import re from ipaddress import ( IPv4Address, IPv4Interface, IPv4Network, IPv6Address, IPv6Interface, IPv6Network, _BaseAddress, _BaseNetwork, ) from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Collection, Dict, Generator, List, Match, Optional, Pattern, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, cast, no_type_check, ) from . import errors from .utils import Representation, update_not_none from .validators import constr_length_validator, str_validator if TYPE_CHECKING: import email_validator from typing_extensions import TypedDict from .config import BaseConfig from .fields import ModelField from .typing import AnyCallable CallableGenerator = Generator[AnyCallable, None, None] class Parts(TypedDict, total=False): scheme: str user: Optional[str] password: Optional[str] ipv4: Optional[str] ipv6: Optional[str] domain: Optional[str] port: Optional[str] path: Optional[str] query: Optional[str] fragment: Optional[str] class HostParts(TypedDict, total=False): host: str tld: Optional[str] host_type: Optional[str] port: Optional[str] rebuild: bool else: email_validator = None class Parts(dict): pass NetworkType = Union[str, bytes, int, Tuple[Union[str, bytes, int], Union[str, int]]] __all__ = [ 'AnyUrl', 'AnyHttpUrl', 'FileUrl', 'HttpUrl', 'stricturl', 'EmailStr', 'NameEmail', 'IPvAnyAddress', 'IPvAnyInterface', 'IPvAnyNetwork', 'PostgresDsn', 'CockroachDsn', 'AmqpDsn', 'RedisDsn', 'MongoDsn', 'KafkaDsn', 'validate_email', ] _url_regex_cache = None _multi_host_url_regex_cache = None _ascii_domain_regex_cache = None _int_domain_regex_cache = None _host_regex_cache = None _host_regex = ( r'(?:' r'(?P(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})(?=$|[/:#?])|' # ipv4 r'(?P\[[A-F0-9]*:[A-F0-9:]+\])(?=$|[/:#?])|' # ipv6 r'(?P[^\s/:?#]+)' # domain, validation occurs later r')?' r'(?::(?P\d+))?' # port ) _scheme_regex = r'(?:(?P[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]+)://)?' # scheme _user_info_regex = r'(?:(?P[^\s:/]*)(?::(?P[^\s/]*))?@)?' _path_regex = r'(?P/[^\s?#]*)?' _query_regex = r'(?:\?(?P[^\s#]*))?' _fragment_regex = r'(?:#(?P[^\s#]*))?' def url_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _url_regex_cache if _url_regex_cache is None: _url_regex_cache = re.compile( rf'{_scheme_regex}{_user_info_regex}{_host_regex}{_path_regex}{_query_regex}{_fragment_regex}', re.IGNORECASE, ) return _url_regex_cache def multi_host_url_regex() -> Pattern[str]: """ Compiled multi host url regex. Additionally to `url_regex` it allows to match multiple hosts. E.g., """ global _multi_host_url_regex_cache if _multi_host_url_regex_cache is None: _multi_host_url_regex_cache = re.compile( rf'{_scheme_regex}{_user_info_regex}' r'(?P([^/]*))' # validation occurs later rf'{_path_regex}{_query_regex}{_fragment_regex}', re.IGNORECASE, ) return _multi_host_url_regex_cache def ascii_domain_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _ascii_domain_regex_cache if _ascii_domain_regex_cache is None: ascii_chunk = r'[_0-9a-z](?:[-_0-9a-z]{0,61}[_0-9a-z])?' ascii_domain_ending = r'(?P\.[a-z]{2,63})?\.?' _ascii_domain_regex_cache = re.compile( fr'(?:{ascii_chunk}\.)*?{ascii_chunk}{ascii_domain_ending}', re.IGNORECASE ) return _ascii_domain_regex_cache def int_domain_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _int_domain_regex_cache if _int_domain_regex_cache is None: int_chunk = r'[_0-9a-\U00040000](?:[-_0-9a-\U00040000]{0,61}[_0-9a-\U00040000])?' int_domain_ending = r'(?P(\.[^\W\d_]{2,63})|(\.(?:xn--)[_0-9a-z-]{2,63}))?\.?' _int_domain_regex_cache = re.compile(fr'(?:{int_chunk}\.)*?{int_chunk}{int_domain_ending}', re.IGNORECASE) return _int_domain_regex_cache def host_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _host_regex_cache if _host_regex_cache is None: _host_regex_cache = re.compile( _host_regex, re.IGNORECASE, ) return _host_regex_cache class AnyUrl(str): strip_whitespace = True min_length = 1 max_length = 2**16 allowed_schemes: Optional[Collection[str]] = None tld_required: bool = False user_required: bool = False host_required: bool = True hidden_parts: Set[str] = set() __slots__ = ('scheme', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'tld', 'host_type', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment') @no_type_check def __new__(cls, url: Optional[str], **kwargs) -> object: return str.__new__(cls,**kwargs) if url is None else url) def __init__( self, url: str, *, scheme: str, user: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, tld: Optional[str] = None, host_type: str = 'domain', port: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, fragment: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: str.