configured using
`functools.partial` to map them to function accepting a single `match`
- `formatter`
Function to convert `Match` value given by the pattern. Can also be
a `dict`, to use `formatter` with matches named with key.
>>> def year_formatter(value):
... return int(value)
>>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'\d{4}', formatter=year_formatter) \
... .matches("In year 1982 ...")
>>> isinstance(matches[0].value, int)
- `pre_match_processor` / `post_match_processor`
Function to mutagen or invalidate a match generated by a pattern.
Function has a single parameter which is the Match object. If
function returns False, it will be considered as an invalid match.
If function returns a match instance, it will replace the original
match with this instance in the process.
- `post_processor`
Function to change the default output of the pattern. Function
parameters are Matches list and Pattern object.
- `name`
The name of the pattern. It is automatically passed to `Match`
objects generated by this pattern.
- `tags`
A list of string that qualifies this pattern.
- `value`
Override value property for generated `Match` objects. Can also be a
`dict`, to use `value` with pattern named with key.
- `validate_all`
By default, validator is called for returned `Match` objects only.
Enable this option to validate them all, parent and children
- `format_all`
By default, formatter is called for returned `Match` values only.
Enable this option to format them all, parent and children included.
- `disabled`
A `function(context)` to disable the pattern if returning `True`.
- `children`
If `True`, all children `Match` objects will be retrieved instead of
a single parent `Match` object.
- `private`
If `True`, `Match` objects generated from this pattern are available
internally only. They will be removed at the end of `Rebulk.matches`
method call.
- `private_parent`
Force parent matches to be returned and flag them as private.
- `private_children`
Force children matches to be returned and flag them as private.
- `private_names`
Matches names that will be declared as private
- `ignore_names`
Matches names that will be ignored from the pattern output, after
- `marker`
If `true`, `Match` objects generated from this pattern will be
markers matches instead of standard matches. They won\'t be included
in `Matches` sequence, but will be available in `Matches.markers`
sequence (see `Markers` section).
A `Match` object is the result created by a registered pattern.
It has a `value` property defined, and position indices are available
through `start`, `end` and `span` properties.
In some case, it contains children `Match` objects in `children`
property, and each child `Match` object reference its parent in `parent`
property. Also, a `name` property can be defined for the match.
If groups are defined in a Regular Expression pattern, each group match
will be converted to a single `Match` object. If a group has a name
defined (`(?P<name>group)`), it is set as `name` property in a child
`Match` object. The whole regexp match (``) will be converted
to the main `Match` object, and all subgroups (1, 2, \... n) will be
converted to `children` matches of the main `Match` object.
>>> matches = Rebulk() \
... .regex(r"One, (?P<one>\w+), Two, (?P<two>\w+), Three, (?P<three>\w+)") \
... .matches("Zero, 0, One, 1, Two, 2, Three, 3, Four, 4")
>>> matches
[<One, 1, Two, 2, Three, 3:(9, 33)>]
>>> for child in matches[0].children:
... '%s = %s' % (, child.value)
'one = 1'
'two = 2'
'three = 3'
It\'s possible to retrieve only children by using `children` parameters.
You can also customize the way structure is generated with `every`,
`private_parent` and `private_children` parameters.
>>> matches = Rebulk() \
... .regex(r"One, (?P<one>\w+), Two, (?P<two>\w+), Three, (?P<three>\w+)", children=True) \
... .matches("Zero, 0, One, 1, Two, 2, Three, 3, Four, 4")
>>> matches
[<1:(14, 15)+name=one+initiator=One, 1, Two, 2, Three, 3>, <2:(22, 23)+name=two+initiator=One, 1, Two, 2, Three, 3>, <3:(32, 33)+name=three+initiator=One, 1, Two, 2, Three, 3>]
Match object has the following properties that can be given to Pattern
- `formatter`
Function to convert `Match` value given by the pattern. Can also be
a `dict`, to use `formatter` with matches named with key.
>>> def year_formatter(value):
... return int(value)
>>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'\d{4}', formatter=year_formatter) \
... .matches("In year 1982 ...")
>>> isinstance(matches[0].value, int)
- `format_all`
By default, formatter is called for returned `Match` values only.
Enable this option to format them all, parent and children included.
- `conflict_solver`
A `function(match, conflicting_match)` used to solve conflict.
Returned object will be removed from matches by `ConflictSolver`
default rule. If `__default__` string is returned, it will fallback
to default behavior keeping longer match.
A `Matches` object holds the result of `Rebulk.matches` method call.
It\'s a sequence of `Match` objects and it behaves like a list.
All methods accepts a `predicate` function to filter `Match` objects
using a callable, and an `index` int to retrieve a single element from
default returned matches.
It has the following additional methods and properties on it.
- `starting(index, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that starts at given index.
- `ending(index, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that ends at given index.
- `previous(match, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that are previous and nearest to
- `next(match, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that are next and nearest to
- `tagged(tag, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that have the given tag defined.
- `named(name, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that have the given name.
- `range(start=0, end=None, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects for given range, sorted from
start to end.
