2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
class BaseError ( Exception ) :
base error structure class
def __init__ ( self , val , message ) :
@param val : actual value
@param message : message shown to the user
self . val = val
self . message = message
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " {} --> {} " . format ( self . val , self . message )
class LanguageNotSupportedException ( BaseError ) :
exception thrown if the user uses a language that is not supported by the deep_translator
def __init__ ( self , val , message = " There is no support for the chosen language " ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( val , message )
class NotValidPayload ( BaseError ) :
exception thrown if the user enters an invalid payload
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
def __init__ (
self ,
val ,
message = " text must be a valid text with maximum 5000 character, otherwise it cannot be translated " ,
) :
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
super ( NotValidPayload , self ) . __init__ ( val , message )
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
class InvalidSourceOrTargetLanguage ( BaseError ) :
exception thrown if the user enters an invalid payload
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
def __init__ ( self , val , message = " Invalid source or target language! " ) :
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
super ( InvalidSourceOrTargetLanguage , self ) . __init__ ( val , message )
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
class TranslationNotFound ( BaseError ) :
exception thrown if no translation was found for the text provided by the user
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
def __init__ (
self ,
val ,
message = " No translation was found using the current translator. Try another translator? " ,
) :
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
super ( TranslationNotFound , self ) . __init__ ( val , message )
class ElementNotFoundInGetRequest ( BaseError ) :
exception thrown if the html element was not found in the body parsed by beautifulsoup
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
def __init__ (
self , val , message = " Required element was not found in the API response "
) :
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
super ( ElementNotFoundInGetRequest , self ) . __init__ ( val , message )
class NotValidLength ( BaseError ) :
exception thrown if the provided text exceed the length limit of the translator
def __init__ ( self , val , min_chars , max_chars ) :
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
message = (
f " Text length need to be between { min_chars } and { max_chars } characters "
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
super ( NotValidLength , self ) . __init__ ( val , message )
class RequestError ( Exception ) :
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
exception thrown if an error occurred during the request call , e . g a connection problem .
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
def __init__ (
self ,
message = " Request exception can happen due to an api connection error. "
" Please check your connection and try again " ,
) :
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
self . message = message
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . message
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
class MicrosoftAPIerror ( Exception ) :
exception thrown if Microsoft API returns one of its errors
def __init__ ( self , api_message ) :
self . api_message = str ( api_message )
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
self . message = " Microsoft API returned the following error "
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " {} : {} " . format ( self . message , self . api_message )
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
class TooManyRequests ( Exception ) :
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
exception thrown if an error occurred during the request call , e . g a connection problem .
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
def __init__ (
self ,
message = " Server Error: You made too many requests to the server. According to google, you are allowed to make 5 requests per second and up to 200k requests per day. You can wait and try again later or you can try the translate_batch function " ,
) :
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
self . message = message
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . message
class ServerException ( Exception ) :
Default YandexTranslate exception from the official website
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
errors = {
2022-01-23 23:07:52 -05:00
400 : " ERR_BAD_REQUEST " ,
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
401 : " ERR_KEY_INVALID " ,
402 : " ERR_KEY_BLOCKED " ,
413 : " ERR_TEXT_TOO_LONG " ,
2022-01-23 23:07:52 -05:00
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
2022-01-23 23:07:52 -05:00
2021-02-02 16:05:09 -05:00
def __init__ ( self , status_code , * args ) :
message = self . errors . get ( status_code , " API server error " )
super ( ServerException , self ) . __init__ ( message , * args )
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
class AuthorizationException ( Exception ) :
def __init__ ( self , api_key , * args ) :
2022-05-01 08:00:20 -04:00
msg = " Unauthorized access with the api key " + api_key
2021-11-29 14:28:30 -05:00
super ( ) . __init__ ( msg , * args )