import re from functools import partial, reduce from math import gcd from operator import itemgetter from rich.emoji import EmojiVariant from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union, ) from ._loop import loop_last from ._pick import pick_bool from ._wrap import divide_line from .align import AlignMethod from .cells import cell_len, set_cell_size from .containers import Lines from .control import strip_control_codes from .emoji import EmojiVariant from .jupyter import JupyterMixin from .measure import Measurement from .segment import Segment from .style import Style, StyleType if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover from .console import Console, ConsoleOptions, JustifyMethod, OverflowMethod DEFAULT_JUSTIFY: "JustifyMethod" = "default" DEFAULT_OVERFLOW: "OverflowMethod" = "fold" _re_whitespace = re.compile(r"\s+$") TextType = Union[str, "Text"] GetStyleCallable = Callable[[str], Optional[StyleType]] class Span(NamedTuple): """A marked up region in some text.""" start: int """Span start index.""" end: int """Span end index.""" style: Union[str, Style] """Style associated with the span.""" def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"Span({self.start}, {self.end}, {!r})" if (isinstance(, Style) and else f"Span({self.start}, {self.end}, {repr(})" ) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self.end > self.start def split(self, offset: int) -> Tuple["Span", Optional["Span"]]: """Split a span in to 2 from a given offset.""" if offset < self.start: return self, None if offset >= self.end: return self, None start, end, style = self span1 = Span(start, min(end, offset), style) span2 = Span(span1.end, end, style) return span1, span2 def move(self, offset: int) -> "Span": """Move start and end by a given offset. Args: offset (int): Number of characters to add to start and end. Returns: TextSpan: A new TextSpan with adjusted position. """ start, end, style = self return Span(start + offset, end + offset, style) def right_crop(self, offset: int) -> "Span": """Crop the span at the given offset. Args: offset (int): A value between start and end. Returns: Span: A new (possibly smaller) span. """ start, end, style = self if offset >= end: return self return Span(start, min(offset, end), style) class Text(JupyterMixin): """Text with color / style. Args: text (str, optional): Default unstyled text. Defaults to "". style (Union[str, Style], optional): Base style for text. Defaults to "". justify (str, optional): Justify method: "left", "center", "full", "right". Defaults to None. overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to None. no_wrap (bool, optional): Disable text wrapping, or None for default. Defaults to None. end (str, optional): Character to end text with. Defaults to "\\\\n". tab_size (int): Number of spaces per tab, or ``None`` to use ``console.tab_size``. Defaults to 8. spans (List[Span], optional). A list of predefined style spans. Defaults to None. """ __slots__ = [ "_text", "style", "justify", "overflow", "no_wrap", "end", "tab_size", "_spans", "_length", ] def __init__( self, text: str = "", style: Union[str, Style] = "", *, justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, no_wrap: Optional[bool] = None, end: str = "\n", tab_size: Optional[int] = 8, spans: Optional[List[Span]] = None, ) -> None: self._text = [strip_control_codes(text)] = style self.justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = justify self.overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = overflow self.no_wrap = no_wrap self.end = end self.tab_size = tab_size self._spans: List[Span] = spans or [] self._length: int = len(text) def __len__(self) -> int: return self._length def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self._length) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.plain def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" def __add__(self, other: Any) -> "Text": if isinstance(other, (str, Text)): result = self.copy() result.append(other) return result return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Text): return NotImplemented return self.plain == other.plain and self._spans == other._spans def __contains__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, str): return other in self.plain elif isinstance(other, Text): return other.plain in self.plain return False def __getitem__(self, slice: Union[int, slice]) -> "Text": def get_text_at(offset: int) -> "Text": _Span = Span text = Text( self.plain[offset], spans=[ _Span(0, 1, style) for start, end, style in self._spans if end > offset >= start ], end="", ) return text if isinstance(slice, int): return get_text_at(slice) else: start, stop, step = slice.indices(len(self.plain)) if step == 1: lines = self.divide([start, stop]) return lines[1] else: # This would be a bit of work to implement efficiently # For now, its not required raise TypeError("slices with step!