from __future__ import absolute_import import gevent from gevent import queue from gevent.event import Event try: import geventwebsocket # noqa _websocket_available = True except ImportError: _websocket_available = False class Thread(gevent.Greenlet): # pragma: no cover """ This wrapper class provides gevent Greenlet interface that is compatible with the standard library's Thread class. """ def __init__(self, target, args=[], kwargs={}): super(Thread, self).__init__(target, *args, **kwargs) def _run(self): return class WebSocketWSGI(object): # pragma: no cover """ This wrapper class provides a gevent WebSocket interface that is compatible with eventlet's implementation. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): if 'wsgi.websocket' not in environ: raise RuntimeError('You need to use the gevent-websocket server. ' 'See the Deployment section of the ' 'documentation for more information.') self._sock = environ['wsgi.websocket'] self.environ = environ self.version = self._sock.version self.path = self._sock.path self.origin = self._sock.origin self.protocol = self._sock.protocol return def close(self): return self._sock.close() def send(self, message): return self._sock.send(message) def wait(self): return self._sock.receive() _async = { 'thread': Thread, 'queue': queue.JoinableQueue, 'queue_empty': queue.Empty, 'event': Event, 'websocket': WebSocketWSGI if _websocket_available else None, 'sleep': gevent.sleep, }