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2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import itertools
import pytest
import lxml.etree
except ImportError:
from .support import treeTypes
from html5lib import html5parser, treewalkers
from html5lib.filters.lint import Filter as Lint
import re
attrlist = re.compile(r"^(\s+)\w+=.*(\n\1\w+=.*)+", re.M)
def sortattrs(x):
lines ="\n")
return "\n".join(lines)
def test_all_tokens():
expected = [
{'data': {}, 'type': 'StartTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'html'},
{'data': {}, 'type': 'StartTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'head'},
{'type': 'EndTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'head'},
{'data': {}, 'type': 'StartTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'body'},
{'data': 'a', 'type': 'Characters'},
{'data': {}, 'type': 'StartTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'div'},
{'data': 'b', 'type': 'Characters'},
{'type': 'EndTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'div'},
{'data': 'c', 'type': 'Characters'},
{'type': 'EndTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'body'},
{'type': 'EndTag', 'namespace': '', 'name': 'html'}
for _, treeCls in sorted(treeTypes.items()):
if treeCls is None:
p = html5parser.HTMLParser(tree=treeCls["builder"])
document = p.parse("<html><head></head><body>a<div>b</div>c</body></html>")
document = treeCls.get("adapter", lambda x: x)(document)
output = Lint(treeCls["walker"](document))
for expectedToken, outputToken in zip(expected, output):
assert expectedToken == outputToken
def set_attribute_on_first_child(docfrag, name, value, treeName):
"""naively sets an attribute on the first child of the document
fragment passed in"""
setter = {'ElementTree': lambda d: d[0].set,
'DOM': lambda d: d.firstChild.setAttribute}
setter['cElementTree'] = setter['ElementTree']
setter.get(treeName, setter['DOM'])(docfrag)(name, value)
except AttributeError:
setter['ElementTree'](docfrag)(name, value)
def runTreewalkerEditTest(intext, expected, attrs_to_add, tree):
"""tests what happens when we add attributes to the intext"""
treeName, treeClass = tree
if treeClass is None:
pytest.skip("Treebuilder not loaded")
parser = html5parser.HTMLParser(tree=treeClass["builder"])
document = parser.parseFragment(intext)
for nom, val in attrs_to_add:
set_attribute_on_first_child(document, nom, val, treeName)
document = treeClass.get("adapter", lambda x: x)(document)
output = treewalkers.pprint(treeClass["walker"](document))
output = attrlist.sub(sortattrs, output)
if output not in expected:
raise AssertionError("TreewalkerEditTest: %s\nExpected:\n%s\nReceived:\n%s" % (treeName, expected, output))
def test_treewalker_six_mix():
"""Str/Unicode mix. If str attrs added to tree"""
# On Python 2.x string literals are of type str. Unless, like this
# file, the programmer imports unicode_literals from __future__.
# In that case, string literals become objects of type unicode.
# This test simulates a Py2 user, modifying attributes on a document
# fragment but not using the u'' syntax nor importing unicode_literals
sm_tests = [
('<a href="">Example</a>',
[(str('class'), str('test123'))],
'<a>\n class="test123"\n href=""\n "Example"'),
('<link href="">',
[(str('rel'), str('alternate'))],
'<link>\n href=""\n rel="alternate"\n "Example"')
for tree in sorted(treeTypes.items()):
for intext, attrs, expected in sm_tests:
yield runTreewalkerEditTest, intext, expected, attrs, tree
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tree,char", itertools.product(sorted(treeTypes.items()), ["x", "\u1234"]))
def test_fragment_single_char(tree, char):
expected = [
{'data': char, 'type': 'Characters'}
treeName, treeClass = tree
if treeClass is None:
pytest.skip("Treebuilder not loaded")
parser = html5parser.HTMLParser(tree=treeClass["builder"])
document = parser.parseFragment(char)
document = treeClass.get("adapter", lambda x: x)(document)
output = Lint(treeClass["walker"](document))
assert list(output) == expected
@pytest.mark.skipif(treeTypes["lxml"] is None, reason="lxml not importable")
def test_lxml_xml():
expected = [
{'data': {}, 'name': 'div', 'namespace': None, 'type': 'StartTag'},
{'data': {}, 'name': 'div', 'namespace': None, 'type': 'StartTag'},
{'name': 'div', 'namespace': None, 'type': 'EndTag'},
{'name': 'div', 'namespace': None, 'type': 'EndTag'}
lxmltree = lxml.etree.fromstring('<div><div></div></div>')
walker = treewalkers.getTreeWalker('lxml')
output = Lint(walker(lxmltree))
assert list(output) == expected