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# Code to read HTTP data
# Strategy: each reader is a callable which takes a ReceiveBuffer object, and
# either:
# 1) consumes some of it and returns an Event
# 2) raises a LocalProtocolError (for consistency -- e.g. we call validate()
# and it might raise a LocalProtocolError, so simpler just to always use
# this)
# 3) returns None, meaning "I need more data"
# If they have a .read_eof attribute, then this will be called if an EOF is
# received -- but this is optional. Either way, the actual ConnectionClosed
# event will be generated afterwards.
# READERS is a dict describing how to pick a reader. It maps states to either:
# - a reader
# - or, for body readers, a dict of per-framing reader factories
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from ._abnf import chunk_header, header_field, request_line, status_line
from ._events import Data, EndOfMessage, InformationalResponse, Request, Response
from ._receivebuffer import ReceiveBuffer
from ._state import (
from ._util import LocalProtocolError, RemoteProtocolError, Sentinel, validate
__all__ = ["READERS"]
header_field_re = re.compile(header_field.encode("ascii"))
obs_fold_re = re.compile(rb"[ \t]+")
def _obsolete_line_fold(lines: Iterable[bytes]) -> Iterable[bytes]:
it = iter(lines)
last: Optional[bytes] = None
for line in it:
match = obs_fold_re.match(line)
if match:
if last is None:
raise LocalProtocolError("continuation line at start of headers")
if not isinstance(last, bytearray):
# Cast to a mutable type, avoiding copy on append to ensure O(n) time
last = bytearray(last)
last += b" "
last += line[match.end() :]
if last is not None:
yield last
last = line
if last is not None:
yield last
def _decode_header_lines(
lines: Iterable[bytes],
) -> Iterable[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
for line in _obsolete_line_fold(lines):
matches = validate(header_field_re, line, "illegal header line: {!r}", line)
yield (matches["field_name"], matches["field_value"])
request_line_re = re.compile(request_line.encode("ascii"))
def maybe_read_from_IDLE_client(buf: ReceiveBuffer) -> Optional[Request]:
lines = buf.maybe_extract_lines()
if lines is None:
if buf.is_next_line_obviously_invalid_request_line():
raise LocalProtocolError("illegal request line")
return None
if not lines:
raise LocalProtocolError("no request line received")
matches = validate(
request_line_re, lines[0], "illegal request line: {!r}", lines[0]
return Request(
headers=list(_decode_header_lines(lines[1:])), _parsed=True, **matches
status_line_re = re.compile(status_line.encode("ascii"))
def maybe_read_from_SEND_RESPONSE_server(
buf: ReceiveBuffer,
) -> Union[InformationalResponse, Response, None]:
lines = buf.maybe_extract_lines()
if lines is None:
if buf.is_next_line_obviously_invalid_request_line():
raise LocalProtocolError("illegal request line")
return None
if not lines:
raise LocalProtocolError("no response line received")
matches = validate(status_line_re, lines[0], "illegal status line: {!r}", lines[0])
http_version = (
b"1.1" if matches["http_version"] is None else matches["http_version"]
reason = b"" if matches["reason"] is None else matches["reason"]
status_code = int(matches["status_code"])
class_: Union[Type[InformationalResponse], Type[Response]] = (
InformationalResponse if status_code < 200 else Response
return class_(
class ContentLengthReader:
def __init__(self, length: int) -> None:
self._length = length
self._remaining = length
def __call__(self, buf: ReceiveBuffer) -> Union[Data, EndOfMessage, None]:
if self._remaining == 0:
return EndOfMessage()
data = buf.maybe_extract_at_most(self._remaining)
if data is None:
return None
self._remaining -= len(data)
return Data(data=data)
def read_eof(self) -> NoReturn:
raise RemoteProtocolError(
"peer closed connection without sending complete message body "
"(received {} bytes, expected {})".format(
self._length - self._remaining, self._length
chunk_header_re = re.compile(chunk_header.encode("ascii"))
class ChunkedReader:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._bytes_in_chunk = 0
# After reading a chunk, we have to throw away the trailing \r\n; if
# this is >0 then we discard that many bytes before resuming regular
# de-chunkification.
self._bytes_to_discard = 0
self._reading_trailer = False
def __call__(self, buf: ReceiveBuffer) -> Union[Data, EndOfMessage, None]:
if self._reading_trailer:
lines = buf.maybe_extract_lines()
if lines is None:
return None
return EndOfMessage(headers=list(_decode_header_lines(lines)))
if self._bytes_to_discard > 0:
data = buf.maybe_extract_at_most(self._bytes_to_discard)
if data is None:
return None
self._bytes_to_discard -= len(data)
if self._bytes_to_discard > 0:
return None
# else, fall through and read some more
assert self._bytes_to_discard == 0
if self._bytes_in_chunk == 0:
# We need to refill our chunk count
chunk_header = buf.maybe_extract_next_line()
if chunk_header is None:
return None
matches = validate(
"illegal chunk header: {!r}",
# XX FIXME: we discard chunk extensions. Does anyone care?
self._bytes_in_chunk = int(matches["chunk_size"], base=16)
if self._bytes_in_chunk == 0:
self._reading_trailer = True
return self(buf)
chunk_start = True
chunk_start = False
assert self._bytes_in_chunk > 0
data = buf.maybe_extract_at_most(self._bytes_in_chunk)
if data is None:
return None
self._bytes_in_chunk -= len(data)
if self._bytes_in_chunk == 0:
self._bytes_to_discard = 2
chunk_end = True
chunk_end = False
return Data(data=data, chunk_start=chunk_start, chunk_end=chunk_end)
def read_eof(self) -> NoReturn:
raise RemoteProtocolError(
"peer closed connection without sending complete message body "
"(incomplete chunked read)"
class Http10Reader:
def __call__(self, buf: ReceiveBuffer) -> Optional[Data]:
data = buf.maybe_extract_at_most(999999999)
if data is None:
return None
return Data(data=data)
def read_eof(self) -> EndOfMessage:
return EndOfMessage()
def expect_nothing(buf: ReceiveBuffer) -> None:
if buf:
raise LocalProtocolError("Got data when expecting EOF")
return None
ReadersType = Dict[
Union[Type[Sentinel], Tuple[Type[Sentinel], Type[Sentinel]]],
Union[Callable[..., Any], Dict[str, Callable[..., Any]]],
READERS: ReadersType = {
(CLIENT, IDLE): maybe_read_from_IDLE_client,
(SERVER, IDLE): maybe_read_from_SEND_RESPONSE_server,
(SERVER, SEND_RESPONSE): maybe_read_from_SEND_RESPONSE_server,
(CLIENT, DONE): expect_nothing,
(CLIENT, MUST_CLOSE): expect_nothing,
(CLIENT, CLOSED): expect_nothing,
(SERVER, DONE): expect_nothing,
(SERVER, MUST_CLOSE): expect_nothing,
(SERVER, CLOSED): expect_nothing,
"chunked": ChunkedReader,
"content-length": ContentLengthReader,
"http/1.0": Http10Reader,