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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Subliminal uses `click <>`_ to provide a powerful :abbr:`CLI (command-line interface)`.
from __future__ import division
2019-09-17 02:04:27 +00:00
from __future__ import absolute_import
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from appdirs import AppDirs
from babelfish import Error as BabelfishError, Language
import click
from dogpile.cache.backends.file import AbstractFileLock
from dogpile.util.readwrite_lock import ReadWriteMutex
from six.moves import configparser
from subliminal import (AsyncProviderPool, Episode, Movie, Video, __version__, check_video, compute_score, get_scores,
provider_manager, refine, refiner_manager, region, save_subtitles, scan_video, scan_videos)
from subliminal.core import ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS, search_external_subtitles
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MutexLock(AbstractFileLock):
""":class:`MutexLock` is a thread-based rw lock based on :class:`dogpile.core.ReadWriteMutex`."""
def __init__(self, filename):
self.mutex = ReadWriteMutex()
def acquire_read_lock(self, wait):
ret = self.mutex.acquire_read_lock(wait)
return wait or ret
def acquire_write_lock(self, wait):
ret = self.mutex.acquire_write_lock(wait)
return wait or ret
def release_read_lock(self):
return self.mutex.release_read_lock()
def release_write_lock(self):
return self.mutex.release_write_lock()
class Config(object):
"""A :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` wrapper to store configuration.
Interaction with the configuration is done with the properties.
:param str path: path to the configuration file.
def __init__(self, path):
#: Path to the configuration file
self.path = path
#: The underlying configuration object
self.config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
self.config.set('general', 'languages', json.dumps(['en']))
self.config.set('general', 'providers', json.dumps(sorted([ for p in provider_manager])))
self.config.set('general', 'refiners', json.dumps(sorted([ for r in refiner_manager])))
self.config.set('general', 'single', str(0))
self.config.set('general', 'embedded_subtitles', str(1))
self.config.set('general', 'age', str(int(timedelta(weeks=2).total_seconds())))
self.config.set('general', 'hearing_impaired', str(1))
self.config.set('general', 'min_score', str(0))
def read(self):
"""Read the configuration from :attr:`path`"""
def write(self):
"""Write the configuration to :attr:`path`"""
with open(self.path, 'w') as f:
def languages(self):
return {Language.fromietf(l) for l in json.loads(self.config.get('general', 'languages'))}
def languages(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'languages', json.dumps(sorted([str(l) for l in value])))
def providers(self):
return json.loads(self.config.get('general', 'providers'))
def providers(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'providers', json.dumps(sorted([p.lower() for p in value])))
def refiners(self):
return json.loads(self.config.get('general', 'refiners'))
def refiners(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'refiners', json.dumps([r.lower() for r in value]))
def single(self):
return self.config.getboolean('general', 'single')
def single(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'single', str(int(value)))
def embedded_subtitles(self):
return self.config.getboolean('general', 'embedded_subtitles')
def embedded_subtitles(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'embedded_subtitles', str(int(value)))
def age(self):
return timedelta(seconds=self.config.getint('general', 'age'))
def age(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'age', str(int(value.total_seconds())))
def hearing_impaired(self):
return self.config.getboolean('general', 'hearing_impaired')
def hearing_impaired(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'hearing_impaired', str(int(value)))
def min_score(self):
return self.config.getfloat('general', 'min_score')
def min_score(self, value):
self.config.set('general', 'min_score', str(value))
def provider_configs(self):
rv = {}
for provider in provider_manager:
if self.config.has_section(
rv[] = {k: v for k, v in self.config.items(}
return rv
def provider_configs(self, value):
# loop over provider configurations
for provider, config in value.items():
# create the corresponding section if necessary
if not self.config.has_section(provider):
# add config options
for k, v in config.items():
self.config.set(provider, k, v)
class LanguageParamType(click.ParamType):
""":class:`~click.ParamType` for languages that returns a :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`"""
name = 'language'
def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
return Language.fromietf(value)
except BabelfishError:'%s is not a valid language' % value)
LANGUAGE = LanguageParamType()
class AgeParamType(click.ParamType):
""":class:`~click.ParamType` for age strings that returns a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
An age string is in the form `number + identifier` with possible identifiers:
* ``w`` for weeks
* ``d`` for days
* ``h`` for hours
The form can be specified multiple times but only with that idenfier ordering. For example:
* ``1w2d4h`` for 1 week, 2 days and 4 hours
* ``2w`` for 2 weeks
* ``3w6h`` for 3 weeks and 6 hours
name = 'age'
def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
match = re.match(r'^(?:(?P<weeks>\d+?)w)?(?:(?P<days>\d+?)d)?(?:(?P<hours>\d+?)h)?$', value)
if not match:'%s is not a valid age' % value)
return timedelta(**{k: int(v) for k, v in match.groupdict(0).items()})
AGE = AgeParamType()
PROVIDER = click.Choice(sorted(provider_manager.names()))
REFINER = click.Choice(sorted(refiner_manager.names()))
dirs = AppDirs('subliminal')
cache_file = 'subliminal.dbm'
config_file = 'config.ini'{'max_content_width': 100}, epilog='Suggestions and bug reports are greatly appreciated: '
@click.option('--addic7ed', type=click.STRING, nargs=2, metavar='USERNAME PASSWORD', help='Addic7ed configuration.')
