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2022-11-07 18:06:49 +00:00
""" This module removes all objects/arrays from JS source code and replace them with LVALS.
Also it has s function translating removed object/array to python code.
Use this module just after removing constants. Later move on to removing functions"""
from __future__ import print_function
OBJECT_LVAL = 'PyJsLvalObject%d_'
ARRAY_LVAL = 'PyJsLvalArray%d_'
from utils import *
from jsparser import *
from nodevisitor import exp_translator
import functions
from flow import KEYWORD_METHODS
def FUNC_TRANSLATOR(*a): # stupid import system in python
raise RuntimeError('Remember to set func translator. Thank you.')
def set_func_translator(ftrans):
# stupid stupid Python or Peter
def is_empty_object(n, last):
"""n may be the inside of block or object"""
if n.strip():
return False
# seems to be but can be empty code
last = last.strip()
markers = {
if not last or last[-1] in markers:
return False
return True
# todo refine this function
def is_object(n, last):
"""n may be the inside of block or object.
last is the code before object"""
if is_empty_object(n, last):
return True
if not n.strip():
return False
#Object contains lines of code so it cant be an object
if len(argsplit(n, ';')) > 1:
return False
cands = argsplit(n, ',')
if not cands[-1].strip():
return True # {xxxx,} empty after last , it must be an object
for cand in cands:
cand = cand.strip()
# separate each candidate element at : in dict and check whether they are correct...
kv = argsplit(cand, ':')
if len(
) > 2: # set the len of kv to 2 because of this stupid : expression
kv = kv[0], ':'.join(kv[1:])
if len(kv) == 2:
# key value pair, check whether not label or ?:
k, v = kv
if not is_lval(k.strip()):
return False
v = v.strip()
if v.startswith('function'):
#will fail on label... {xxx: while {}}
if v[0] == '{': # value cant be a code block
return False
# if v starts with any statement then return false
if v.startswith(e) and len(e) < len(v) and v[len(
return False
elif not (cand.startswith('set ') or cand.startswith('get ')):
return False
return True
def is_array(last):
#it can be prop getter
last = last.strip()
if any(
endswith_keyword(last, e) for e in
{'return', 'new', 'void', 'throw', 'typeof', 'in', 'instanceof'}):
return True
markers = {')', ']'}
return not last or not (last[-1] in markers or last[-1] in IDENTIFIER_PART)
def remove_objects(code, count=1):
""" This function replaces objects with OBJECTS_LVALS, returns new code, replacement dict and count.
count arg is the number that should be added to the LVAL of the first replaced object
replacements = {} #replacement dict
br = bracket_split(code, ['{}', '[]'])
res = ''
last = ''
for e in br:
#test whether e is an object
if e[0] == '{':
n, temp_rep, cand_count = remove_objects(e[1:-1], count)
# if e was not an object then n should not contain any :
if is_object(n, last):
#e was an object
res += ' ' + OBJECT_LVAL % count
replacements[OBJECT_LVAL % count] = e
count += 1
# e was just a code block but could contain objects inside
res += '{%s}' % n
count = cand_count
elif e[0] == '[':
if is_array(last):
res += e # will be translated later
else: # prop get
n, rep, count = remove_objects(e[1:-1], count)
res += '[%s]' % n
else: # e does not contain any objects
res += e
last = e #needed to test for this stipid empty object
return res, replacements, count
def remove_arrays(code, count=1):
"""removes arrays and replaces them with ARRAY_LVALS
returns new code and replacement dict
*NOTE* has to be called AFTER remove objects"""
res = ''
last = ''
replacements = {}
for e in bracket_split(code, ['[]']):
if e[0] == '[':
if is_array(last):
name = ARRAY_LVAL % count
res += ' ' + name
replacements[name] = e
count += 1
else: # pseudo array. But pseudo array can contain true array. for example a[['d'][3]] has 2 pseudo and 1 true array
cand, new_replacements, count = remove_arrays(e[1:-1], count)
res += '[%s]' % cand
res += e
last = e
return res, replacements, count
def translate_object(obj, lval, obj_count=1, arr_count=1):
obj = obj[1:-1] # remove {} from both ends
obj, obj_rep, obj_count = remove_objects(obj, obj_count)
obj, arr_rep, arr_count = remove_arrays(obj, arr_count)
