#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Abstract pattern class definition along with various implementations (regexp, string, functional) """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,wrong-import-position from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty import six from . import debug from .loose import call, ensure_list, ensure_dict from .match import Match from .remodule import re, REGEX_AVAILABLE from .utils import find_all, is_iterable, get_first_defined @six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class Pattern(object): """ Definition of a particular pattern to search for. """ def __init__(self, name=None, tags=None, formatter=None, value=None, validator=None, children=False, every=False, private_parent=False, private_children=False, private=False, private_names=None, ignore_names=None, marker=False, format_all=False, validate_all=False, disabled=lambda context: False, log_level=None, properties=None, post_processor=None, **kwargs): """ :param name: Name of this pattern :type name: str :param tags: List of tags related to this pattern :type tags: list[str] :param formatter: dict (name, func) of formatter to use with this pattern. name is the match name to support, and func a function(input_string) that returns the formatted string. A single formatter function can also be passed as a shortcut for {None: formatter}. The returned formatted string with be set in Match.value property. :type formatter: dict[str, func] || func :param value: dict (name, value) of value to use with this pattern. name is the match name to support, and value an object for the match value. A single object value can also be passed as a shortcut for {None: value}. The value with be set in Match.value property. :type value: dict[str, object] || object :param validator: dict (name, func) of validator to use with this pattern. name is the match name to support, and func a function(match) that returns the a boolean. A single validator function can also be passed as a shortcut for {None: validator}. If return value is False, match will be ignored. :param children: generates children instead of parent :type children: bool :param every: generates both parent and children. :type every: bool :param private: flag this pattern as beeing private. :type private: bool :param private_parent: force return of parent and flag parent matches as private. :type private_parent: bool :param private_children: force return of children and flag children matches as private. :type private_children: bool :param private_names: force return of named matches as private. :type private_names: bool :param ignore_names: drop some named matches after validation. :type ignore_names: bool :param marker: flag this pattern as beeing a marker. :type private: bool :param format_all if True, pattern will format every match in the hierarchy (even match not yield). :type format_all: bool :param validate_all if True, pattern will validate every match in the hierarchy (even match not yield). :type validate_all: bool :param disabled: if True, this pattern is disabled. Can also be a function(context). :type disabled: bool|function :param log_lvl: Log level associated to this pattern :type log_lvl: int :param post_process: Post processing function :type post_processor: func """ # pylint:disable=too-many-locals,unused-argument self.name = name self.tags = ensure_list(tags) self.formatters, self._default_formatter = ensure_dict(formatter, lambda x: x) self.values, self._default_value = ensure_dict(value, None) self.validators, self._default_validator = ensure_dict(validator, lambda match: True) self.every = every self.children = children self.private = private self.private_names = private_names if private_names else [] self.ignore_names = ignore_names if ignore_names else [] self.private_parent = private_parent self.private_children = private_children self.marker = marker self.format_all = format_all self.validate_all = validate_all if not callable(disabled): self.disabled = lambda context: disabled else: self.disabled = disabled self._log_level = log_level self._properties = properties self.defined_at = debug.defined_at() if not callable(post_processor): self.post_processor = None else: self.post_processor = post_processor @property def log_level(self): """ Log level for this pattern. :return: :rtype: """ return self._log_level if self._log_level is not None else debug.LOG_LEVEL def _yield_children(self, match): """ Does this match has children :param match: :type match: :return: :rtype: """ return match.children and (self.children or self.every) def _yield_parent(self): """ Does this mat :param match: :type match: :return: :rtype: """ return not