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2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
"""Tests of the bs4.element.PageElement class"""
import copy
import pickle
import pytest
from soupsieve import SelectorSyntaxError
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import (
from . import SoupTest
class TestEncoding(SoupTest):
"""Test the ability to encode objects into strings."""
def test_unicode_string_can_be_encoded(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert soup.b.string.encode("utf-8") == "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf-8")
def test_tag_containing_unicode_string_can_be_encoded(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert soup.b.encode("utf-8") == html.encode("utf-8")
def test_encoding_substitutes_unrecognized_characters_by_default(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert soup.b.encode("ascii") == b"<b>&#9731;</b>"
def test_encoding_can_be_made_strict(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
soup.encode("ascii", errors="strict")
def test_decode_contents(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert "\N{SNOWMAN}" == soup.b.decode_contents()
def test_encode_contents(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf8") == soup.b.encode_contents(
def test_deprecated_renderContents(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf8") == soup.b.renderContents()
def test_repr(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert html == repr(soup)
class TestFormatters(SoupTest):
"""Test the formatting feature, used by methods like decode() and
prettify(), and the formatters themselves.
def test_default_formatter_is_minimal(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="minimal")
# The < is converted back into &lt; but the e-with-acute is left alone.
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_html(self):
markup = "<br><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="html")
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<br/><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr&eacute; bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_html5(self):
markup = "<br><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="html5")
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<br><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr&eacute; bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_minimal(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="minimal")
# The < is converted back into &lt; but the e-with-acute is left alone.
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_null(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter=None)
# Neither the angle brackets nor the e-with-acute are converted.
# This is not valid HTML, but it's what the user wanted.
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<b><<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>></b>"
def test_formatter_custom(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;foo&gt;</b><b>bar</b><br/>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter = lambda x: x.upper())
# Instead of normal entity conversion code, the custom
# callable is called on every string.
assert decoded == self.document_for("<b><FOO></b><b>BAR</b><br/>")
def test_formatter_is_run_on_attribute_values(self):
markup = '<a href="é">e</a>'
soup = self.soup(markup)
a = soup.a
expect_minimal = '<a href=";c=é">e</a>'
assert expect_minimal == a.decode()
assert expect_minimal == a.decode(formatter="minimal")
expect_html = '<a href=";c=&eacute;">e</a>'
assert expect_html == a.decode(formatter="html")
assert markup == a.decode(formatter=None)
expect_upper = '<a href="HTTP://A.COM?A=B&C=É">E</a>'
assert expect_upper == a.decode(formatter=lambda x: x.upper())
def test_formatter_skips_script_tag_for_html_documents(self):
doc = """
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log("< < hey > > ");
encoded = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser').encode()
assert b"< < hey > >" in encoded
def test_formatter_skips_style_tag_for_html_documents(self):
doc = """
<style type="text/css">
console.log("< < hey > > ");
encoded = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser').encode()
assert b"< < hey > >" in encoded
def test_prettify_leaves_preformatted_text_alone(self):
soup = self.soup("<div> foo <pre> \tbar\n \n </pre> baz <textarea> eee\nfff\t</textarea></div>")
# Everything outside the <pre> tag is reformatted, but everything
# inside is left alone.
assert '<div>\n foo\n <pre> \tbar\n \n </pre>\n baz\n <textarea> eee\nfff\t</textarea>\n</div>' == soup.div.prettify()
def test_prettify_accepts_formatter_function(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup("<html><body>foo</body></html>", 'html.parser')
pretty = soup.prettify(formatter = lambda x: x.upper())
assert "FOO" in pretty
def test_prettify_outputs_unicode_by_default(self):
soup = self.soup("<a></a>")
assert str == type(soup.prettify())
def test_prettify_can_encode_data(self):
soup = self.soup("<a></a>")
assert bytes == type(soup.prettify("utf-8"))
def test_html_entity_substitution_off_by_default(self):
markup = "<b>Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
encoded = soup.b.encode("utf-8")
assert encoded == markup.encode('utf-8')
def test_encoding_substitution(self):
# Here's the <meta> tag saying that a document is
# encoded in Shift-JIS.
meta_tag = ('<meta content="text/html; charset=x-sjis" '
soup = self.soup(meta_tag)