# functions can be defined inside objects. exp translator cant translate them.
# we have to remove them and translate with func translator
# its better explained in translate_array function
obj, hoisted, inline = functions.remove_functions(obj, all_inline=True)
assert not hoisted
gsetters_after = ''
keys = argsplit(obj)
res = []
for i, e in enumerate(keys, 1):
e = e.strip()
if e.startswith('set '):
gsetters_after += translate_setter(lval, e)
elif e.startswith('get '):
gsetters_after += translate_getter(lval, e)
elif ':' not in e:
if i < len(keys
): # can happen legally only in the last element {3:2,}
raise SyntaxError('Unexpected "," in Object literal')
else: #Not getter, setter or elision
spl = argsplit(e, ':')
if len(spl) < 2:
raise SyntaxError('Invalid Object literal: ' + e)
key, value = spl
except: #len(spl)> 2
print('Unusual case ' + repr(e))
key = spl[0]
value = ':'.join(spl[1:])
key = key.strip()
if is_internal(key):
key = '%s.to_string().value' % key
key = repr(key)
value = exp_translator(value)
if not value:
raise SyntaxError('Missing value in Object literal')
res.append('%s:%s' % (key, value))
res = '%s = Js({%s})\n' % (lval, ','.join(res)) + gsetters_after
# translate all the nested objects (including removed earlier functions)
for nested_name, nested_info in inline.iteritems(): # functions
nested_block, nested_args = nested_info
new_def = FUNC_TRANSLATOR(nested_name, nested_block, nested_args)
res = new_def + res
for lval, obj in obj_rep.iteritems(): #objects
new_def, obj_count, arr_count = translate_object(
obj, lval, obj_count, arr_count)
# add object definition BEFORE array definition
res = new_def + res
for lval, obj in arr_rep.iteritems(): # arrays
new_def, obj_count, arr_count = translate_array(
obj, lval, obj_count, arr_count)
# add object definition BEFORE array definition
res = new_def + res
return res, obj_count, arr_count
def translate_setter(lval, setter):
func = 'function' + setter[3:]
_, data, _ = functions.remove_functions(func)
if not data or len(data) > 1:
raise Exception()
raise SyntaxError('Could not parse setter: ' + setter)
prop = data.keys()[0]
body, args = data[prop]
if len(args) != 1: #setter must have exactly 1 argument
raise SyntaxError('Invalid setter. It must take exactly 1 argument.')
# now messy part
res = FUNC_TRANSLATOR('setter', body, args)
res += "%s.define_own_property(%s, {'set': setter})\n" % (lval, repr(prop))
return res
def translate_getter(lval, getter):
func = 'function' + getter[3:]
_, data, _ = functions.remove_functions(func)
if not data or len(data) > 1:
raise Exception()
raise SyntaxError('Could not parse getter: ' + getter)
prop = data.keys()[0]
body, args = data[prop]
if len(args) != 0: #setter must have exactly 0 argument
raise SyntaxError('Invalid getter. It must take exactly 0 argument.')
# now messy part
res = FUNC_TRANSLATOR('getter', body, args)
res += "%s.define_own_property(%s, {'get': setter})\n" % (lval, repr(prop))
return res
def translate_array(array, lval, obj_count=1, arr_count=1):
"""array has to be any js array for example [1,2,3]
lval has to be name of this array.
Returns python code that adds lval to the PY scope it should be put before lval"""
array = array[1:-1]
array, obj_rep, obj_count = remove_objects(array, obj_count)
array, arr_rep, arr_count = remove_arrays(array, arr_count)
#functions can be also defined in arrays, this caused many problems since in Python
# functions cant be defined inside literal
# remove functions (they dont contain arrays or objects so can be translated easily)
# hoisted functions are treated like inline
array, hoisted, inline = functions.remove_functions(array, all_inline=True)
assert not hoisted
arr = []
# separate elements in array
for e in argsplit(array, ','):
# translate expressions in array PyJsLvalInline will not be translated!
e = exp_translator(e.replace('\n', ''))
arr.append(e if e else 'None')
arr = '%s = Js([%s])\n' % (lval, ','.join(arr))
#But we can have more code to add to define arrays/objects/functions defined inside this array
# translate nested objects:
# functions:
for nested_name, nested_info in inline.iteritems():
nested_block, nested_args = nested_info
new_def = FUNC_TRANSLATOR(nested_name, nested_block, nested_args)
arr = new_def + arr
for lval, obj in obj_rep.iteritems():
new_def, obj_count, arr_count = translate_object(
obj, lval, obj_count, arr_count)
# add object definition BEFORE array definition
arr = new_def + arr
for lval, obj in arr_rep.iteritems():
new_def, obj_count, arr_count = translate_array(
obj, lval, obj_count, arr_count)
# add object definition BEFORE array definition
arr = new_def + arr
return arr, obj_count, arr_count
if __name__ == '__main__':
test = 'a = {404:{494:19}}; b = 303; if () {f={:}; { }}'
#print remove_objects(test)
#print list(bracket_split(' {}'))
'typeof a&&!db.test(a)&&!ib[(bb.exec(a)||["",""], [][[5][5]])[1].toLowerCase()])'
print(is_object('', ')'))