# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import re from .logger import logger from time import sleep from datetime import datetime from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as sax_escape from urllib.parse import unquote as _unquote from urllib.parse import quote as _quote from .AppriseLocale import gettext_lazy as _ from .AppriseAsset import AppriseAsset from .utils import urlencode from .utils import parse_url from .utils import parse_bool from .utils import parse_list from .utils import parse_phone_no # Used to break a path list into parts PATHSPLIT_LIST_DELIM = re.compile(r'[ \t\r\n,\\/]+') class PrivacyMode: # Defines different privacy modes strings can be printed as # Astrisk sets 4 of them: e.g. **** # This is used for passwords Secret = '*' # Outer takes the first and last character displaying them with # 3 dots between. Hence, 'i-am-a-token' would become 'i...n' Outer = 'o' # Displays the last four characters Tail = 't' # Define the HTML Lookup Table HTML_LOOKUP = { 400: 'Bad Request - Unsupported Parameters.', 401: 'Verification Failed.', 404: 'Page not found.', 405: 'Method not allowed.', 500: 'Internal server error.', 503: 'Servers are overloaded.', } class URLBase: """ This is the base class for all URL Manipulation """ # The default descriptive name associated with the URL service_name = None # The default simple (insecure) protocol # all inheriting entries must provide their protocol lookup # protocol:// (in this example they would specify 'protocol') protocol = None # The default secure protocol # all inheriting entries must provide their protocol lookup # protocols:// (in this example they would specify 'protocols') # This value can be the same as the defined protocol. secure_protocol = None # Throttle request_rate_per_sec = 0 # The connect timeout is the number of seconds Requests will wait for your # client to establish a connection to a remote machine (corresponding to # the connect()) call on the socket. socket_connect_timeout = 4.0 # The read timeout is the number of seconds the client will wait for the # server to send a response. socket_read_timeout = 4.0 # Handle # Maintain a set of tags to associate with this specific notification tags = set() # Secure sites should be verified against a Certificate Authority verify_certificate = True # Logging to our global logger logger = logger # Define a default set of template arguments used for dynamically building # details about our individual plugins for developers. # Define object templates templates = () # Provides a mapping of tokens, certain entries are fixed and automatically # configured if found (such as schema, host, user, pass, and port) template_tokens = {} # Here is where we define all of the arguments we accept on the url # such as: schema://whatever/?cto=5.0&rto=15 # These act the same way as tokens except they are optional and/or # have default values set if mandatory. This rule must be followed template_args = { 'verify': { 'name': _('Verify SSL'), # SSL Certificate Authority Verification 'type': 'bool', # Provide a default 'default': verify_certificate, # look up default using the following parent class value at # runtime. '_lookup_default': 'verify_certificate', }, 'rto': { 'name': _('Socket Read Timeout'), 'type': 'float', # Provide a default 'default': socket_read_timeout, # look up default using the following parent class value at # runtime. The variable name identified here (in this case # socket_read_timeout) is checked and it's result is placed # over-top of the 'default'. This is done because once a parent # class inherits this one, the overflow_mode already set as a # default 'could' be potentially over-ridden and changed to a # different value. '_lookup_default': 'socket_read_timeout', }, 'cto': { 'name': _('Socket Connect Timeout'), 'type': 'float', # Provide a default 'default': socket_connect_timeout, # look up default using the following parent class value at # runtime. The variable name identified here (in this case # socket_connect_timeout) is checked and it's result is placed # over-top of the 'default'. This is done because once a parent # class inherits this one, the overflow_mode already set as a # default 'could' be potentially over-ridden and changed to a # different value. '_lookup_default': 'socket_connect_timeout', }, } # kwargs are dynamically built because a prefix causes us to parse the # content slightly differently. The prefix is required and can be either # a (+ or -). Below would handle the +key=value: # { # 'headers': { # 'name': _('HTTP Header'), # 'prefix': '+', # 'type': 'string', # }, # }, # # In a kwarg situation, the 'key' is always presumed to be treated as # a string. When the 'type' is defined, it is being defined to respect # the 'value'. template_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, asset=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize some general logging and common server arguments that will keep things consistent when working with the children that inherit this class. """ # Prepare our Asset Object self.asset = \ asset if isinstance(asset, AppriseAsset) else AppriseAsset() # Certificate Verification (for SSL calls); default to being enabled self.verify_certificate = parse_bool(kwargs.get('verify', True)) # Secure Mode self.secure = kwargs.get('secure', None) try: if not isinstance(self.secure, bool): # Attempt