# Parse the document, and the charset apprears unchanged.
assert soup.meta['content'] == 'text/html; charset=x-sjis'
# Encode the document into some encoding, and the encoding is
# substituted into the meta tag.
utf_8 = soup.encode("utf-8")
assert b"charset=utf-8" in utf_8
euc_jp = soup.encode("euc_jp")
assert b"charset=euc_jp" in euc_jp
shift_jis = soup.encode("shift-jis")
assert b"charset=shift-jis" in shift_jis
utf_16_u = soup.encode("utf-16").decode("utf-16")
assert "charset=utf-16" in utf_16_u
def test_encoding_substitution_doesnt_happen_if_tag_is_strained(self):
markup = ('<head><meta content="text/html; charset=x-sjis" '
# Beautiful Soup used to try to rewrite the meta tag even if the
# meta tag got filtered out by the strainer. This test makes
# sure that doesn't happen.
strainer = SoupStrainer('pre')
soup = self.soup(markup, parse_only=strainer)
assert soup.contents[0].name == 'pre'
class TestCSSSelectors(SoupTest):
"""Test basic CSS selector functionality.
This functionality is implemented in soupsieve, which has a much
more comprehensive test suite, so this is basically an extra check
that soupsieve works as expected.
HTML = """
<title>The title</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="blah.css" type="text/css" id="l1">
<custom-dashed-tag class="dashed" id="dash1">Hello there.</custom-dashed-tag>
<div id="main" class="fancy">
<div id="inner">
<h1 id="header1">An H1</h1>
<p>Some text</p>
<p class="onep" id="p1">Some more text</p>
<h2 id="header2">An H2</h2>
<p class="class1 class2 class3" id="pmulti">Another</p>
<a href="" rel="friend met" id="bob">Bob</a>
<h2 id="header3">Another H2</h2>
<a id="me" href="" rel="me">me</a>
<span class="s1">
<a href="#" id="s1a1">span1a1</a>
<a href="#" id="s1a2">span1a2 <span id="s1a2s1">test</span></a>
<span class="span2">
<a href="#" id="s2a1">span2a1</a>
<span class="span3"></span>
<custom-dashed-tag class="dashed" id="dash2"/>
<div data-tag="dashedvalue" id="data1"/>
<x id="xid">
<z id="zida"/>
<z id="zidab"/>
<z id="zidac"/>
<y id="yid">
<z id="zidb"/>
<p lang="en" id="lang-en">English</p>
<p lang="en-gb" id="lang-en-gb">English UK</p>
<p lang="en-us" id="lang-en-us">English US</p>
<p lang="fr" id="lang-fr">French</p>
<div id="footer">
def setup_method(self):
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.HTML, 'html.parser')
def assert_selects(self, selector, expected_ids, **kwargs):
el_ids = [el['id'] for el in, **kwargs)]
assert expected_ids == el_ids, "Selector %s, expected [%s], got [%s]" % (
selector, ', '.join(expected_ids), ', '.join(el_ids)
assertSelect = assert_selects
def assert_select_multiple(self, *tests):
for selector, expected_ids in tests:
self.assert_selects(selector, expected_ids)
def test_one_tag_one(self):
els ='title')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].name == 'title'
assert els[0].contents == ['The title']
def test_one_tag_many(self):
els ='div')
assert len(els) == 4
for div in els:
assert == 'div'
el = self.soup.select_one('div')
assert 'main' == el['id']
def test_select_one_returns_none_if_no_match(self):
match = self.soup.select_one('nonexistenttag')
assert None == match
def test_tag_in_tag_one(self):
els ='div div')
self.assert_selects('div div', ['inner', 'data1'])
def test_tag_in_tag_many(self):
for selector in ('html div', 'html body div', 'body div'):
self.assert_selects(selector, ['data1', 'main', 'inner', 'footer'])
def test_limit(self):
self.assert_selects('html div', ['main'], limit=1)
self.assert_selects('html body div', ['inner', 'main'], limit=2)
self.assert_selects('body div', ['data1', 'main', 'inner', 'footer'],
def test_tag_no_match(self):
assert len('del')) == 0
def test_invalid_tag(self):
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):'tag%t')
def test_select_dashed_tag_ids(self):
self.assert_selects('custom-dashed-tag', ['dash1', 'dash2'])
def test_select_dashed_by_id(self):
dashed ='custom-dashed-tag[id=\"dash2\"]')
assert dashed[0].name == 'custom-dashed-tag'
assert dashed[0]['id'] == 'dash2'
def test_dashed_tag_text(self):
assert'body > custom-dashed-tag')[0].text == 'Hello there.'