=1 are not supported") @property def cell_len(self) -> int: """Get the number of cells required to render this text.""" return cell_len(self.plain) @property def markup(self) -> str: """Get console markup to render this Text. Returns: str: A string potentially creating markup tags. """ from .markup import escape output: List[str] = [] plain = self.plain markup_spans = [ (0, False,, *((span.start, False, for span in self._spans), *((span.end, True, for span in self._spans), (len(plain), True,, ] markup_spans.sort(key=itemgetter(0, 1)) position = 0 append = output.append for offset, closing, style in markup_spans: if offset > position: append(escape(plain[position:offset])) position = offset if style: append(f"[/{style}]" if closing else f"[{style}]") markup = "".join(output) return markup @classmethod def from_markup( cls, text: str, *, style: Union[str, Style] = "", emoji: bool = True, emoji_variant: Optional[EmojiVariant] = None, justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, ) -> "Text": """Create Text instance from markup. Args: text (str): A string containing console markup. emoji (bool, optional): Also render emoji code. Defaults to True. justify (str, optional): Justify method: "left", "center", "full", "right". Defaults to None. overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to None. Returns: Text: A Text instance with markup rendered. """ from .markup import render rendered_text = render(text, style, emoji=emoji, emoji_variant=emoji_variant) rendered_text.justify = justify rendered_text.overflow = overflow return rendered_text @classmethod def from_ansi( cls, text: str, *, style: Union[str, Style] = "", justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, no_wrap: Optional[bool] = None, end: str = "\n", tab_size: Optional[int] = 8, ) -> "Text": """Create a Text object from a string containing ANSI escape codes. Args: text (str): A string containing escape codes. style (Union[str, Style], optional): Base style for text. Defaults to "". justify (str, optional): Justify method: "left", "center", "full", "right". Defaults to None. overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to None. no_wrap (bool, optional): Disable text wrapping, or None for default. Defaults to None. end (str, optional): Character to end text with. Defaults to "\\\\n". tab_size (int): Number of spaces per tab, or ``None`` to use ``console.tab_size``. Defaults to 8. """ from .ansi import AnsiDecoder joiner = Text( "\n", justify=justify, overflow=overflow, no_wrap=no_wrap, end=end, tab_size=tab_size, style=style, ) decoder = AnsiDecoder() result = joiner.join(line for line in decoder.decode(text)) return result @classmethod def styled( cls, text: str, style: StyleType = "", *, justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, ) -> "Text": """Construct a Text instance with a pre-applied styled. A style applied in this way won't be used to pad the text when it is justified. Args: text (str): A string containing console markup. style (Union[str, Style]): Style to apply to the text. Defaults to "". justify (str, optional): Justify method: "left", "center", "full", "right". Defaults to None. overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to None. Returns: Text: A text instance with a style applied to the entire string. """ styled_text = cls(text, justify=justify, overflow=overflow) styled_text.stylize(style) return styled_text @classmethod def assemble( cls, *parts: Union[str, "Text", Tuple[str, StyleType]], style: Union[str, Style] = "", justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, no_wrap: Optional[bool] = None, end: str = "\n", tab_size: int = 8, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> "Text": """Construct a text instance by combining a sequence of strings with optional styles. The positional arguments should be either strings, or a tuple of string + style. Args: style (Union[str, Style], optional): Base style for text. Defaults to "". justify (str, optional): Justify method: "left", "center", "full", "right". Defaults to None. overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to None. end (str, optional): Character to end text with. Defaults to "\\\\n". tab_size (int): Number of spaces per tab, or ``None`` to use ``console.tab_size``. Defaults to 8. meta (Dict[str, Any], optional). Meta data to apply to text, or None for no meta data. Default to None Returns: Text: A new