from __future__ import absolute_import from inspect import cleandoc, getdoc, getfile, isclass, ismodule, signature from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Tuple from .console import RenderableType, Group from .highlighter import ReprHighlighter from .jupyter import JupyterMixin from .panel import Panel from .pretty import Pretty from .table import Table from .text import Text, TextType def _first_paragraph(doc: str) -> str: """Get the first paragraph from a docstring.""" paragraph, _, _ = doc.partition("\n\n") return paragraph def _reformat_doc(doc: str) -> str: """Reformat docstring.""" doc = cleandoc(doc).strip() return doc class Inspect(JupyterMixin): """A renderable to inspect any Python Object. Args: obj (Any): An object to inspect. title (str, optional): Title to display over inspect result, or None use type. Defaults to None. help (bool, optional): Show full help text rather than just first paragraph. Defaults to False. methods (bool, optional): Enable inspection of callables. Defaults to False. docs (bool, optional): Also render doc strings. Defaults to True. private (bool, optional): Show private attributes (beginning with underscore). Defaults to False. dunder (bool, optional): Show attributes starting with double underscore. Defaults to False. sort (bool, optional): Sort attributes alphabetically. Defaults to True. all (bool, optional): Show all attributes. Defaults to False. value (bool, optional): Pretty print value of object. Defaults to True. """ def __init__( self, obj: Any, *, title: Optional[TextType] = None, help: bool = False, methods: bool = False, docs: bool = True, private: bool = False, dunder: bool = False, sort: bool = True, all: bool = True, value: bool = True, ) -> None: self.highlighter = ReprHighlighter() self.obj = obj self.title = title or self._make_title(obj) if all: methods = private = dunder = True = help self.methods = methods = docs or help self.private = private or dunder self.dunder = dunder self.sort = sort self.value = value def _make_title(self, obj: Any) -> Text: """Make a default title.""" title_str = ( str(obj) if (isclass(obj) or callable(obj) or ismodule(obj)) else str(type(obj)) ) title_text = self.highlighter(title_str) return title_text def __rich__(self) -> Panel: return Group(*self._render()), title=self.title, border_style="scope.border", padding=(0, 1), ) def _get_signature(self, name: str, obj: Any) -> Optional[Text]: """Get a signature for a callable.""" try: _signature = str(signature(obj)) + ":" except ValueError: _signature = "(...)" except TypeError: return None source_filename: Optional[str] = None try: source_filename = getfile(obj) except TypeError: pass callable_name = Text(name, style="inspect.callable") if source_filename: callable_name.stylize(f"link file://{source_filename}") signature_text = self.highlighter(_signature) qualname = name or getattr(obj, "__qualname__", name) qual_signature = Text.assemble( ("def ", "inspect.def"), (qualname, "inspect.callable"), signature_text ) return qual_signature def _render(self) -> Iterable[RenderableType]: """Render object.""" def sort_items(item: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Tuple[bool, str]: key, (_error, value) = item return (callable(value), key.strip("_").lower()) def safe_getattr(attr_name: str) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Get attribute or any exception.""" try: return (None, getattr(obj, attr_name)) except Exception as error: return (error, None) obj = self.obj keys = dir(obj) total_items = len(keys) if not self.dunder: keys = [key for key in keys if not key.startswith("__")] if not self.private: keys = [key for key in keys if not key.startswith("_")] not_shown_count = total_items - len(keys) items = [(key, safe_getattr(key)) for key in keys] if self.sort: items.sort(key=sort_items) items_table = Table.grid(padding=(0, 1), expand=False) items_table.add_column(justify="right") add_row = items_table.add_row highlighter = self.highlighter if callable(obj): signature = self._get_signature("", obj) if signature is not None: yield signature yield "" if _doc = getdoc(obj) if _doc is not None: if not _doc = _first_paragraph(_doc) doc_text = Text(_reformat_doc(_doc), style="") doc_text = highlighter(doc_text) yield doc_text yield "" if self.value and not (isclass(obj) or callable(obj) or ismodule(obj)): yield Panel( Pretty(obj, indent_guides=True, max_length=10, max_string=60), border_style="inspect.value.border", ) yield "" for key, (error, value) in items: key_text = Text.assemble( ( key, "inspect.attr.dunder" if key.startswith("__") else "inspect.attr", ), (" =", "inspect.equals"), ) if error is not None: warning = key_text.copy() warning.stylize("inspect.error") add_row(warning, highlighter(repr(error))) continue if callable(value): if not self.methods: continue _signature_text = self._get_signature(key, value) if _signature_text is None: add_row(key_text, Pretty(value, highlighter=highlighter)) else: if docs = getdoc(value) if docs is not None: _doc = _reformat_doc(str(docs)) if not _doc = _first_paragraph(_doc) _signature_text.append("\n" if "\n" in _doc else " ") doc = highlighter(_doc) doc.stylize("inspect.doc") _signature_text.append(doc) add_row(key_text, _signature_text) else: add_row(key_text, Pretty(value, highlighter=highlighter)) if items_table.row_count: yield items_table else: yield Text.from_markup( f"[b cyan]{not_shown_count}[/][i] attribute(s) not shown.[/i] Run [b][magenta]inspect[/]([not b]inspect[/])[/b] for options." )