def test_select_dashed_matches_find_all(self):
assert'custom-dashed-tag') == self.soup.find_all('custom-dashed-tag')
def test_header_tags(self):
('h1', ['header1']),
('h2', ['header2', 'header3']),
def test_class_one(self):
for selector in ('.onep', 'p.onep', 'html p.onep'):
els =
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].name == 'p'
assert els[0]['class'] == ['onep']
def test_class_mismatched_tag(self):
els ='div.onep')
assert len(els) == 0
def test_one_id(self):
for selector in ('div#inner', '#inner', 'div div#inner'):
self.assert_selects(selector, ['inner'])
def test_bad_id(self):
els ='#doesnotexist')
assert len(els) == 0
def test_items_in_id(self):
els ='div#inner p')
assert len(els) == 3
for el in els:
assert == 'p'
assert els[1]['class'] == ['onep']
assert not els[0].has_attr('class')
def test_a_bunch_of_emptys(self):
for selector in ('div#main del', 'div#main div.oops', 'div div#main'):
assert len( == 0
def test_multi_class_support(self):
for selector in ('.class1', 'p.class1', '.class2', 'p.class2',
'.class3', 'p.class3', 'html p.class2', 'div#inner .class2'):
self.assert_selects(selector, ['pmulti'])
def test_multi_class_selection(self):
for selector in ('.class1.class3', '.class3.class2',
self.assert_selects(selector, ['pmulti'])
def test_child_selector(self):
self.assert_selects('.s1 > a', ['s1a1', 's1a2'])
self.assert_selects('.s1 > a span', ['s1a2s1'])
def test_child_selector_id(self):
self.assert_selects('.s1 > a#s1a2 span', ['s1a2s1'])
def test_attribute_equals(self):
('p[class="onep"]', ['p1']),
('p[id="p1"]', ['p1']),
('[class="onep"]', ['p1']),
('[id="p1"]', ['p1']),
('link[rel="stylesheet"]', ['l1']),
('link[type="text/css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href="blah.css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('[rel="stylesheet"]', ['l1']),
('[type="text/css"]', ['l1']),
('[href="blah.css"]', ['l1']),
('[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('p[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
def test_attribute_tilde(self):
('p[class~="class1"]', ['pmulti']),
('p[class~="class2"]', ['pmulti']),
('p[class~="class3"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class1"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class2"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class3"]', ['pmulti']),
('a[rel~="friend"]', ['bob']),
('a[rel~="met"]', ['bob']),
('[rel~="friend"]', ['bob']),
('[rel~="met"]', ['bob']),
def test_attribute_startswith(self):
('[rel^="style"]', ['l1']),
('link[rel^="style"]', ['l1']),
('notlink[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('link[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('link[href^="bla"]', ['l1']),
('a[href^="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[href^="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[id^="p"]', ['pmulti', 'p1']),
('[id^="m"]', ['me', 'main']),
('div[id^="m"]', ['main']),
('a[id^="m"]', ['me']),
('div[data-tag^="dashed"]', ['data1'])
def test_attribute_endswith(self):
('[href$=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href$=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[id$="1"]', ['l1']),
('[id$="1"]', ['data1', 'l1', 'p1', 'header1', 's1a1', 's2a1', 's1a2s1', 'dash1']),
('div[id$="1"]', ['data1']),
('[id$="noending"]', []),
def test_attribute_contains(self):
# From test_attribute_startswith
('[rel*="style"]', ['l1']),
('link[rel*="style"]', ['l1']),
('notlink[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('link[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('link[href*="bla"]', ['l1']),
('[href*="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[id*="p"]', ['pmulti', 'p1']),
('div[id*="m"]', ['main']),
('a[id*="m"]', ['me']),
# From test_attribute_endswith
('[href*=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href*=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[id*="1"]', ['l1']),
('[id*="1"]', ['data1', 'l1', 'p1', 'header1', 's1a1', 's1a2', 's2a1', 's1a2s1', 'dash1']),
('div[id*="1"]', ['data1']),
('[id*="noending"]', []),
# New for this test
('[href*="."]', ['bob', 'me', 'l1']),
('a[href*="."]', ['bob', 'me']),
('link[href*="."]', ['l1']),
('div[id*="n"]', ['main', 'inner']),
('div[id*="nn"]', ['inner']),
('div[data-tag*="edval"]', ['data1'])
def test_attribute_exact_or_hypen(self):
('p[lang|="en"]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us']),
('[lang|="en"]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us']),
('p[lang|="fr"]', ['lang-fr']),
