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2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
from functools import partial
import re
from .exceptions import UnknownFPSError
from .ssaevent import SSAEvent
from .ssastyle import SSAStyle
from .formatbase import FormatBase
from .substation import parse_tags
from .time import ms_to_frames, frames_to_ms
#: Matches a MicroDVD line.
MICRODVD_LINE = re.compile(r" *\{ *(\d+) *\} *\{ *(\d+) *\}(.+)")
class MicroDVDFormat(FormatBase):
"""MicroDVD subtitle format implementation"""
2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
def guess_format(cls, text):
"""See :meth:`pysubs2.formats.FormatBase.guess_format()`"""
2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
if any(map(MICRODVD_LINE.match, text.splitlines())):
return "microdvd"
def from_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, fps=None, **kwargs):
"""See :meth:`pysubs2.formats.FormatBase.from_file()`"""
2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
for line in fp:
match = MICRODVD_LINE.match(line)
if not match:
fstart, fend, text = match.groups()
fstart, fend = map(int, (fstart, fend))
if fps is None:
# We don't know the framerate, but it is customary to include
# it as text of the first subtitle. In that case, we skip
# this auxiliary subtitle and proceed with reading.
fps = float(text)
subs.fps = fps
except ValueError:
raise UnknownFPSError("Framerate was not specified and "
"cannot be read from "
"the MicroDVD file.")
start, end = map(partial(frames_to_ms, fps=fps), (fstart, fend))
def prepare_text(text):
text = text.replace("|", r"\N")
def style_replacer(match):
tags = [c for c in "biu" if c in]
return "{%s}" % "".join(r"\%s1" % c for c in tags)
text = re.sub(r"\{[Yy]:[^}]+\}", style_replacer, text)
text = re.sub(r"\{[Ff]:([^}]+)\}", r"{\\fn\1}", text)
text = re.sub(r"\{[Ss]:([^}]+)\}", r"{\\fs\1}", text)
text = re.sub(r"\{P:(\d+),(\d+)\}", r"{\\pos(\1,\2)}", text)
return text.strip()
ev = SSAEvent(start=start, end=end, text=prepare_text(text))
def to_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, fps=None, write_fps_declaration=True, apply_styles=True, **kwargs):
See :meth:`pysubs2.formats.FormatBase.to_file()`
The only supported styling is marking whole lines italic.
Keyword args:
write_fps_declaration: If True, create a zero-duration first subtitle which will contain
the fps.
apply_styles: If False, do not write any styling.
2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
if fps is None:
fps = subs.fps
if fps is None:
raise UnknownFPSError("Framerate must be specified when writing MicroDVD.")
to_frames = partial(ms_to_frames, fps=fps)
def is_entirely_italic(line):
style = subs.styles.get(, SSAStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)
for fragment, sty in parse_tags(line.text, style, subs.styles):
fragment = fragment.replace(r"\h", " ")
fragment = fragment.replace(r"\n", "\n")
fragment = fragment.replace(r"\N", "\n")
if not sty.italic and fragment and not fragment.isspace():
return False
return True
# insert an artificial first line telling the framerate
if write_fps_declaration:
subs.insert(0, SSAEvent(start=0, end=0, text=str(fps)))
for line in subs:
if line.is_comment or line.is_drawing:
2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
text = "|".join(line.plaintext.splitlines())
if apply_styles and is_entirely_italic(line):
2018-10-31 16:08:29 +00:00
text = "{Y:i}" + text
start, end = map(to_frames, (line.start, line.end))
# XXX warn on underflow?
if start < 0: start = 0
if end < 0: end = 0
print("{%d}{%d}%s" % (start, end, text), file=fp)
# remove the artificial framerate-telling line
if write_fps_declaration: