# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License: GPL from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import os import re import subprocess import time from .exceptions import ExtractionError from .exceptions import InvalidSource from .exceptions import LanguageNotFound from .exceptions import UnsupportedCodec from .stream import FFprobeSubtitleStream logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Paths to executables FFPROBE_PATH = os.environ.get("FFPROBE_PATH", "ffprobe") FFMPEG_PATH = os.environ.get("FFMPEG_PATH", "ffmpeg") FFMPEG_STATS = True FF_LOG_LEVEL = "quiet" _PROGRESS_RE = re.compile( r"size=\s*(\d+\w*B|N/A)\s+time=(\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)\s+bitrate=\s*([\d\.]+(?:e[\+\-]?\d+)?\w*bits/s|N/A)\s+speed=([\d\.]+(?:e[\+\-]?\d+)?x|N/A)" ) def _ffmpeg_call(command, log_callback=None, progress_callback=None, timeout=10000): proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) log_callback = log_callback or logger.debug start = time.time() while True: line = proc.stderr.readline() if not line: break if line: log_callback("ffmpeg: %s", line.strip()) if progress_callback is not None: match = _PROGRESS_RE.search(line) if match: size, time_, bitrate, speed = match.groups() info = {"size": size, "time": time_, "bitrate": bitrate, "speed": speed} progress_callback(info) if timeout is not None and time.time() - start > timeout: proc.kill() raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(command, timeout) return_code = proc.wait() if return_code != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, command) class FFprobeVideoContainer: def __init__(self, path: str): self.path = path @property def extension(self): return os.path.splitext(self.path)[-1].lstrip(".") def get_subtitles(self, timeout: int = 600): """Factory function to create subtitle (stream) instances from FFprobe. :param timeout: subprocess timeout in seconds (default: 600) :raises: InvalidSource""" ff_command = [ FFPROBE_PATH, "-v", FF_LOG_LEVEL, "-print_format", "json", "-show_format", "-show_streams", self.path, ] try: result = subprocess.run( ff_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, timeout=timeout ) streams = json.loads(result.stdout)["streams"] except _ffprobe_exceptions as error: raise InvalidSource( f"{error} trying to get information from {self.path}" ) from error # We want to see the traceback subs = [] for stream in streams: if stream.get("codec_type", "n/a") != "subtitle": continue try: subs.append(FFprobeSubtitleStream(stream)) except (LanguageNotFound, UnsupportedCodec) as error: logger.debug("Ignoring %s: %s", stream.get("codec_name"), error) if not subs: logger.debug("Source doesn't have any subtitle valid streams") return [] logger.debug("Found subtitle streams: %s", subs) return subs def extract_subtitles( self, subtitles, custom_dir=None, overwrite=True, timeout=600, convert_format=None, basename_callback=None, progress_callback=None, ): """Extracts a list of subtitles converting them. Returns a dictionary of the extracted filenames by index. Most bitmap subtitles will raise UnsupportedCodec as they don't support conversion. For such formats use copy instead. :param subtitles: a list of FFprobeSubtitle instances :param custom_dir: a custom directory to save the subtitles. Defaults to same directory as the media file :param overwrite: overwrite files with the same name (default: True) :param timeout: subprocess timeout in seconds (default: 600) :param convert_format: format to convert selected subtitles. Defaults to srt :param basename_callback: a callback that takes the filename path. Only used if custom_dir is set. Defaults to `os.path.basename` :progress_callback: a callback that takes a dict :raises: ExtractionError, UnsupportedCodec, OSError """ extract_command = [FFMPEG_PATH, "-v", FF_LOG_LEVEL] if FFMPEG_STATS: extract_command.append("-stats") extract_command.extend(["-y", "-i", self.path]) if custom_dir is not None: # May raise OSError os.makedirs(custom_dir, exist_ok=True) items = {} collected_paths = set() for subtitle in subtitles: extension_to_use = convert_format or subtitle.convert_default_format sub_path = ( f"{os.path.splitext(self.path)[0]}.{subtitle.suffix}.{extension_to_use}" ) if custom_dir is not None: basename_callback = basename_callback or os.path.basename sub_path = os.path.join(custom_dir, basename_callback(sub_path)) if not overwrite and sub_path in collected_paths: sub_path = f"{os.path.splitext(sub_path)[0]}.{len(collected_paths):02}.{extension_to_use}" if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(sub_path): logger.debug("Ignoring path (OVERWRITE TRUE): %s", sub_path) continue extract_command.extend(subtitle.convert_args(convert_format, sub_path)) logger.debug("Appending subtitle path: %s", sub_path) collected_paths.add(sub_path) items[subtitle.index] = sub_path if not items: logger.debug("No subtitles to extract") return {} logger.debug("Extracting subtitle with command %s", " ".join(extract_command)) try: # subprocess.run(extract_command, timeout=timeout, check=True) _ffmpeg_call( extract_command, timeout=timeout, progress_callback=progress_callback ) except (subprocess.SubprocessError, FileNotFoundError) as error: raise ExtractionError(f"Error calling ffmpeg: {error}") from error for path in items.values(): if not os.path.isfile(path): logger.warning("%s was not extracted", path) return items def copy_subtitles( self, subtitles, custom_dir=None, overwrite=True, timeout=600, fallback_to_convert=True, basename_callback=None, progress_callback=None, ): """Extracts a list of subtitles with ffmpeg's copy method. Returns a dictionary of the extracted filenames by index. :param subtitles: a list of FFprobeSubtitle instances :param custom_dir: a custom directory to save the subtitles. Defaults to same directory as the media file :param overwrite: overwrite files with the same name (default: True) :param timeout: subprocess timeout in seconds (default: 600) :param fallback_to_convert: fallback to stream's default convert format if it is incompatible with copy :param basename_callback: a callback that takes the filename path. Only used if custom_dir is set. Defaults to `os.path.basename` :progress_callback: a callback that takes a dict :raises: ExtractionError, UnsupportedCodec, OSError """ extract_command = [FFMPEG_PATH, "-v", FF_LOG_LEVEL] if FFMPEG_STATS: extract_command.append("-stats") extract_command.extend(["-y", "-i", self.path]) if custom_dir is not None: # May raise OSError os.makedirs(custom_dir, exist_ok=True) items = {} collected_paths = set() for subtitle in subtitles: sub_path = f"{os.path.splitext(self.path)[0]}.{subtitle.suffix}.{subtitle.extension}" if custom_dir is not None: basename_callback = basename_callback or os.path.basename sub_path = os.path.join(custom_dir, basename_callback(sub_path)) if not overwrite and sub_path in collected_paths: sub_path = f"{os.path.splitext(sub_path)[0]}.{len(collected_paths):02}.{subtitle.extension}" if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(sub_path): logger.debug("Ignoring path (OVERWRITE TRUE): %s", sub_path) continue try: extract_command.extend(subtitle.copy_args(sub_path)) except UnsupportedCodec: if fallback_to_convert: logger.warning( "%s incompatible with copy. Using fallback", subtitle ) extract_command.extend(subtitle.convert_args(None, sub_path)) else: raise logger.debug("Appending subtitle path: %s", sub_path) collected_paths.add(sub_path) items[subtitle.index] = sub_path if not items: logger.debug("No subtitles to extract") return {} logger.debug("Extracting subtitle with command %s", " ".join(extract_command)) try: # subprocess.run(extract_command, timeout=timeout, check=True) _ffmpeg_call( extract_command, timeout=timeout, progress_callback=progress_callback ) except (subprocess.SubprocessError, FileNotFoundError) as error: raise ExtractionError(f"Error calling ffmpeg: {error}") from error for path in items.values(): if not os.path.isfile(path): logger.warning("%s was not extracted", path) return items def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" _ffprobe_exceptions = ( subprocess.SubprocessError, json.JSONDecodeError, FileNotFoundError, KeyError, )