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IPython/Jupyter Notebook progressbar decorator for iterators.
Includes a default (x)range iterator printing to stderr.
>>> from tqdm.notebook import trange[, tqdm]
>>> for i in trange(10): #same as: for i in tqdm(xrange(10))
... ...
# future division is important to divide integers and get as
# a result precise floating numbers (instead of truncated int)
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
# import compatibility functions and utilities
import sys
from .utils import _range
# to inherit from the tqdm class
from .std import tqdm as std_tqdm
if True: # pragma: no cover
# import IPython/Jupyter base widget and display utilities
IPY = 0
IPYW = 0
try: # IPython 4.x
import ipywidgets
IPY = 4
IPYW = int(ipywidgets.__version__.split('.')[0])
except AttributeError: # __version__ may not exist in old versions
except ImportError: # IPython 3.x / 2.x
IPY = 32
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message=".*The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated.*")
import IPython.html.widgets as ipywidgets
except ImportError:
try: # IPython 4.x / 3.x
if IPY == 32:
from IPython.html.widgets import FloatProgress as IProgress
from IPython.html.widgets import HBox, HTML
IPY = 3
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress as IProgress
from ipywidgets import HBox, HTML
except ImportError:
try: # IPython 2.x
from IPython.html.widgets import FloatProgressWidget as IProgress
from IPython.html.widgets import ContainerWidget as HBox
from IPython.html.widgets import HTML
IPY = 2
except ImportError:
IPY = 0
from IPython.display import display # , clear_output
except ImportError:
# HTML encoding
try: # Py3
from html import escape
except ImportError: # Py2
from cgi import escape
__author__ = {"": ["lrq3000", "casperdcl", "alexanderkuk"]}
__all__ = ['tqdm_notebook', 'tnrange', 'tqdm', 'trange']
class tqdm_notebook(std_tqdm):
Experimental IPython/Jupyter Notebook widget using tqdm!
def status_printer(_, total=None, desc=None, ncols=None):
Manage the printing of an IPython/Jupyter Notebook progress bar widget.
# Fallback to text bar if there's no total
# DEPRECATED: replaced with an 'info' style bar
# if not total:
# return super(tqdm_notebook, tqdm_notebook).status_printer(file)
# fp = file
# Prepare IPython progress bar
if total:
pbar = IProgress(min=0, max=total)
else: # No total? Show info style bar with no progress tqdm status
pbar = IProgress(min=0, max=1)
pbar.value = 1
pbar.bar_style = 'info'
except NameError:
# #187 #451 #558
raise ImportError(
"FloatProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets."
" See"
if desc:
pbar.description = desc
if IPYW >= 7: = 'initial'
# Prepare status text
ptext = HTML()
# Only way to place text to the right of the bar is to use a container
container = HBox(children=[pbar, ptext])
# Prepare layout
if ncols is not None: # use default style of ipywidgets
# ncols could be 100, "100px", "100%"
ncols = str(ncols) # ipywidgets only accepts string
if int(ncols) > 0: # isnumeric and positive
ncols += 'px'
except ValueError:
pbar.layout.flex = '2'
container.layout.width = ncols
container.layout.display = 'inline-flex'
container.layout.flex_flow = 'row wrap'
return container
def display(self, msg=None, pos=None,
# additional signals
close=False, bar_style=None):
# Note: contrary to native tqdm, msg='' does NOT clear bar
# goal is to keep all infos if error happens so user knows
# at which iteration the loop failed.
# Clear previous output (really necessary?)
# clear_output(wait=1)
if not msg and not close:
msg = self.__repr__()
pbar, ptext = self.container.children
pbar.value = self.n
if msg:
# html escape special characters (like '&')
if '<bar/>' in msg:
left, right = map(escape, msg.split('<bar/>', 1))
left, right = '', escape(msg)
# remove inesthetical pipes
if left and left[-1] == '|':
left = left[:-1]
if right and right[0] == '|':
right = right[1:]
# Update description
pbar.description = left
if IPYW >= 7: = 'initial'
# never clear the bar (signal: msg='')
if right:
ptext.value = right
# Change bar style
if bar_style:
# Hack-ish way to avoid the danger bar_style being overridden by
# success because the bar gets closed after the error...
if not (pbar.bar_style == 'danger' and bar_style == 'success'):
pbar.bar_style = bar_style
# Special signal to close the bar
if close and pbar.bar_style != 'danger': # hide only if no error
except AttributeError:
self.container.visible = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Setup default output
file_kwarg = kwargs.get('file', sys.stderr)
if file_kwarg is sys.stderr or file_kwarg is None:
kwargs['file'] = sys.stdout # avoid the red block in IPython
# Initialize parent class + avoid printing by using gui=True
kwargs['gui'] = True
kwargs.setdefault('bar_format', '{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}')
kwargs['bar_format'] = kwargs['bar_format'].replace('{bar}', '<bar/>')
# convert disable = None to False
kwargs['disable'] = bool(kwargs.get('disable', False))
super(tqdm_notebook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.disable or not kwargs['gui']:
self.sp = lambda *_, **__: None
# Get bar width
self.ncols = '100%' if self.dynamic_ncols else kwargs.get("ncols", None)
# Replace with IPython progress bar display (with correct total)
unit_scale = 1 if self.unit_scale is True else self.unit_scale or 1
total = * unit_scale if else
self.container = self.status_printer(
self.fp, total, self.desc, self.ncols)
self.sp = self.display
# Print initial bar state
if not self.disable:
def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for obj in super(tqdm_notebook, self).__iter__(*args, **kwargs):
# return super(tqdm...) will not catch exception
yield obj
# NB: except ... [ as ...] breaks IPython async KeyboardInterrupt
except: # NOQA
# NB: don't `finally: close()`
# since this could be a shared bar which the user will `reset()`
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(tqdm_notebook, self).update(*args, **kwargs)
# NB: except ... [ as ...] breaks IPython async KeyboardInterrupt
except: # NOQA
# cannot catch KeyboardInterrupt when using manual tqdm
# as the interrupt will most likely happen on another statement
# NB: don't `finally: close()`
# since this could be a shared bar which the user will `reset()`
def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(tqdm_notebook, self).close(*args, **kwargs)
# Try to detect if there was an error or KeyboardInterrupt
# in manual mode: if n < total, things probably got wrong
if and self.n <
if self.leave:
def moveto(self, *args, **kwargs):
# void -> avoid extraneous `\n` in IPython output cell
def reset(self, total=None):
Resets to 0 iterations for repeated use.
Consider combining with `leave=True`.
total : int or float, optional. Total to use for the new bar.
if total is not None:
pbar, _ = self.container.children
pbar.max = total
return super(tqdm_notebook, self).reset(total=total)
def tnrange(*args, **kwargs):
A shortcut for `tqdm.notebook.tqdm(xrange(*args), **kwargs)`.
On Python3+, `range` is used instead of `xrange`.
return tqdm_notebook(_range(*args), **kwargs)
# Aliases
tqdm = tqdm_notebook
trange = tnrange