to detect self.secure = kwargs.get('schema', '')[-1].lower() == 's' except (TypeError, IndexError): self.secure = False self.host = URLBase.unquote(kwargs.get('host')) self.port = kwargs.get('port') if self.port: try: self.port = int(self.port) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.logger.warning( 'Invalid port number specified {}' .format(self.port)) self.port = None self.user = kwargs.get('user') if self.user: # Always unquote user if it exists self.user = URLBase.unquote(self.user) self.password = kwargs.get('password') if self.password: # Always unquote the password if it exists self.password = URLBase.unquote(self.password) # Store our full path consistently ensuring it ends with a `/' self.fullpath = URLBase.unquote(kwargs.get('fullpath')) if not isinstance(self.fullpath, str) or not self.fullpath: self.fullpath = '/' # Store our Timeout Variables if 'rto' in kwargs: try: self.socket_read_timeout = float(kwargs.get('rto')) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.logger.warning( 'Invalid socket read timeout (rto) was specified {}' .format(kwargs.get('rto'))) if 'cto' in kwargs: try: self.socket_connect_timeout = float(kwargs.get('cto')) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.logger.warning( 'Invalid socket connect timeout (cto) was specified {}' .format(kwargs.get('cto'))) if 'tag' in kwargs: # We want to associate some tags with our notification service. # the code below gets the 'tag' argument if defined, otherwise # it just falls back to whatever was already defined globally self.tags = set(parse_list(kwargs.get('tag'), self.tags)) # Tracks the time any i/o was made to the remote server. This value # is automatically set and controlled through the throttle() call. self._last_io_datetime = None def throttle(self, last_io=None, wait=None): """ A common throttle control if a wait is specified, then it will force a sleep of the specified time if it is larger then the calculated throttle time. """ if last_io is not None: # Assume specified last_io self._last_io_datetime = last_io # Get ourselves a reference time of 'now' reference = datetime.now() if self._last_io_datetime is None: # Set time to 'now' and no need to throttle self._last_io_datetime = reference return if self.request_rate_per_sec <= 0.0 and not wait: # We're done if there is no throttle limit set return # If we reach here, we need to do additional logic. # If the difference between the reference time and 'now' is less than # the defined request_rate_per_sec then we need to throttle for the # remaining balance of this time. elapsed = (reference - self._last_io_datetime).total_seconds() if wait is not None: self.logger.debug('Throttling forced for {}s...'.format(wait)) sleep(wait) elif elapsed < self.request_rate_per_sec: self.logger.debug('Throttling for {}s...'.format( self.request_rate_per_sec - elapsed)) sleep(self.request_rate_per_sec - elapsed) # Update our timestamp before we leave self._last_io_datetime = datetime.now() return def url(self, privacy=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Assembles the URL associated with the notification based on the arguments provied. """ # Our default parameters params = self.url_parameters(privacy=privacy, *args, **kwargs) # Determine Authentication auth = '' if self.user and self.password: auth = '{user}:{password}@'.format( user=URLBase.quote(self.user, safe=''), password=self.pprint( self.password, privacy, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret, safe=''), ) elif self.user: auth = '{user}@'.format( user=URLBase.quote(self.user, safe=''), ) default_port = 443 if self.secure else 80 return '{schema}://{auth}{hostname}{port}{fullpath}?{params}'.format( schema='https' if self.secure else 'http', auth=auth, # never encode hostname since we're expecting it to be a valid one hostname=self.host, port='' if self.port is None or self.port == default_port else ':{}'.format(self.port), fullpath=URLBase.quote(self.fullpath, safe='/') if self.fullpath else '/', params=URLBase.urlencode(params), ) def __contains__(self, tags): """ Returns true if the tag specified is associated with this notification. tag can also be a tuple, set, and/or list """ if isinstance(tags, (tuple, set, list)): return bool(set(tags) & self.tags) # return any match return tags in self.tags def __str__(self): """ Returns the url path """ return self.url(privacy=True) @staticmethod def escape_html(html, convert_new_lines=False, whitespace=True): """ Takes html text as input and escapes it so that it won't conflict with any xml/html wrapping characters. Args: html (str): The HTML code to escape convert_new_lines (:obj:`bool`, optional): escape new lines (\n) whitespace (:obj:`bool`, optional): escape whitespace Returns: str: The escaped html """ if not isinstance(html, str) or not html: return '' # Escape HTML escaped = sax_escape(html, {"'": "'", "\"": """}) if whitespace: # Tidy up whitespace too escaped = escaped\ .replace(u'\t', u' ')\ .replace(u' ', u' ') if convert_new_lines: return escaped.replace(u'\n', u'