@click.option('--opensubtitles', type=click.STRING, nargs=2, metavar='USERNAME PASSWORD',
help='OpenSubtitles configuration.')
@click.option('--cache-dir', type=click.Path(writable=True, file_okay=False), default=dirs.user_cache_dir,
show_default=True, expose_value=True, help='Path to the cache directory.')
@click.option('--debug', is_flag=True, help='Print useful information for debugging subliminal and for reporting bugs.')
def subliminal(ctx, addic7ed, opensubtitles, cache_dir, debug):
"""Subtitles, faster than your thoughts."""
# create cache directory
except OSError:
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
# configure cache
region.configure('dogpile.cache.dbm', expiration_time=timedelta(days=30),
arguments={'filename': os.path.join(cache_dir, cache_file), 'lock_factory': MutexLock})
# configure logging
if debug:
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
# provider configs
ctx.obj = {'provider_configs': {}}
if addic7ed:
ctx.obj['provider_configs']['addic7ed'] = {'username': addic7ed[0], 'password': addic7ed[1]}
if opensubtitles:
ctx.obj['provider_configs']['opensubtitles'] = {'username': opensubtitles[0], 'password': opensubtitles[1]}
@click.option('--clear-subliminal', is_flag=True, help='Clear subliminal\'s cache. Use this ONLY if your cache is '
'corrupted or if you experience issues.')
def cache(ctx, clear_subliminal):
"""Cache management."""
if clear_subliminal:
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(ctx.parent.params['cache_dir'], cache_file) + '*'):
click.echo('Subliminal\'s cache cleared.')
click.echo('Nothing done.')
@click.option('-l', '--language', type=LANGUAGE, required=True, multiple=True, help='Language as IETF code, '
'e.g. en, pt-BR (can be used multiple times).')
@click.option('-p', '--provider', type=PROVIDER, multiple=True, help='Provider to use (can be used multiple times).')
@click.option('-r', '--refiner', type=REFINER, multiple=True, help='Refiner to use (can be used multiple times).')
@click.option('-a', '--age', type=AGE, help='Filter videos newer than AGE, e.g. 12h, 1w2d.')
@click.option('-d', '--directory', type=click.STRING, metavar='DIR', help='Directory where to save subtitles, '
'default is next to the video file.')
@click.option('-e', '--encoding', type=click.STRING, metavar='ENC', help='Subtitle file encoding, default is to '
'preserve original encoding.')
@click.option('-s', '--single', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Save subtitle without language code in the file '
'name, i.e. use .srt extension. Do not use this unless your media player requires it.')
@click.option('-f', '--force', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Force download even if a subtitle already exist.')
@click.option('-hi', '--hearing-impaired', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Prefer hearing impaired subtitles.')
@click.option('-m', '--min-score', type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=0, help='Minimum score for a subtitle '
'to be downloaded (0 to 100).')
@click.option('-w', '--max-workers', type=click.IntRange(1, 50), default=None, help='Maximum number of threads to use.')
@click.option('-z/-Z', '--archives/--no-archives', default=True, show_default=True, help='Scan archives for videos '
'(supported extensions: %s).' % ', '.join(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS))
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', count=True, help='Increase verbosity.')
@click.argument('path', type=click.Path(), required=True, nargs=-1)
def download(obj, provider, refiner, language, age, directory, encoding, single, force, hearing_impaired, min_score,
max_workers, archives, verbose, path):
"""Download best subtitles.
PATH can be an directory containing videos, a video file path or a video file name. It can be used multiple times.
If an existing subtitle is detected (external or embedded) in the correct language, the download is skipped for
the associated video.