self.children or self.every def _match_parent(self, match, yield_parent): """ Handle a parent match :param match: :type match: :param yield_parent: :type yield_parent: :return: :rtype: """ if not match or match.value == "": return False pattern_value = get_first_defined(self.values, [match.name, '__parent__', None], self._default_value) if pattern_value: match.value = pattern_value if yield_parent or self.format_all: match.formatter = get_first_defined(self.formatters, [match.name, '__parent__', None], self._default_formatter) if yield_parent or self.validate_all: validator = get_first_defined(self.validators, [match.name, '__parent__', None], self._default_validator) if validator and not validator(match): return False return True def _match_child(self, child, yield_children): """ Handle a children match :param child: :type child: :param yield_children: :type yield_children: :return: :rtype: """ if not child or child.value == "": return False pattern_value = get_first_defined(self.values, [child.name, '__children__', None], self._default_value) if pattern_value: child.value = pattern_value if yield_children or self.format_all: child.formatter = get_first_defined(self.formatters, [child.name, '__children__', None], self._default_formatter) if yield_children or self.validate_all: validator = get_first_defined(self.validators, [child.name, '__children__', None], self._default_validator) if validator and not validator(child): return False return True def matches(self, input_string, context=None, with_raw_matches=False): """ Computes all matches for a given input :param input_string: the string to parse :type input_string: str :param context: the context :type context: dict :param with_raw_matches: should return details :type with_raw_matches: dict :return: matches based on input_string for this pattern :rtype: iterator[Match] """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches matches = [] raw_matches = [] for pattern in self.patterns: yield_parent = self._yield_parent() match_index = -1 for match in self._match(pattern, input_string, context): match_index += 1 match.match_index = match_index raw_matches.append(match) yield_children = self._yield_children(match) if not self._match_parent(match, yield_parent): continue validated = True for child in match.children: if not self._match_child(child, yield_children): validated = False break if validated: if self.private_parent: match.private = True if self.private_children: for child in match.children: child.private = True if yield_parent or self.private_parent: matches.append(match) if yield_children or self.private_children: for child in match.children: child.match_index = match_index matches.append(child) matches = self._matches_post_process(matches) self._matches_privatize(matches) self._matches_ignore(matches) if with_raw_matches: return matches, raw_matches return matches def _matches_post_process(self, matches): """ Post process matches with user defined function :param matches: :type matches: :return: :rtype: """ if self.post_processor: return self.post_processor(matches, self) return matches def _matches_privatize(self, matches): """ Mark matches included in private_names with private flag. :param matches: :type matches: :return: :rtype: """ if self.private_names: for match in matches: if match.name in self.private_names: match.private = True def _matches_ignore(self, matches): """ Ignore matches included in ignore_names. :param matches: :type matches: :return: :rtype: """ if self.ignore_names: for match in list(matches): if match.name in self.ignore_names: matches.remove(match) @abstractproperty def patterns(self): # pragma: no cover """ List of base patterns defined :return: A list of base patterns :rtype: list """ pass @property def properties(self): """ Properties names and values that can ben retrieved by this pattern. :return: :rtype: """ if self._properties: return self._properties return {} @abstractproperty def match_options(self): # pragma: no cover """ dict of default options for generated Match objects :return: **options to pass to Match constructor :rtype: dict """ pass @abstractmethod def _match(self, pattern, input_string, context=None): # pragma: no cover """ Computes all matches for a given pattern and input :param pattern: the pattern to use :param input_string: the string to parse :type input_string: str :param context: the context :type context: dict :return: matches based on input_string for this pattern :rtype: iterator[Match] """ pass def __repr__(self): defined = "" if self.defined_at: defined = "@%s" % (self.defined_at,) return "<%s%s:%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, defined, self.