') return escaped @staticmethod def unquote(content, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'): """ Replace %xx escapes by their single-character equivalent. The optional encoding and errors parameters specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences. Wrapper to Python's `unquote` while remaining compatible with both Python 2 & 3 since the reference to this function changed between versions. Note: errors set to 'replace' means that invalid sequences are replaced by a placeholder character. Args: content (str): The quoted URI string you wish to unquote encoding (:obj:`str`, optional): encoding type errors (:obj:`str`, errors): how to handle invalid character found in encoded string (defined by encoding) Returns: str: The unquoted URI string """ if not content: return '' return _unquote(content, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) @staticmethod def quote(content, safe='/', encoding=None, errors=None): """ Replaces single character non-ascii characters and URI specific ones by their %xx code. Wrapper to Python's `quote` while remaining compatible with both Python 2 & 3 since the reference to this function changed between versions. Args: content (str): The URI string you wish to quote safe (str): non-ascii characters and URI specific ones that you do not wish to escape (if detected). Setting this string to an empty one causes everything to be escaped. encoding (:obj:`str`, optional): encoding type errors (:obj:`str`, errors): how to handle invalid character found in encoded string (defined by encoding) Returns: str: The quoted URI string """ if not content: return '' return _quote(content, safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) @staticmethod def pprint(content, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer, # privacy print; quoting is ignored when privacy is set to True quote=True, safe='/', encoding=None, errors=None): """ Privacy Print is used to mainpulate the string before passing it into part of the URL. It is used to mask/hide private details such as tokens, passwords, apikeys, etc from on-lookers. If the privacy=False is set, then the quote variable is the next flag checked. Quoting is never done if the privacy flag is set to true to avoid skewing the expected output. """ if not privacy: if quote: # Return quoted string if specified to do so return URLBase.quote( content, safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) # Return content 'as-is' return content if mode is PrivacyMode.Secret: # Return 4 Asterisks return '****' if not isinstance(content, str) or not content: # Nothing more to do return '' if mode is PrivacyMode.Tail: # Return the trailing 4 characters return '...{}'.format(content[-4:]) # Default mode is Outer Mode return '{}...{}'.format(content[0:1], content[-1:]) @staticmethod def urlencode(query, doseq=False, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None): """Convert a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples Wrapper to Python's `urlencode` while remaining compatible with both Python 2 & 3 since the reference to this function changed between versions. The resulting string is a series of key=value pairs separated by '&' characters, where both key and value are quoted using the quote() function. Note: If the dictionary entry contains an entry that is set to None it is not included in the final result set. If you want to pass in an empty variable, set it to an empty string. Args: query (str): The dictionary to encode doseq (:obj:`bool`, optional): Handle sequences safe (:obj:`str`): non-ascii characters and URI specific ones that you do not wish to escape (if detected). Setting this string to an empty one causes everything to be escaped. encoding (:obj:`str`, optional): encoding type errors (:obj:`str`, errors): how to handle invalid character found in encoded string (defined by encoding) Returns: str: The escaped parameters returned as a string """ return urlencode( query, doseq=doseq, safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) @staticmethod def split_path(path, unquote=True): """Splits a URL up into a list object. Parses a specified URL and breaks it into a list. Args: path (str): The path to split up into a list. unquote (:obj:`bool`, optional): call unquote on each element added to the returned list. Returns: list: A list containing all of the elements in the path """ try: paths = PATHSPLIT_LIST_DELIM.split(path.lstrip('/')) if unquote: paths = \ [URLBase.unquote(x) for x in filter(bool, paths)] except AttributeError: # path is not useable, we still want to gracefully return an # empty list paths = [] return paths @staticmethod def parse_list(content, allow_whitespace=True, unquote=True): """A wrapper to utils.parse_list() with unquoting support Parses a specified set of data and breaks it into a list. Args: content (str): The path to split up into a list. If a list is provided, then it's individual entries are processed. allow_whitespace (:obj:`bool`, optional): whitespace is to be treated as a delimiter unquote (:obj:`bool`, optional): call unquote on each element added to the returned list. Returns: list: A unique list containing all of the elements in the path """ content = parse_list(content, allow_whitespace=allow_whitespace) if unquote: content = \ [URLBase.unquote(x) for x in filter(bool, content)] return content @staticmethod def parse_phone_no(content, unquote=True): """A wrapper to utils.parse_phone_no() with unquoting support Parses a specified set of data and breaks it into a list. Args: content (str): The path to split up into a list. If a list is provided, then it's individual entries are processed. unquote (:obj:`bool`, optional): call unquote on each element added to the