('p[lang|="gb"]', []),
def test_attribute_exists(self):
('[rel]', ['l1', 'bob', 'me']),
('link[rel]', ['l1']),
('a[rel]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[lang]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us', 'lang-fr']),
('p[class]', ['p1', 'pmulti']),
('[blah]', []),
('p[blah]', []),
('div[data-tag]', ['data1'])
def test_quoted_space_in_selector_name(self):
html = """<div style="display: wrong">nope</div>
<div style="display: right">yes</div>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
[chosen] ='div[style="display: right"]')
assert "yes" == chosen.string
def test_unsupported_pseudoclass(self):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):"a:no-such-pseudoclass")
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):"a:nth-of-type(a)")
def test_nth_of_type(self):
# Try to select first paragraph
els ='div#inner p:nth-of-type(1)')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].string == 'Some text'
# Try to select third paragraph
els ='div#inner p:nth-of-type(3)')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].string == 'Another'
# Try to select (non-existent!) fourth paragraph
els ='div#inner p:nth-of-type(4)')
assert len(els) == 0
# Zero will select no tags.
els ='div p:nth-of-type(0)')
assert len(els) == 0
def test_nth_of_type_direct_descendant(self):
els ='div#inner > p:nth-of-type(1)')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].string == 'Some text'
def test_id_child_selector_nth_of_type(self):
self.assert_selects('#inner > p:nth-of-type(2)', ['p1'])
def test_select_on_element(self):
# Other tests operate on the tree; this operates on an element
# within the tree.
inner = self.soup.find("div", id="main")
selected ="div")
# The <div id="inner"> tag was selected. The <div id="footer">
# tag was not.
self.assert_selects_ids(selected, ['inner', 'data1'])
def test_overspecified_child_id(self):
self.assert_selects(".fancy #inner", ['inner'])
self.assert_selects(".normal #inner", [])
def test_adjacent_sibling_selector(self):
self.assert_selects('#p1 + h2', ['header2'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 + h2 + p', ['pmulti'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 + #header2 + .class1', ['pmulti'])
assert [] =='#p1 + p')
def test_general_sibling_selector(self):
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ h2', ['header2', 'header3'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ #header2', ['header2'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ h2 + a', ['me'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ h2 + [rel="me"]', ['me'])
assert [] =='#inner ~ h2')
def test_dangling_combinator(self):
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):'h1 >')
def test_sibling_combinator_wont_select_same_tag_twice(self):
self.assert_selects('p[lang] ~ p', ['lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us', 'lang-fr'])
# Test the selector grouping operator (the comma)
def test_multiple_select(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y', ['xid', 'yid'])
def test_multiple_select_with_no_space(self):
self.assert_selects('x,y', ['xid', 'yid'])
def test_multiple_select_with_more_space(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y', ['xid', 'yid'])
def test_multiple_select_duplicated(self):
self.assert_selects('x, x', ['xid'])
def test_multiple_select_sibling(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y ~ p[lang=fr]', ['xid', 'lang-fr'])
def test_multiple_select_tag_and_direct_descendant(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y > z', ['xid', 'zidb'])
def test_multiple_select_direct_descendant_and_tags(self):
self.assert_selects('div > x, y, z', ['xid', 'yid', 'zida', 'zidb', 'zidab', 'zidac'])
def test_multiple_select_indirect_descendant(self):
self.assert_selects('div x,y, z', ['xid', 'yid', 'zida', 'zidb', 'zidab', 'zidac'])
def test_invalid_multiple_select(self):
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):',x, y')
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):'x,,y')
def test_multiple_select_attrs(self):
self.assert_selects('p[lang=en], p[lang=en-gb]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb'])
def test_multiple_select_ids(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y > z[id=zida], z[id=zidab], z[id=zidb]', ['xid', 'zidb', 'zidab'])
def test_multiple_select_nested(self):
self.assert_selects('body > div > x, y > z', ['xid', 'zidb'])
def test_select_duplicate_elements(self):