__repr__patterns__) @property def __repr__patterns__(self): return self.patterns class StringPattern(Pattern): """ Definition of one or many strings to search for. """ def __init__(self, *patterns, **kwargs): super(StringPattern, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._patterns = patterns self._kwargs = kwargs self._match_kwargs = filter_match_kwargs(kwargs) @property def patterns(self): return self._patterns @property def match_options(self): return self._match_kwargs def _match(self, pattern, input_string, context=None): for index in find_all(input_string, pattern, **self._kwargs): yield Match(index, index + len(pattern), pattern=self, input_string=input_string, **self._match_kwargs) class RePattern(Pattern): """ Definition of one or many regular expression pattern to search for. """ def __init__(self, *patterns, **kwargs): super(RePattern, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.repeated_captures = REGEX_AVAILABLE if 'repeated_captures' in kwargs: self.repeated_captures = kwargs.get('repeated_captures') if self.repeated_captures and not REGEX_AVAILABLE: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("repeated_capture is available only with regex module.") self.abbreviations = kwargs.get('abbreviations', []) self._kwargs = kwargs self._match_kwargs = filter_match_kwargs(kwargs) self._children_match_kwargs = filter_match_kwargs(kwargs, children=True) self._patterns = [] for pattern in patterns: if isinstance(pattern, six.string_types): if self.abbreviations and pattern: for key, replacement in self.abbreviations: pattern = pattern.replace(key, replacement) pattern = call(re.compile, pattern, **self._kwargs) elif isinstance(pattern, dict): if self.abbreviations and 'pattern' in pattern: for key, replacement in self.abbreviations: pattern['pattern'] = pattern['pattern'].replace(key, replacement) pattern = re.compile(**pattern) elif hasattr(pattern, '__iter__'): pattern = re.compile(*pattern) self._patterns.append(pattern) @property def patterns(self): return self._patterns @property def __repr__patterns__(self): return [pattern.pattern for pattern in self.patterns] @property def match_options(self): return self._match_kwargs def _match(self, pattern, input_string, context=None): names = dict((v, k) for k, v in pattern.groupindex.items()) for match_object in pattern.finditer(input_string): start = match_object.start() end = match_object.end() main_match = Match(start, end, pattern=self, input_string=input_string, **self._match_kwargs) if pattern.groups: for i in range(1, pattern.groups + 1): name = names.get(i, main_match.name) if self.repeated_captures: for start, end in match_object.spans(i): child_match = Match(start, end, name=name, parent=main_match, pattern=self, input_string=input_string, **self._children_match_kwargs) main_match.children.append(child_match) else: start, end = match_object.span(i) if start > -1 and end > -1: child_match = Match(start, end, name=name, parent=main_match, pattern=self, input_string=input_string, **self._children_match_kwargs) main_match.children.append(child_match) yield main_match class FunctionalPattern(Pattern): """ Definition of one or many functional pattern to search for. """ def __init__(self, *patterns, **kwargs): super(FunctionalPattern, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._patterns = patterns self._kwargs = kwargs self._match_kwargs = filter_match_kwargs(kwargs) @property def patterns(self): return self._patterns @property def match_options(self): return self._match_kwargs def _match(self, pattern, input_string, context=None): ret = call(pattern, input_string, context, **self._kwargs) if ret: if not is_iterable(ret) or isinstance(ret, dict) \ or (is_iterable(ret) and hasattr(ret, '__getitem__') and isinstance(ret[0], int)): args_iterable = [ret] else: args_iterable = ret for args in args_iterable: if isinstance(args, dict): options = args options.pop('input_string', None) options.pop('pattern', None) if self._match_kwargs: options = self._match_kwargs.copy() options.update(args) yield Match(pattern=self, input_string=input_string, **options) else: kwargs = self._match_kwargs if isinstance(args[-1], dict): kwargs = dict(kwargs) kwargs.update(args[-1]) args = args[:-1] yield Match(*args, pattern=self, input_string=input_string, **kwargs) def filter_match_kwargs(kwargs, children=False): """ Filters out kwargs for Match construction :param kwargs: :type kwargs: dict :param children: :type children: Flag to filter children matches :return: A filtered dict :rtype: dict """ kwargs = kwargs.copy() for key in ('pattern', 'start', 'end', 'parent', 'formatter', 'value'): if key in kwargs: del kwargs[key] if children: for key in ('name',): if key in kwargs: del kwargs[key] return kwargs