# process parameters
language = set(language)
# scan videos
videos = []
ignored_videos = []
errored_paths = []
with click.progressbar(path, label='Collecting videos', item_show_func=lambda p: p or '') as bar:
for p in bar:
logger.debug('Collecting path %s', p)
# non-existing
if not os.path.exists(p):
video = Video.fromname(p)
logger.exception('Unexpected error while collecting non-existing path %s', p)
if not force:
video.subtitle_languages |= set(search_external_subtitles(, directory=directory).values())
refine(video, episode_refiners=refiner, movie_refiners=refiner, embedded_subtitles=not force)
# directories
if os.path.isdir(p):
scanned_videos = scan_videos(p, age=age, archives=archives)
logger.exception('Unexpected error while collecting directory path %s', p)
for video in scanned_videos:
if not force:
video.subtitle_languages |= set(search_external_subtitles(,
if check_video(video, languages=language, age=age, undefined=single):
refine(video, episode_refiners=refiner, movie_refiners=refiner, embedded_subtitles=not force)
# other inputs
video = scan_video(p)
logger.exception('Unexpected error while collecting path %s', p)
if not force:
video.subtitle_languages |= set(search_external_subtitles(, directory=directory).values())
if check_video(video, languages=language, age=age, undefined=single):
refine(video, episode_refiners=refiner, movie_refiners=refiner, embedded_subtitles=not force)
# output errored paths
if verbose > 0:
for p in errored_paths:
click.secho('%s errored' % p, fg='red')
# output ignored videos
if verbose > 1:
for video in ignored_videos:
click.secho('%s ignored - subtitles: %s / age: %d day%s' % (
', '.join(str(s) for s in video.subtitle_languages) or 'none',
's' if video.age.days > 1 else ''
), fg='yellow')
# report collected videos
click.echo('%s video%s collected / %s video%s ignored / %s error%s' % (, bold=True, fg='green' if videos else None),
's' if len(videos) > 1 else '',, bold=True, fg='yellow' if ignored_videos else None),
's' if len(ignored_videos) > 1 else '',, bold=True, fg='red' if errored_paths else None),
's' if len(errored_paths) > 1 else '',
# exit if no video collected
if not videos:
# download best subtitles
downloaded_subtitles = defaultdict(list)
with AsyncProviderPool(max_workers=max_workers, providers=provider, provider_configs=obj['provider_configs']) as p:
with click.progressbar(videos, label='Downloading subtitles',
item_show_func=lambda v: os.path.split([1] if v is not None else '') as bar:
for v in bar:
scores = get_scores(v)
subtitles = p.download_best_subtitles(p.list_subtitles(v, language - v.subtitle_languages),
v, language, min_score=scores['hash'] * min_score / 100,
hearing_impaired=hearing_impaired, only_one=single)
downloaded_subtitles[v] = subtitles
if p.discarded_providers:
click.secho('Some providers have been discarded due to unexpected errors: %s' %
', '.join(p.discarded_providers), fg='yellow')
# save subtitles
total_subtitles = 0
for v, subtitles in downloaded_subtitles.items():
2018-10-01 00:23:12 +00:00
saved_subtitles = save_subtitles(v, subtitles, single=single, directory=directory, encoding=encoding)
total_subtitles += len(saved_subtitles)
if verbose > 0:
click.echo('%s subtitle%s downloaded for %s' % (, bold=True),
's' if len(saved_subtitles) > 1 else '',
if verbose > 1:
for s in saved_subtitles:
matches = s.get_matches(v)
score = compute_score(s, v)
# score color
score_color = None
scores = get_scores(v)
if isinstance(v, Movie):
if score < scores['title']:
score_color = 'red'
elif score < scores['title'] + scores['year'] + scores['release_group']:
score_color = 'yellow'
score_color = 'green'
elif isinstance(v, Episode):
if score < scores['series'] + scores['season'] + scores['episode']:
score_color = 'red'
elif score < scores['series'] + scores['season'] + scores['episode'] + scores['release_group']:
score_color = 'yellow'
score_color = 'green'
# scale score from 0 to 100 taking out preferences
scaled_score = score
if s.hearing_impaired == hearing_impaired:
scaled_score -= scores['hearing_impaired']
scaled_score *= 100 / scores['hash']
# echo some nice colored output
click.echo(' - [{score}] {language} subtitle from {provider_name} (match on {matches})'.format('{:5.1f}'.format(scaled_score), fg=score_color, bold=score >= scores['hash']), if is None else '%s (%s)' % (,,
matches=', '.join(sorted(matches, key=scores.get, reverse=True))
if verbose == 0:
click.echo('Downloaded %s subtitle%s' % (, bold=True),
's' if total_subtitles > 1 else ''))