# When markup contains duplicate elements, a multiple select
# will find all of them.
markup = '<div class="c1"/><div class="c2"/><div class="c1"/>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(markup, 'html.parser')
selected =".c1, .c2")
assert 3 == len(selected)
# Verify that find_all finds the same elements, though because
# of an implementation detail it finds them in a different
# order.
for element in soup.find_all(class_=['c1', 'c2']):
assert element in selected
class TestPersistence(SoupTest):
"Testing features like pickle and deepcopy."
def setup_method(self): = """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us.</title>
<link rev="made" href="">
<meta name="Description" content="Beautiful Soup: an HTML parser optimized for screen-scraping.">
<meta name="generator" content="Markov Approximation 1.4 (module: leonardr)">
<meta name="author" content="Leonard Richardson">
<a href="foo">foo</a>
<a href="foo"><b>bar</b></a>
self.tree = self.soup(
def test_pickle_and_unpickle_identity(self):
# Pickling a tree, then unpickling it, yields a tree identical
# to the original.
dumped = pickle.dumps(self.tree, 2)
loaded = pickle.loads(dumped)
assert loaded.__class__ == BeautifulSoup
assert loaded.decode() == self.tree.decode()
def test_deepcopy_identity(self):
# Making a deepcopy of a tree yields an identical tree.
copied = copy.deepcopy(self.tree)
assert copied.decode() == self.tree.decode()
def test_copy_preserves_encoding(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(b'<p>&nbsp;</p>', 'html.parser')
encoding = soup.original_encoding
copy = soup.__copy__()
assert "<p> </p>" == str(copy)
assert encoding == copy.original_encoding
def test_copy_preserves_builder_information(self):
tag = self.soup('<p></p>').p
# Simulate a tag obtained from a source file.
tag.sourceline = 10
tag.sourcepos = 33
copied = tag.__copy__()
# The TreeBuilder object is no longer availble, but information
# obtained from it gets copied over to the new Tag object.
assert tag.sourceline == copied.sourceline
assert tag.sourcepos == copied.sourcepos
assert tag.can_be_empty_element == copied.can_be_empty_element
assert tag.cdata_list_attributes == copied.cdata_list_attributes
assert tag.preserve_whitespace_tags == copied.preserve_whitespace_tags
def test_unicode_pickle(self):
# A tree containing Unicode characters can be pickled.
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
dumped = pickle.dumps(soup, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
loaded = pickle.loads(dumped)
assert loaded.decode() == soup.decode()
def test_copy_navigablestring_is_not_attached_to_tree(self):
html = "<b>Foo<a></a></b><b>Bar</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
s1 = soup.find(string="Foo")
s2 = copy.copy(s1)
assert s1 == s2
assert None == s2.parent
assert None == s2.next_element
assert None != s1.next_sibling
assert None == s2.next_sibling
assert None == s2.previous_element
def test_copy_navigablestring_subclass_has_same_type(self):
html = "<b><!--Foo--></b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
s1 = soup.string
s2 = copy.copy(s1)
assert s1 == s2
assert isinstance(s2, Comment)
def test_copy_entire_soup(self):
html = "<div><b>Foo<a></a></b><b>Bar</b></div>end"
soup = self.soup(html)
soup_copy = copy.copy(soup)
assert soup == soup_copy
def test_copy_tag_copies_contents(self):
html = "<div><b>Foo<a></a></b><b>Bar</b></div>end"
soup = self.soup(html)
div = soup.div
div_copy = copy.copy(div)
# The two tags look the same, and evaluate to equal.
assert str(div) == str(div_copy)
assert div == div_copy
# But they're not the same object.
assert div is not div_copy
# And they don't have the same relation to the parse tree. The
# copy is not associated with a parse tree at all.
assert None == div_copy.parent
assert None == div_copy.previous_element
assert None == div_copy.find(string='Bar').next_element
assert None != div.find(string='Bar').next_element