text instance. """ text = cls( style=style, justify=justify, overflow=overflow, no_wrap=no_wrap, end=end, tab_size=tab_size, ) append = text.append _Text = Text for part in parts: if isinstance(part, (_Text, str)): append(part) else: append(*part) if meta: text.apply_meta(meta) return text @property def plain(self) -> str: """Get the text as a single string.""" if len(self._text) != 1: self._text[:] = ["".join(self._text)] return self._text[0] @plain.setter def plain(self, new_text: str) -> None: """Set the text to a new value.""" if new_text != self.plain: self._text[:] = [new_text] old_length = self._length self._length = len(new_text) if old_length > self._length: self._trim_spans() @property def spans(self) -> List[Span]: """Get a reference to the internal list of spans.""" return self._spans @spans.setter def spans(self, spans: List[Span]) -> None: """Set spans.""" self._spans = spans[:] def blank_copy(self, plain: str = "") -> "Text": """Return a new Text instance with copied meta data (but not the string or spans).""" copy_self = Text( plain,, justify=self.justify, overflow=self.overflow, no_wrap=self.no_wrap, end=self.end, tab_size=self.tab_size, ) return copy_self def copy(self) -> "Text": """Return a copy of this instance.""" copy_self = Text( self.plain,, justify=self.justify, overflow=self.overflow, no_wrap=self.no_wrap, end=self.end, tab_size=self.tab_size, ) copy_self._spans[:] = self._spans return copy_self def stylize( self, style: Union[str, Style], start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Apply a style to the text, or a portion of the text. Args: style (Union[str, Style]): Style instance or style definition to apply. start (int): Start offset (negative indexing is supported). Defaults to 0. end (Optional[int], optional): End offset (negative indexing is supported), or None for end of text. Defaults to None. """ if style: length = len(self) if start < 0: start = length + start if end is None: end = length if end < 0: end = length + end if start >= length or end <= start: # Span not in text or not valid return self._spans.append(Span(start, min(length, end), style)) def apply_meta( self, meta: Dict[str, Any], start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Apply meta data to the text, or a portion of the text. Args: meta (Dict[str, Any]): A dict of meta information. start (int): Start offset (negative indexing is supported). Defaults to 0. end (Optional[int], optional): End offset (negative indexing is supported), or None for end of text. Defaults to None. """ style = Style.from_meta(meta) self.stylize(style, start=start, end=end) def on(self, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **handlers: Any) -> "Text": """Apply event handlers (used by Textual project). Example: >>> from rich.text import Text >>> text = Text("hello world") >>> text.on(click="view.toggle('world')") Args: meta (Dict[str, Any]): Mapping of meta information. **handlers: Keyword args are prefixed with "@" to defined handlers. Returns: Text: Self is returned to method may be chained. """ meta = {} if meta is None else meta meta.update({f"@{key}": value for key, value in handlers.items()}) self.stylize(Style.from_meta(meta)) return self def remove_suffix(self, suffix: str) -> None: """Remove a suffix if it exists. Args: suffix (str): Suffix to remove. """ if self.plain.endswith(suffix): self.right_crop(len(suffix)) def get_style_at_offset(self, console: "Console", offset: int) -> Style: """Get the style of a character at give offset. Args: console (~Console): Console where text will be rendered. offset (int): Offset in to text (negative indexing supported) Returns: Style: A Style instance. """ # TODO: This is a little inefficient, it is only used by full justify if offset < 0: offset = len(self) + offset get_style = console.get_style style = get_style( for start, end, span_style in self._spans: if end > offset >= start: style += get_style(span_style, default="") return style def highlight_regex( self, re_highlight: str, style: Optional[Union[GetStyleCallable, StyleType]] = None, *, style_prefix: str = "", ) -> int: """Highlight text with a regular expression, where group names are translated to styles. Args: re_highlight (str): A regular expression. style (Union[GetStyleCallable, StyleType]): Optional style to apply to whole match, or a callable which accepts the matched text and returns a style. Defaults to None. style_prefix (str, optional): Optional prefix to add to style group names. Returns: int: Number of regex matches """ count = 0 append_span = self._spans.append _Span = Span plain = self.plain for match in re.finditer(re_highlight, plain): get_span = match.span if style: start, end = get_span() match_style = style(plain[start:end]) if callable(style) else style if match_style is not None and end > start: append_span(_Span(start, end, match_style)) count += 1 for name in match.groupdict().keys(): start, end = get_span(name) if start != -1 and end > start: append_span(_Span(start, end, f"{style_prefix}{name}")) return count def highlight_words( self, words: Iterable[str], style: Union[str, Style], *, case_sensitive: bool = True, ) -> int: """Highlight words with a style. Args: words (Iterable[str]): Worlds to highlight. style (Union[str, Style]): Style to apply. case_sensitive (bool, optional): Enable case sensitive matchings. Defaults to True. Returns: int: Number of words highlighted. """ re_words = "|".join(re.escape(word) for word in words) add_span = self._spans.append count = 0 _Span = Span for match in re.finditer( re_words, self.plain, flags=0 if case_sensitive else re.IGNORECASE ): start, end = match.span(0) add_span(_Span(start, end, style)) count += 1 return count def rstrip(self) -> None: """Strip whitespace from end of text.""" self.plain = self.plain.rstrip() def rstrip_end(self, size: int) -> None: """Remove whitespace beyond a certain width at the end of the text. Args: size (int): The desired size of the text. """ text_length = len(self) if text_length > size: excess = text_length - size whitespace_match = if whitespace_match is not None: whitespace_count = len( self.right_crop(min(whitespace_count, excess)) def set_length(self, new_length: int) -> None: """Set new length of the text, clipping or padding is required.""" length = len(self) if length != new_length: if length < new_length: self.pad_right(new_length - length) else: self.right_crop(length - new_length) def __rich_console__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> Iterable[Segment]: tab_size: int = console.tab_size or self.tab_size or 8 justify = self.justify or options.justify or DEFAULT_JUSTIFY overflow = self.overflow or options.overflow or DEFAULT_OVERFLOW lines = self.wrap( console, options.max_width, justify=justify, overflow=overflow, tab_size=tab_size or 8, no_wrap=pick_bool(self.no_wrap, options.no_wrap, False), ) all_lines = Text("\n").join(lines) yield from all_lines.render(console, end=self.end) def __rich_measure__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> Measurement: text = self.plain lines = text.splitlines() max_text_width = max(cell_len(line) for line in lines) if lines else 0 words = text.split() min_text_width = ( max(cell_len(word) for word in words) if words else max_text_width ) return Measurement(min_text_width, max_text_width) def render(self, console: "Console", end: str = "") -> Iterable["Segment"]: """Render the text as Segments. Args: console (Console): Console instance. end (Optional[str], optional): Optional end character. Returns: Iterable[Segment]: Result of render that may be written to the console. """ _Segment = Segment text = self.plain if not self._spans: yield Segment(text) if end: yield _Segment(end) return get_style = partial(console.get_style, default=Style.null()) enumerated_spans = list(enumerate(self._spans, 1)) style_map = {index: get_style( for index, span in enumerated_spans} style_map[0] = get_style( spans = [ (0, False, 0), *((span.start, False, index) for index, span in enumerated_spans), *((span.end, True, index) for index, span in enumerated_spans), (len(text), True, 0), ] spans.sort(key=itemgetter(0, 1)) stack: List[int] = [] stack_append = stack.append stack_pop = stack.remove style_cache: Dict[Tuple[Style, ...], Style] = {} style_cache_get = style_cache.get combine = Style.combine def get_current_style() -> Style: """Construct current style from stack.""" styles = tuple(style_map[_style_id] for _style_id in sorted(stack)) cached_style = style_cache_get(styles) if cached_style is not None: return cached_style current_style = combine(styles) style_cache[styles] = current_style return current_style for (offset, leaving, style_id), (next_offset, _, _) in zip(spans, spans[1:]): if leaving: stack_pop(style_id) else: stack_append(style_id) if next_offset > offset: yield _Segment(text[offset:next_offset], get_current_style()) if end: yield _Segment(end) def join(self, lines: Iterable["Text"]) -> "Text": """Join text together with this instance as the separator. Args: lines (Iterable[Text]): An iterable of Text instances to join. Returns: Text: A new text instance containing join text. """ new_text = self.blank_copy() def iter_text() -> Iterable["Text"]: if self.plain: for last, line in loop_last(lines): yield line if not last: yield self else: yield from lines extend_text = new_text._text.extend append_span = new_text._spans.append extend_spans = new_text._spans.extend offset = 0 _Span = Span for text in iter_text(): extend_text(text._text) if append_span(_Span(offset, offset + len(text), extend_spans( _Span(offset + start, offset + end, style) for start, end, style in text._spans ) offset += len(text) new_text._length = offset return new_text def expand_tabs(self, tab_size: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Converts tabs to spaces. Args: tab_size (int, optional): Size of tabs. Defaults to 8. """ if "\t" not in self.plain: return pos = 0 if tab_size is None: tab_size = self.tab_size assert tab_size is not None result = self.blank_copy() append = result.append _style = for line in self.split("\n", include_separator=True): parts = line.split("\t", include_separator=True) for part in parts: if part.plain.endswith("\t"): part._text = [part.plain[:-1] + " "] append(part) pos += len(part) spaces = tab_size - ((pos - 1) % tab_size) - 1 if spaces: append(" " * spaces, _style) pos += spaces else: append(part) self._text = [result.plain] self._length = len(self.plain) self._spans[:] = result._spans def truncate( self, max_width: int, *, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, pad: bool = False, ) -> None: """Truncate text if it is longer that a given width. Args: max_width (int): Maximum number of characters in text. overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", or "ellipsis". Defaults to None, to use self.overflow. pad (bool, optional): Pad with spaces if the length is less than max_width. Defaults to False. """ _overflow = overflow or self.overflow or DEFAULT_OVERFLOW if _overflow != "ignore": length = cell_len(self.plain) if length > max_width: if _overflow == "ellipsis": self.plain = set_cell_size(self.plain, max_width - 1) + "…" else: self.plain = set_cell_size(self.plain, max_width) if pad and length < max_width: spaces = max_width - length self._text = [f"{self.plain}{' ' * spaces}"] self._length = len(self.plain) def _trim_spans(self) -> None: """Remove or modify any spans that are over the end of the text.""" max_offset = len(self.plain) _Span = Span self._spans[:] = [ ( span if span.end < max_offset else _Span(span.start, min(max_offset, span.end), ) for span in self._spans if span.start < max_offset ] def pad(self, count: int, character: str = " ") -> None: """Pad left and right with a given number of characters. Args: count (int): Width of padding. """ assert len(character) == 1, "Character must be a string of length 1" if count: pad_characters = character * count self.plain = f"{pad_characters}{self.plain}{pad_characters}" _Span = Span self._spans[:] = [ _Span(start + count, end + count, style) for start, end, style in self._spans ] def pad_left(self, count: int, character: str = " ") -> None: """Pad the left with a given character. Args: count (int): Number of characters to pad. character (str, optional): Character to pad with. Defaults to " ". """ assert len(character) == 1, "Character must be a string of length 1" if count: self.plain = f"{character * count}{self.plain}" _Span = Span self._spans[:] = [ _Span(start + count, end + count, style) for start, end, style in self._spans ] def pad_right(self, count: int, character: str = " ") -> None: """Pad the right with a given character. Args: count (int): Number of characters to pad. character (str, optional): Character to pad with. Defaults to " ". """ assert len(character) == 1, "Character must be a string of length 1" if count: self.plain = f"{self.plain}{character * count}" def align(self, align: AlignMethod, width: int, character: str = " ") -> None: """Align text to a given width. Args: align (AlignMethod): One of "left", "center", or "right". width (int): Desired width. character (str, optional): Character to pad with. Defaults to " ". """ self.truncate(width) excess_space = width - cell_len(self.plain) if excess_space: if align == "left": self.pad_right(excess_space, character) elif align == "center": left = excess_space // 2 self.pad_left(left, character) self.pad_right(excess_space - left, character) else: self.pad_left(excess_space, character) def append( self, text: Union["Text", str], style: Optional[Union[str, "Style"]] = None ) -> "Text": """Add text with an optional style. Args: text (Union[Text, str]): A str or Text to append. style (str, optional): A style name. Defaults to None. Returns: Text: Returns self for chaining. """ if not isinstance(text, (str, Text)): raise TypeError("Only str or Text can be appended to Text") if len(text): if isinstance(text, str): text = strip_control_codes(text) self._text.append(text) offset = len(self) text_length = len(text) if style is not None: self._spans.append(Span(offset, offset + text_length, style)) self._length += text_length elif isinstance(text, Text): _Span = Span if style is not None: raise ValueError( "style must not be set when appending Text instance" ) text_length = self._length if is not None: self._spans.append( _Span(text_length, text_length + len(text), ) self._text.append(text.plain) self._spans.extend( _Span(start + text_length, end + text_length, style) for start, end, style in text._spans ) self._length += len(text) return self def append_text(self, text: "Text") -> "Text": """Append another Text instance. This method is more performant that Text.append, but only works for Text. Returns: Text: Returns self for chaining. """ _Span = Span text_length = self._length if is not None: self._spans.append(_Span(text_length, text_length + len(text), self._text.append(text.plain) self._spans.extend( _Span(start + text_length, end + text_length, style) for start, end, style in text._spans ) self._length += len(text) return self def append_tokens( self, tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[StyleType]]] ) -> "Text": """Append iterable of str and style. Style may be a Style instance or a str style definition. Args: pairs (Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[StyleType]]]): An iterable of tuples containing str content and style. Returns: Text: Returns self for chaining. """ append_text = self._text.append append_span = self._spans.append _Span = Span offset = len(self) for content, style in tokens: append_text(content) if style is not None: append_span(_Span(offset, offset + len(content), style)) offset += len(content) self._length = offset return self def copy_styles(self, text: "Text") -> None: """Copy styles from another Text instance. Args: text (Text): A Text instance to copy styles from, must be the same length. """ self._spans.extend(text._spans) def split( self, separator: str = "\n", *, include_separator: bool = False, allow_blank: bool = False, ) -> Lines: """Split rich text in to lines, preserving styles. Args: separator (str, optional): String to split on. Defaults to "\\\\n". include_separator (bool, optional): Include the separator in the lines. Defaults to False. allow_blank (bool, optional): Return a blank line if the text ends with a separator. Defaults to False. Returns: List[RichText]: A list of rich text, one per line of the original. """ assert separator, "separator must not be empty" text = self.plain if separator not in text: return Lines([self.copy()]) if include_separator: lines = self.divide( match.end() for match in re.finditer(re.escape(separator), text) ) else: def flatten_spans() -> Iterable[int]: for match in re.finditer(re.escape(separator), text): start, end = match.span() yield start yield end lines = Lines( line for line in self.divide(flatten_spans()) if line.plain != separator ) if not allow_blank and text.endswith(separator): lines.pop() return lines def divide(self, offsets: Iterable[int]) -> Lines: """Divide text in to a number of lines at given offsets. Args: offsets (Iterable[int]): Offsets used to divide text. Returns: Lines: New RichText instances between offsets. """ _offsets = list(offsets) if not _offsets: return Lines([self.copy()]) text = self.plain text_length = len(text) divide_offsets = [0, *_offsets, text_length] line_ranges = list(zip(divide_offsets, divide_offsets[1:])) style = justify = self.justify overflow = self.overflow _Text = Text new_lines = Lines( _Text( text[start:end], style=style, justify=justify, overflow=overflow, ) for start, end in line_ranges ) if not self._spans: return new_lines _line_appends = [line._spans.append for line in new_lines._lines] line_count = len(line_ranges) _Span = Span for span_start, span_end, style in self._spans: lower_bound = 0 upper_bound = line_count start_line_no = (lower_bound + upper_bound) // 2 while True: line_start, line_end = line_ranges[start_line_no] if span_start < line_start: upper_bound = start_line_no - 1 elif span_start > line_end: lower_bound = start_line_no + 1 else: break start_line_no = (lower_bound + upper_bound) // 2 if span_end < line_end: end_line_no = start_line_no else: end_line_no = lower_bound = start_line_no upper_bound = line_count while True: line_start, line_end = line_ranges[end_line_no] if span_end < line_start: upper_bound = end_line_no - 1 elif span_end > line_end: lower_bound = end_line_no + 1 else: break end_line_no = (lower_bound + upper_bound) // 2 for line_no in range(start_line_no, end_line_no + 1): line_start, line_end = line_ranges[line_no] new_start = max(0, span_start - line_start) new_end = min(span_end - line_start, line_end - line_start) if new_end > new_start: _line_appends[line_no](_Span(new_start, new_end, style)) return new_lines def right_crop(self, amount: int = 1) -> None: """Remove a number of characters from the end of the text.""" max_offset = len(self.plain) - amount _Span = Span self._spans[:] = [ ( span if span.end < max_offset else _Span(span.start, min(max_offset, span.end), ) for span in self._spans if span.start < max_offset ] self._text = [self.plain[:-amount]] self._length -= amount def wrap( self, console: "Console", width: int, *, justify: Optional["JustifyMethod"] = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, tab_size: int = 8, no_wrap: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Lines: """Word wrap the text. Args: console (Console): Console instance. width (int): Number of characters per line. emoji (bool, optional): Also render emoji code. Defaults to True. justify (str, optional): Justify method: "default", "left", "center", "full", "right". Defaults to "default". overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", or "ellipsis". Defaults to None. tab_size (int, optional): Default tab size. Defaults to 8. no_wrap (bool, optional): Disable wrapping, Defaults to False. Returns: Lines: Number of lines. """ wrap_justify = justify or self.justify or DEFAULT_JUSTIFY wrap_overflow = overflow or self.overflow or DEFAULT_OVERFLOW no_wrap = pick_bool(no_wrap, self.no_wrap, False) or overflow == "ignore" lines = Lines() for line in self.split(allow_blank=True): if "\t" in line: line.expand_tabs(tab_size) if no_wrap: new_lines = Lines([line]) else: offsets = divide_line(str(line), width, fold=wrap_overflow == "fold") new_lines = line.divide(offsets) for line in new_lines: line.rstrip_end(width) if wrap_justify: new_lines.justify( console, width, justify=wrap_justify, overflow=wrap_overflow ) for line in new_lines: line.truncate(width, overflow=wrap_overflow) lines.extend(new_lines) return lines def fit(self, width: int) -> Lines: """Fit the text in to given width by chopping in to lines. Args: width (int): Maximum characters in a line. Returns: Lines: List of lines. """ lines: Lines = Lines() append = lines.append for line in self.split(): line.set_length(width) append(line) return lines def detect_indentation(self) -> int: """Auto-detect indentation of code. Returns: int: Number of spaces used to indent code. """ _indentations = { len( for match in re.finditer(r"^( *)(.*)$", self.plain, flags=re.MULTILINE) } try: indentation = ( reduce(gcd, [indent for indent in _indentations if not indent % 2]) or 1 ) except TypeError: indentation = 1 return indentation def with_indent_guides( self, indent_size: Optional[int] = None, *, character: str = "│", style: StyleType = "dim green", ) -> "Text": """Adds indent guide lines to text. Args: indent_size (Optional[int]): Size of indentation, or None to auto detect. Defaults to None. character (str, optional): Character to use for indentation. Defaults to "│". style (Union[Style, str], optional): Style of indent guides. Returns: Text: New text with indentation guides. """ _indent_size = self.detect_indentation() if indent_size is None else indent_size text = self.copy() text.expand_tabs() indent_line = f"{character}{' ' * (_indent_size - 1)}" re_indent = re.compile(r"^( *)(.*)$") new_lines: List[Text] = [] add_line = new_lines.append blank_lines = 0 for line in text.split(allow_blank=True): match = re_indent.match(line.plain) if not match or not blank_lines += 1 continue indent = full_indents, remaining_space = divmod(len(indent), _indent_size) new_indent = f"{indent_line * full_indents}{' ' * remaining_space}" line.plain = new_indent + line.plain[len(new_indent) :] line.stylize(style, 0, len(new_indent)) if blank_lines: new_lines.extend([Text(new_indent, style=style)] * blank_lines) blank_lines = 0 add_line(line) if blank_lines: new_lines.extend([Text("", style=style)] * blank_lines) new_text = text.blank_copy("\n").join(new_lines) return new_text if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from rich.console import Console text = Text( """\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n""" ) text.highlight_words(["Lorem"], "bold") text.highlight_words(["ipsum"], "italic") console = Console() console.rule("justify='left'") console.print(text, style="red") console.print() console.rule("justify='center'") console.print(text, style="green", justify="center") console.print() console.rule("justify='right'") console.print(text, style="blue", justify="right") console.print() console.rule("justify='full'") console.print(text, style="magenta", justify="full") console.print()