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import functools
import re
import sys
from peewee import *
from peewee import _atomic
from peewee import _manual
from peewee import ColumnMetadata # (name, data_type, null, primary_key, table, default)
from peewee import EnclosedNodeList
from peewee import Entity
from peewee import ForeignKeyMetadata # (column, dest_table, dest_column, table).
from peewee import IndexMetadata
from peewee import NodeList
from playhouse.pool import _PooledPostgresqlDatabase
from playhouse.postgres_ext import ArrayField
from playhouse.postgres_ext import BinaryJSONField
from playhouse.postgres_ext import IntervalField
JSONField = BinaryJSONField
except ImportError: # psycopg2 not installed, ignore.
ArrayField = BinaryJSONField = IntervalField = JSONField = None
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
basestring = str
TXN_ERR_MSG = ('CockroachDB does not support nested transactions. You may '
'alternatively use the @transaction context-manager/decorator, '
'which only wraps the outer-most block in transactional logic. '
'To run a transaction with automatic retries, use the '
'run_transaction() helper.')
class ExceededMaxAttempts(OperationalError): pass
class UUIDKeyField(UUIDField):
auto_increment = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('constraints'):
raise ValueError('%s cannot specify constraints.' % type(self))
kwargs['constraints'] = [SQL('DEFAULT gen_random_uuid()')]
kwargs.setdefault('primary_key', True)
super(UUIDKeyField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class RowIDField(AutoField):
field_type = 'INT'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('constraints'):
raise ValueError('%s cannot specify constraints.' % type(self))
kwargs['constraints'] = [SQL('DEFAULT unique_rowid()')]
super(RowIDField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class CockroachDatabase(PostgresqlDatabase):
field_types = PostgresqlDatabase.field_types.copy()
for_update = False
nulls_ordering = False
release_after_rollback = True
def __init__(self, database, *args, **kwargs):
# Unless a DSN or database connection-url were specified, provide
# convenient defaults for the user and port.
if 'dsn' not in kwargs and (database and
not database.startswith('postgresql://')):
kwargs.setdefault('user', 'root')
kwargs.setdefault('port', 26257)
super(CockroachDatabase, self).__init__(database, *args, **kwargs)
def _set_server_version(self, conn):
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute('select version()')
raw, = curs.fetchone()
match_obj = re.match(r'^CockroachDB.+?v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', raw)
if match_obj is not None:
clean = '%d%02d%02d' % tuple(int(i) for i in match_obj.groups())
self.server_version = int(clean) # 19.1.5 -> 190105.
# Fallback to use whatever cockroachdb tells us via protocol.
super(CockroachDatabase, self)._set_server_version(conn)
def _get_pk_constraint(self, table, schema=None):
query = ('SELECT constraint_name '
'FROM information_schema.table_constraints '
'WHERE table_name = %s AND table_schema = %s '
'AND constraint_type = %s')
cursor = self.execute_sql(query, (table, schema or 'public',
row = cursor.fetchone()
return row and row[0] or None
def get_indexes(self, table, schema=None):
# The primary-key index is returned by default, so we will just strip
# it out here.
indexes = super(CockroachDatabase, self).get_indexes(table, schema)
pkc = self._get_pk_constraint(table, schema)
return [idx for idx in indexes if (not pkc) or ( != pkc)]
def conflict_statement(self, on_conflict, query):
if not on_conflict._action: return
action = on_conflict._action.lower()
if action in ('replace', 'upsert'):
return SQL('UPSERT')
elif action not in ('ignore', 'nothing', 'update'):
raise ValueError('Un-supported action for conflict resolution. '
'CockroachDB supports REPLACE (UPSERT), IGNORE '
'and UPDATE.')
def conflict_update(self, oc, query):
action = oc._action.lower() if oc._action else ''
if action in ('ignore', 'nothing'):
parts = [SQL('ON CONFLICT')]
if oc._conflict_target:
Entity(col) if isinstance(col, basestring) else col
for col in oc._conflict_target]))
parts.append(SQL('DO NOTHING'))
return NodeList(parts)
elif action in ('replace', 'upsert'):
# No special stuff is necessary, this is just indicated by starting
# the statement with UPSERT instead of INSERT.
elif oc._conflict_constraint:
raise ValueError('CockroachDB does not support the usage of a '
'constraint name. Use the column(s) instead.')
return super(CockroachDatabase, self).conflict_update(oc, query)
def extract_date(self, date_part, date_field):
return fn.extract(date_part, date_field)
def from_timestamp(self, date_field):
# CRDB does not allow casting a decimal/float to timestamp, so we first
# cast to int, then to timestamptz.
return date_field.cast('int').cast('timestamptz')
def begin(self, system_time=None, priority=None):
super(CockroachDatabase, self).begin()
if system_time is not None:
self.execute_sql('SET TRANSACTION AS OF SYSTEM TIME %s',
(system_time,), commit=False)
if priority is not None:
priority = priority.lower()
if priority not in ('low', 'normal', 'high'):
raise ValueError('priority must be low, normal or high')
self.execute_sql('SET TRANSACTION PRIORITY %s' % priority,
def atomic(self, system_time=None, priority=None):
if self.server_version < NESTED_TX_MIN_VERSION:
return _crdb_atomic(self, system_time, priority)
return super(CockroachDatabase, self).atomic(system_time, priority)
def savepoint(self):
if self.server_version < NESTED_TX_MIN_VERSION:
raise NotImplementedError(TXN_ERR_MSG)
return super(CockroachDatabase, self).savepoint()
def retry_transaction(self, max_attempts=None, system_time=None,
def deco(cb):
def new_fn():
return run_transaction(self, cb, max_attempts, system_time,
return new_fn
return deco
def run_transaction(self, cb, max_attempts=None, system_time=None,
return run_transaction(self, cb, max_attempts, system_time, priority)
class _crdb_atomic(_atomic):
def __enter__(self):
if self.db.transaction_depth() > 0:
if not isinstance(self.db.top_transaction(), _manual):
raise NotImplementedError(TXN_ERR_MSG)
return super(_crdb_atomic, self).__enter__()
def run_transaction(db, callback, max_attempts=None, system_time=None,
Run transactional SQL in a transaction with automatic retries.
User-provided `callback`:
* Must accept one parameter, the `db` instance representing the connection
the transaction is running under.
* Must not attempt to commit, rollback or otherwise manage transactions.
* May be called more than once.
* Should ideally only contain SQL operations.
Additionally, the database must not have any open transaction at the time
this function is called, as CRDB does not support nested transactions.
max_attempts = max_attempts or -1
with db.atomic(system_time=system_time, priority=priority) as txn:
db.execute_sql('SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart')
while max_attempts != 0:
result = callback(db)
db.execute_sql('RELEASE SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart')
return result
except OperationalError as exc:
if exc.orig.pgcode == '40001':
max_attempts -= 1
db.execute_sql('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart')
raise ExceededMaxAttempts(None, 'unable to commit transaction')
class PooledCockroachDatabase(_PooledPostgresqlDatabase, CockroachDatabase):