- `holes(start=0, end=None, formatter=None, ignore=None, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of *hole* `Match` objects for given range. A hole
match is created for each range where no match is available.
- `conflicting(match, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects that conflicts with given match.
- `chain_before(self, position, seps, start=0, predicate=None, index=None)`:
Retrieves a list of chained matches, before position, matching
predicate and separated by characters from seps only.
- `chain_after(self, position, seps, end=None, predicate=None, index=None)`:
Retrieves a list of chained matches, after position, matching
predicate and separated by characters from seps only.
- `at_match(match, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects at the same position as match.
- `at_span(span, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects from given (start, end) tuple.
- `at_index(pos, predicate=None, index=None)`
Retrieves a list of `Match` objects from given position.
- `names`
Retrieves a sequence of all `` properties.
- `tags`
Retrieves a sequence of all `Match.tags` properties.
- `to_dict(details=False, first_value=False, enforce_list=False)`
Convert to an ordered dict, with `` as key and
`Match.value` as value.
It\'s a subclass of
that contains a `matches` property which is a dict with ``
as key and list of `Match` objects as value.
If `first_value` is `True` and distinct values are found for the
same name, value will be wrapped to a list. If `False`, first value
only will be kept and values lists can be retrieved with
`values_list` which is a dict with `` as key and list of
`Match.value` as value.
if `enforce_list` is `True`, all values will be wrapped to a list,
even if a single value is found.
If `details` is True, `Match.value` objects are replaced with
complete `Match` object.
- `markers`
A custom `Matches` sequences specialized for `markers` matches (see
If you have defined some patterns with `markers` property, then
`Matches.markers` points to a special `Matches` sequence that contains
only `markers` matches. This sequence supports all methods from
Markers matches are not intended to be used in final result, but can be
used to implement a `Rule`.
Rules are a convenient and readable way to implement advanced
conditional logic involving several `Match` objects. When a rule is
triggered, it can perform an action on `Matches` object, like filtering
out, adding additional tags or renaming.
Rules are implemented by extending the abstract `Rule` class. They are
registered using `Rebulk.rule` method by giving either a `Rule`
instance, a `Rule` class or a module containing `Rule classes` only.
For a rule to be triggered, `Rule.when` method must return `True`, or a
non empty list of `Match` objects, or any other truthy object. When
triggered, `Rule.then` method is called to perform the action with
`when_response` parameter defined as the response of `Rule.when` call.
Instead of implementing `Rule.then` method, you can define `consequence`
class property with a Consequence classe or instance, like
`RemoveMatch`, `RenameMatch` or `AppendMatch`. You can also use a list
of consequence when required : `when_response` must then be iterable,
and elements of this iterable will be given to each consequence in the
same order.
When many rules are registered, it can be useful to set `priority` class
variable to define a priority integer between all rule executions
(higher priorities will be executed first). You can also define
`dependency` to declare another Rule class as dependency for the current
rule, meaning that it will be executed before.
For all rules with the same `priority` value, `when` is called before,
and `then` is called after all.
>>> from rebulk import Rule, RemoveMatch
>>> class FirstOnlyRule(Rule):
... consequence = RemoveMatch
... def when(self, matches, context):
... grabbed = matches.named("grabbed", 0)
... if grabbed and matches.previous(grabbed):
... return grabbed
>>> rebulk = Rebulk()
>>> rebulk.regex("This match(.*?)grabbed", name="grabbed")
<...Rebulk object ...>
>>> rebulk.regex("if it's(.*?)first match", private=True)
<...Rebulk object at ...>
>>> rebulk.rules(FirstOnlyRule)
<...Rebulk object at ...>
>>> rebulk.matches("This match is grabbed only if it's the first match")
[<This match is grabbed:(0, 21)+name=grabbed>]
>>> rebulk.matches("if it's NOT the first match, This match is NOT grabbed")
## v3.2.0 (2023-02-18)
### Feature
* **dependencies:** Add python 3.11 support and drop python 3.6 support ([`e4cb0d8`](
### Fix
* Remove pytest-runner from setup_requires ([`4483d17`](
## v3.1.0 (2021-11-04)
### Feature
* **defaults:** Add overrides support ([#25]( ([`f79e5ea`](
* **python:** Add python 3.10 support, drop python 3.5 support ([`a5e6eb7`](
## v3.0.1 (2020-12-25)
### Fix
* **package:** Fix broken package `No such file or directory: ''` ([#24]( ([`33895ff`](
### Documentation
* **readme:** Add semantic release badge ([`78baca0`](
* **readme:** Fix title ([`d5d4db5`](
## v3.0.0 (2020-12-23)
### Feature
* **regex:** Replace REGEX_DISABLED environment variable with REBULK_REGEX_ENABLED ([`d5a8cad`](
* Add python 3.8/3.9 support, drop python 2.7/3.4 support ([`048a15f`](
### Breaking
* regex module is now disabled by default, even if it's available in the python interpreter. You have to set REBULK_REGEX_ENABLED=1 in your environment to enable it, as this module may cause some issues. ([`d5a8cad`](
* Python 2.7 and 3.4 support have been dropped ([`048a15f`](