returned list. Returns: list: A unique list containing all of the elements in the path """ if unquote: try: content = URLBase.unquote(content) except TypeError: # Nothing further to do return [] content = parse_phone_no(content) return content @property def app_id(self): return self.asset.app_id if self.asset.app_id else '' @property def app_desc(self): return self.asset.app_desc if self.asset.app_desc else '' @property def app_url(self): return self.asset.app_url if self.asset.app_url else '' @property def request_timeout(self): """This is primarily used to fullfill the `timeout` keyword argument that is used by requests.get() and requests.put() calls. """ return (self.socket_connect_timeout, self.socket_read_timeout) @property def request_auth(self): """This is primarily used to fullfill the `auth` keyword argument that is used by requests.get() and requests.put() calls. """ return (self.user, self.password) if self.user else None @property def request_url(self): """ Assemble a simple URL that can be used by the requests library """ # Acquire our schema schema = 'https' if self.secure else 'http' # Prepare our URL url = '%s://%s' % (schema, self.host) # Apply Port information if present if isinstance(self.port, int): url += ':%d' % self.port # Append our full path return url + self.fullpath def url_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Provides a default set of args to work with. This can greatly simplify URL construction in the acommpanied url() function. The following property returns a dictionary (of strings) containing all of the parameters that can be set on a URL and managed through this class. """ return { # The socket read timeout 'rto': str(self.socket_read_timeout), # The request/socket connect timeout 'cto': str(self.socket_connect_timeout), # Certificate verification 'verify': 'yes' if self.verify_certificate else 'no', } @staticmethod def parse_url(url, verify_host=True, plus_to_space=False, strict_port=False): """Parses the URL and returns it broken apart into a dictionary. This is very specific and customized for Apprise. Args: url (str): The URL you want to fully parse. verify_host (:obj:`bool`, optional): a flag kept with the parsed URL which some child classes will later use to verify SSL keys (if SSL transactions take place). Unless under very specific circumstances, it is strongly recomended that you leave this default value set to True. Returns: A dictionary is returned containing the URL fully parsed if successful, otherwise None is returned. """ results = parse_url( url, default_schema='unknown', verify_host=verify_host, plus_to_space=plus_to_space, strict_port=strict_port) if not results: # We're done; we failed to parse our url return results # if our URL ends with an 's', then assume our secure flag is set. results['secure'] = (results['schema'][-1] == 's') # Support SSL Certificate 'verify' keyword. Default to being enabled results['verify'] = True if 'verify' in results['qsd']: results['verify'] = parse_bool( results['qsd'].get('verify', True)) # Password overrides if 'password' in results['qsd']: results['password'] = results['qsd']['password'] if 'pass' in results['qsd']: results['password'] = results['qsd']['pass'] # User overrides if 'user' in results['qsd']: results['user'] = results['qsd']['user'] # parse_url() always creates a 'password' and 'user' entry in the # results returned. Entries are set to None if they weren't specified if results['password'] is None and 'user' in results['qsd']: # Handle cases where the user= provided in 2 locations, we want # the original to fall back as a being a password (if one wasn't # otherwise defined) # e.g. # mailtos://PASSWORD@hostname?user=admin@mail-domain.com # - the PASSWORD gets lost in the parse url() since a user= # over-ride is specified. presults = parse_url(results['url']) if presults: # Store our Password results['password'] = presults['user'] # Store our socket read timeout if specified if 'rto' in results['qsd']: results['rto'] = results['qsd']['rto'] # Store our socket connect timeout if specified if 'cto' in results['qsd']: results['cto'] = results['qsd']['cto'] if 'port' in results['qsd']: results['port'] = results['qsd']['port'] return results @staticmethod def http_response_code_lookup(code, response_mask=None): """Parses the interger response code returned by a remote call from a web request into it's human readable string version. You can over-ride codes or add new ones by providing your own response_mask that contains a dictionary of integer -> string mapped variables """ if isinstance(response_mask, dict): # Apply any/all header over-rides defined HTML_LOOKUP.update(response_mask) # Look up our response try: response = HTML_LOOKUP[code] except KeyError: response = '' return response def __len__(self): """ Should be over-ridden and allows the tracking of how many targets are associated with each URLBase object. Default is always 1 """ return 1 def schemas(self): """A simple function that returns a set of all schemas associated with this object based on the object.protocol and object.secure_protocol """ schemas = set([]) for key in ('protocol', 'secure_protocol'): schema = getattr(self, key, None) if isinstance(schema, str): schemas.add(schema) elif isinstance(schema, (set, list, tuple)): # Support iterables list types for s in schema: if isinstance(s, str): schemas.add(s) return schemas