from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from collections import OrderedDict import pytest import html5lib from html5lib.filters.alphabeticalattributes import Filter from html5lib.serializer import HTMLSerializer @pytest.mark.parametrize('msg, attrs, expected_attrs', [ ( 'no attrs', {}, {} ), ( 'one attr', {(None, 'alt'): 'image'}, OrderedDict([((None, 'alt'), 'image')]) ), ( 'multiple attrs', { (None, 'src'): 'foo', (None, 'alt'): 'image', (None, 'style'): 'border: 1px solid black;' }, OrderedDict([ ((None, 'alt'), 'image'), ((None, 'src'), 'foo'), ((None, 'style'), 'border: 1px solid black;') ]) ), ]) def test_alphabetizing(msg, attrs, expected_attrs): tokens = [{'type': 'StartTag', 'name': 'img', 'data': attrs}] output_tokens = list(Filter(tokens)) attrs = output_tokens[0]['data'] assert attrs == expected_attrs def test_with_different_namespaces(): tokens = [{ 'type': 'StartTag', 'name': 'pattern', 'data': { (None, 'id'): 'patt1', ('', 'href'): '#patt2' } }] output_tokens = list(Filter(tokens)) attrs = output_tokens[0]['data'] assert attrs == OrderedDict([ ((None, 'id'), 'patt1'), (('', 'href'), '#patt2') ]) def test_with_serializer(): """Verify filter works in the context of everything else""" parser = html5lib.HTMLParser() dom = parser.parseFragment('') walker = html5lib.getTreeWalker('etree') ser = HTMLSerializer( alphabetical_attributes=True, quote_attr_values='always' ) # FIXME(willkg): The "xlink" namespace gets dropped by the serializer. When # that gets fixed, we can fix this expected result. assert ( ser.render(walker(dom)) == '' )