# coding=utf-8 import os import sys import subprocess import subliminal import datetime import time import rarfile from dogpile.cache.region import register_backend as register_cache_backend from app.config import settings, configure_captcha_func, write_config from app.get_args import args from app.logger import configure_logging from utilities.binaries import get_binary, BinaryNotFound from utilities.path_mappings import path_mappings from utilities.backup import restore_from_backup from app.database import init_db from literals import (EXIT_CONFIG_CREATE_ERROR, ENV_BAZARR_ROOT_DIR, DIR_BACKUP, DIR_CACHE, DIR_CONFIG, DIR_DB, DIR_LOG, DIR_RESTORE, EXIT_REQUIREMENTS_ERROR) from utilities.central import make_bazarr_dir, restart_bazarr, stop_bazarr # set start time global variable as epoch global startTime startTime = time.time() # restore backup if required restore_from_backup() # set subliminal_patch user agent os.environ["SZ_USER_AGENT"] = f"Bazarr/{os.environ['BAZARR_VERSION']}" # Check if args.config_dir exist if not os.path.exists(args.config_dir): # Create config_dir directory tree try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(args.config_dir)) except OSError: print("BAZARR The configuration directory doesn't exist and Bazarr cannot create it (permission issue?).") stop_bazarr(EXIT_CONFIG_CREATE_ERROR) os.environ[ENV_BAZARR_ROOT_DIR] = os.path.join(args.config_dir) make_bazarr_dir(DIR_BACKUP) make_bazarr_dir(DIR_CACHE) make_bazarr_dir(DIR_CONFIG) make_bazarr_dir(DIR_DB) make_bazarr_dir(DIR_LOG) make_bazarr_dir(DIR_RESTORE) # set subliminal_patch hearing-impaired extension to use when naming subtitles os.environ["SZ_HI_EXTENSION"] = settings.general.hi_extension # set anti-captcha provider and key configure_captcha_func() # import Google Analytics module to make sure logging is properly configured afterwards from ga4mp import GtagMP # noqa E402 # configure logging configure_logging(settings.general.debug or args.debug) import logging # noqa E402 def is_virtualenv(): # return True if Bazarr have been start from within a virtualenv or venv base_prefix = getattr(sys, "base_prefix", None) # real_prefix will return None if not in a virtualenv environment or the default python path real_prefix = getattr(sys, "real_prefix", None) or sys.prefix return base_prefix != real_prefix # deploy requirements.txt if not args.no_update: try: if os.name == 'nt': import win32api, win32con # noqa E401 import lxml, numpy, webrtcvad, setuptools, PIL # noqa E401 except ImportError: try: import pip # noqa W0611 except ImportError: logging.info('BAZARR unable to install requirements (pip not installed).') else: if os.path.expanduser("~") == '/': logging.info('BAZARR unable to install requirements (user without home directory).') else: logging.info('BAZARR installing requirements...') try: pip_command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-qq', '--disable-pip-version-check', '-r', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'requirements.txt')] if not is_virtualenv(): # --user only make sense if not running under venv pip_command.insert(4, '--user') subprocess.check_output(pip_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.exception(f'BAZARR requirements.txt installation result: {e.stdout}') os._exit(EXIT_REQUIREMENTS_ERROR) else: logging.info('BAZARR requirements installed.') restart_bazarr() # change default base_url to '' settings.general.base_url = settings.general.base_url.rstrip('/') write_config() # migrate enabled_providers from comma separated string to list if isinstance(settings.general.enabled_providers, str) and not settings.general.enabled_providers.startswith('['): settings.general.enabled_providers = str(settings.general.enabled_providers.split(",")) write_config() # Read package_info (if exists) to override some settings by package maintainers # This file can also provide some info about the package version and author package_info_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'package_info') if os.path.isfile(package_info_file): try: splitted_lines = [] package_info = {} with open(package_info_file) as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: splitted_lines += line.split(r'\n') for line in splitted_lines: splitted_line = line.split('=', 1) if len(splitted_line) == 2: package_info[splitted_line[0].lower()] = splitted_line[1].replace('\n', '') else: continue # package author can force a branch to follow if 'branch' in package_info: settings.general.branch = package_info['branch'] # package author can disable update if package_info.get('updatemethod', '') == 'External': os.environ['BAZARR_UPDATE_ALLOWED'] = '0' os.environ['BAZARR_UPDATE_MESSAGE'] = package_info.get('updatemethodmessage', '') # package author can provide version and contact info os.environ['BAZARR_PACKAGE_VERSION'] = package_info.get('packageversion', '') os.environ['BAZARR_PACKAGE_AUTHOR'] = package_info.get('packageauthor', '') except Exception: pass else: write_config() # Configure dogpile file caching for Subliminal request register_cache_backend("subzero.cache.file", "subzero.cache_backends.file", "SZFileBackend") subliminal.region.configure('subzero.cache.file', expiration_time=datetime.timedelta(days=30), arguments={'appname': "sz_cache", 'app_cache_dir': args.config_dir}, replace_existing_backend=True) subliminal.region.backend.sync() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'config', 'releases.txt')): from app.check_update import check_releases check_releases() logging.debug("BAZARR Created releases file") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'config', 'announcements.txt')): from app.announcements import get_announcements_to_file get_announcements_to_file() logging.debug("BAZARR Created announcements file") # Move GA visitor from config to dedicated file if 'visitor' in settings.analytics: with open(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'config', 'analytics.dat')), 'w+') as handle: handle.write(settings.analytics.visitor) settings['analytics'].pop('visitor', None) # Clean unused settings from config settings['general'].pop('throtteled_providers', None) settings['general'].pop('update_restart', None) write_config() # Remove deprecated providers from enabled providers in config from subliminal_patch.extensions import provider_registry # noqa E401 existing_providers = provider_registry.names() enabled_providers = settings.general.enabled_providers settings.general.enabled_providers = [x for x in enabled_providers if x in existing_providers] write_config() def init_binaries(): try: exe = get_binary("unar") rarfile.UNAR_TOOL = exe rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = None rarfile.SEVENZIP_TOOL = None rarfile.tool_setup(unrar=False, unar=True, bsdtar=False, sevenzip=False, force=True) except (BinaryNotFound, rarfile.RarCannotExec): try: exe = get_binary("unrar") rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = exe rarfile.UNAR_TOOL = None rarfile.SEVENZIP_TOOL = None rarfile.tool_setup(unrar=True, unar=False, bsdtar=False, sevenzip=False, force=True) except (BinaryNotFound, rarfile.RarCannotExec): try: exe = get_binary("7z") rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = None rarfile.UNAR_TOOL = None rarfile.SEVENZIP_TOOL = "7z" rarfile.tool_setup(unrar=False, unar=False, bsdtar=False, sevenzip=True, force=True) except (BinaryNotFound, rarfile.RarCannotExec): logging.exception("BAZARR requires a rar archive extraction utilities (unrar, unar, 7zip) and it can't be found.") raise BinaryNotFound else: logging.debug("Using 7zip from: %s", exe) return exe else: logging.debug("Using UnRAR from: %s", exe) return exe else: logging.debug("Using unar from: %s", exe) return exe init_db() init_binaries() path_mappings.update()