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2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
import pytest
from bs4.element import (
from . import SoupTest
class TestNavigableString(SoupTest):
def test_text_acquisition_methods(self):
# These methods are intended for use against Tag, but they
# work on NavigableString as well,
s = NavigableString("fee ")
cdata = CData("fie ")
comment = Comment("foe ")
assert "fee " == s.get_text()
assert "fee" == s.get_text(strip=True)
assert ["fee "] == list(s.strings)
assert ["fee"] == list(s.stripped_strings)
assert ["fee "] == list(s._all_strings())
assert "fie " == cdata.get_text()
assert "fie" == cdata.get_text(strip=True)
assert ["fie "] == list(cdata.strings)
assert ["fie"] == list(cdata.stripped_strings)
assert ["fie "] == list(cdata._all_strings())
# Since a Comment isn't normally considered 'text',
# these methods generally do nothing.
assert "" == comment.get_text()
assert [] == list(comment.strings)
assert [] == list(comment.stripped_strings)
assert [] == list(comment._all_strings())
# Unless you specifically say that comments are okay.
assert "foe" == comment.get_text(strip=True, types=Comment)
assert "foe " == comment.get_text(types=(Comment, NavigableString))
def test_string_has_immutable_name_property(self):
# is defined as None and can't be modified
string = self.soup("s").string
assert None ==
with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = 'foo'
class TestNavigableStringSubclasses(SoupTest):
def test_cdata(self):
# None of the current builders turn CDATA sections into CData
# objects, but you can create them manually.
soup = self.soup("")
cdata = CData("foo")
soup.insert(1, cdata)
assert str(soup) == "<![CDATA[foo]]>"
assert soup.find(string="foo") == "foo"
assert soup.contents[0] == "foo"
def test_cdata_is_never_formatted(self):
"""Text inside a CData object is passed into the formatter.
But the return value is ignored.
self.count = 0
def increment(*args):
self.count += 1
soup = self.soup("")
cdata = CData("<><><>")
soup.insert(1, cdata)
assert b"<![CDATA[<><><>]]>" == soup.encode(formatter=increment)
assert 1 == self.count
def test_doctype_ends_in_newline(self):
# Unlike other NavigableString subclasses, a DOCTYPE always ends
# in a newline.
doctype = Doctype("foo")
soup = self.soup("")
soup.insert(1, doctype)
assert soup.encode() == b"<!DOCTYPE foo>\n"
def test_declaration(self):
d = Declaration("foo")
assert "<?foo?>" == d.output_ready()
def test_default_string_containers(self):
# In some cases, we use different NavigableString subclasses for
# the same text in different tags.
soup = self.soup(
assert [NavigableString, Script, Stylesheet] == [
x.__class__ for x in soup.find_all(string=True)
# The TemplateString is a little unusual because it's generally found
# _inside_ children of a <template> element, not a direct child of the
# <template> element.
soup = self.soup(
"<template>Some text<p>In a tag</p></template>Some text outside"
assert all(
isinstance(x, TemplateString)
for x in soup.template._all_strings(types=None)
# Once the <template> tag closed, we went back to using
# NavigableString.
outside = soup.template.next_sibling
assert isinstance(outside, NavigableString)
assert not isinstance(outside, TemplateString)
# The TemplateString is also unusual because it can contain
# NavigableString subclasses of _other_ types, such as
# Comment.
markup = b"<template>Some text<p>In a tag</p><!--with a comment--></template>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert markup == soup.template.encode("utf8")
def test_ruby_strings(self):
markup = "<ruby>漢 <rp>(</rp><rt>kan</rt><rp>)</rp> 字 <rp>(</rp><rt>ji</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert isinstance(soup.rp.string, RubyParenthesisString)
assert isinstance(soup.rt.string, RubyTextString)
# Just as a demo, here's what this means for get_text usage.
assert "漢字" == soup.get_text(strip=True)
assert "漢(kan)字(ji)" == soup.get_text(
types=(NavigableString, RubyTextString, RubyParenthesisString)