2018-09-16 20:27:00 -04:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Discord Notify Wrapper
# Copyright (C) 2018 Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# This file is part of apprise.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# For this to work correctly you need to create a webhook. To do this just
# click on the little gear icon next to the channel you're part of. From
# here you'll be able to access the Webhooks menu and create a new one.
# When you've completed, you'll get a URL that looks a little like this:
# https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/417429632418316298/\
# JHZ7lQml277CDHmQKMHI8qBe7bk2ZwO5UKjCiOAF7711o33MyqU344Qpgv7YTpadV_js
# Simplified, it looks like this:
# https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/WEBHOOK_ID/WEBHOOK_TOKEN
# This plugin will simply work using the url of:
# API Documentation on Webhooks:
# - https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook
import re
import requests
from json import dumps
from .NotifyBase import NotifyBase
from .NotifyBase import HTTP_ERROR_MAP
from ..common import NotifyImageSize
from ..common import NotifyFormat
from ..utils import parse_bool
class NotifyDiscord(NotifyBase):
A wrapper to Discord Notifications
2018-10-22 18:39:11 +02:00
# The default descriptive name associated with the Notification
service_name = 'Discord'
# The services URL
service_url = 'https://discordapp.com/'
2018-09-16 20:27:00 -04:00
# The default secure protocol
secure_protocol = 'discord'
2018-10-22 18:39:11 +02:00
# A URL that takes you to the setup/help of the specific protocol
setup_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_discored'
2018-09-16 20:27:00 -04:00
# Discord Webhook
notify_url = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks'
# Allows the user to specify the NotifyImageSize object
image_size = NotifyImageSize.XY_256
# The maximum allowable characters allowed in the body per message
body_maxlen = 2000
# Default Notify Format
notify_format = NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN
def __init__(self, webhook_id, webhook_token, tts=False, avatar=True,
footer=False, thumbnail=True, **kwargs):
Initialize Discord Object
super(NotifyDiscord, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if not webhook_id:
raise TypeError(
'An invalid Client ID was specified.'
if not webhook_token:
raise TypeError(
'An invalid Webhook Token was specified.'
# Store our data
self.webhook_id = webhook_id
self.webhook_token = webhook_token
# Text To Speech
self.tts = tts
# Over-ride Avatar Icon
self.avatar = avatar
# Place a footer icon
self.footer = footer
# Place a thumbnail image inline with the message body
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
def notify(self, title, body, notify_type, **kwargs):
Perform Discord Notification
headers = {
'User-Agent': self.app_id,
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
# Prepare JSON Object
payload = {
# Text-To-Speech
'tts': self.tts,
# If Text-To-Speech is set to True, then we do not want to wait
# for the whole message before continuing. Otherwise, we wait
'wait': self.tts is False,
# Our color associated with our notification
'color': self.color(notify_type, int),
'embeds': [{
'provider': {
'name': self.app_id,
'url': self.app_url,
'title': title,
'type': 'rich',
'description': body,
if self.notify_format == NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN:
fields = self.extract_markdown_sections(body)
if len(fields) > 0:
# Apply our additional parsing for a better presentation
# Swap first entry for description
payload['embeds'][0]['description'] = \
fields[0].get('name') + fields[0].get('value')
payload['embeds'][0]['fields'] = fields[1:]
if self.footer:
logo_url = self.image_url(notify_type, logo=True)
payload['embeds'][0]['footer'] = {
'text': self.app_desc,
if logo_url:
payload['embeds'][0]['footer']['icon_url'] = logo_url
image_url = self.image_url(notify_type)
if image_url:
if self.thumbnail:
payload['embeds'][0]['thumbnail'] = {
'url': image_url,
'height': 256,
'width': 256,
if self.avatar:
payload['avatar_url'] = image_url
if self.user:
# Optionally override the default username of the webhook
payload['username'] = self.user
# Construct Notify URL
notify_url = '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(
self.logger.debug('Discord POST URL: %s (cert_verify=%r)' % (
notify_url, self.verify_certificate,
self.logger.debug('Discord Payload: %s' % str(payload))
r = requests.post(
if r.status_code not in (
requests.codes.ok, requests.codes.no_content):
# We had a problem
'Failed to send Discord notification: '
'%s (error=%s).' % (
except KeyError:
'Failed to send Discord notification '
'(error=%s).' % r.status_code)
self.logger.debug('Response Details: %s' % r.raw.read())
# Return; we're done
return False
self.logger.info('Sent Discord notification.')
except requests.RequestException as e:
'A Connection error occured sending Discord '
self.logger.debug('Socket Exception: %s' % str(e))
return False
return True
def parse_url(url):
Parses the URL and returns enough arguments that can allow
us to substantiate this object.
results = NotifyBase.parse_url(url)
if not results:
# We're done early as we couldn't load the results
return results
# Store our webhook ID
webhook_id = results['host']
# Now fetch our tokens
webhook_token = [x for x in filter(bool, NotifyBase.split_path(
except (ValueError, AttributeError, IndexError):
# Force some bad values that will get caught
# in parsing later
webhook_token = None
results['webhook_id'] = webhook_id
results['webhook_token'] = webhook_token
# Text To Speech
results['tts'] = parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('tts', False))
# Use Footer
results['footer'] = parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('footer', False))
# Update Avatar Icon
results['avatar'] = parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('avatar', True))
# Use Thumbnail
results['thumbnail'] = \
parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('thumbnail', True))
return results
def extract_markdown_sections(markdown):
Takes a string in a markdown type format and extracts
the headers and their corresponding sections into individual
fields that get passed as an embed entry to Discord.
regex = re.compile(
r'\s*#+\s*(?P<name>[^#\n]+)([ \r\t\v#]*)'
r'(?P<value>(.+?)(\n(?!\s#))|\s*$)', flags=re.S)
common = regex.finditer(markdown)
fields = list()
for el in common:
d = el.groupdict()
'name': d.get('name', '').strip(),
'value': '```md\n' + d.get('value', '').strip() + '\n```'
return fields