__init__(url) self.scheme = scheme self.user = user self.password = password = host self.tld = tld self.host_type = host_type self.port = port self.path = path self.query = query self.fragment = fragment @classmethod def build( cls, *, scheme: str, user: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, host: str, port: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, fragment: Optional[str] = None, **_kwargs: str, ) -> str: parts = Parts( scheme=scheme, user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, path=path, query=query, fragment=fragment, **_kwargs, # type: ignore[misc] ) url = scheme + '://' if user: url += user if password: url += ':' + password if user or password: url += '@' url += host if port and ('port' not in cls.hidden_parts or cls.get_default_parts(parts).get('port') != port): url += ':' + port if path: url += path if query: url += '?' + query if fragment: url += '#' + fragment return url @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: update_not_none(field_schema, minLength=cls.min_length, maxLength=cls.max_length, format='uri') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Any, field: 'ModelField', config: 'BaseConfig') -> 'AnyUrl': if value.__class__ == cls: return value value = str_validator(value) if cls.strip_whitespace: value = value.strip() url: str = cast(str, constr_length_validator(value, field, config)) m = cls._match_url(url) # the regex should always match, if it doesn't please report with details of the URL tried assert m, 'URL regex failed unexpectedly' original_parts = cast('Parts', m.groupdict()) parts = cls.apply_default_parts(original_parts) parts = cls.validate_parts(parts) if m.end() != len(url): raise errors.UrlExtraError(extra=url[m.end() :]) return cls._build_url(m, url, parts) @classmethod def _build_url(cls, m: Match[str], url: str, parts: 'Parts') -> 'AnyUrl': """ Validate hosts and build the AnyUrl object. Split from `validate` so this method can be altered in `MultiHostDsn`. """ host, tld, host_type, rebuild = cls.validate_host(parts) return cls( None if rebuild else url, scheme=parts['scheme'], user=parts['user'], password=parts['password'], host=host, tld=tld, host_type=host_type, port=parts['port'], path=parts['path'], query=parts['query'], fragment=parts['fragment'], ) @staticmethod def _match_url(url: str) -> Optional[Match[str]]: return url_regex().match(url) @staticmethod def _validate_port(port: Optional[str]) -> None: if port is not None and int(port) > 65_535: raise errors.UrlPortError() @classmethod def validate_parts(cls, parts: 'Parts', validate_port: bool = True) -> 'Parts': """ A method used to validate parts of a URL. Could be overridden to set default values for parts if missing """ scheme = parts['scheme'] if scheme is None: raise errors.UrlSchemeError() if cls.allowed_schemes and scheme.lower() not in cls.allowed_schemes: raise errors.UrlSchemePermittedError(set(cls.allowed_schemes)) if validate_port: cls._validate_port(parts['port']) user = parts['user'] if cls.user_required and user is None: raise errors.UrlUserInfoError() return parts @classmethod def validate_host(cls, parts: 'Parts') -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], str, bool]: tld, host_type, rebuild = None, None, False for f in ('domain', 'ipv4', 'ipv6'): host = parts[f] # type: ignore[literal-required] if host: host_type = f break if host is None: if cls.host_required: raise errors.UrlHostError() elif host_type == 'domain': is_international = False d = ascii_domain_regex().fullmatch(host) if d is None: d = int_domain_regex().fullmatch(host) if d is None: raise errors.UrlHostError() is_international = True tld ='tld') if tld is None and not is_international: d = int_domain_regex().fullmatch(host) assert d is not None tld ='tld') is_international = True if tld is not None: tld = tld[1:] elif cls.tld_required: raise errors.UrlHostTldError() if is_international: host_type = 'int_domain' rebuild = True host = host.encode('idna').decode('ascii') if tld is not None: tld = tld.encode('idna').decode('ascii') return host, tld, host_type, rebuild # type: ignore @staticmethod def get_default_parts(parts: 'Parts') -> 'Parts': return {} @classmethod def apply_default_parts(cls, parts: 'Parts') -> 'Parts': for key, value in cls.get_default_parts(parts).items(): if not parts[key]: # type: ignore[literal-required] parts[key] = value # type: ignore[literal-required] return parts def __repr__(self) -> str: extra = ', '.join(f'{n}={getattr(self, n)!r}' for n in self.__slots__ if getattr(self, n) is not None) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({super().__repr__()}, {extra})' class AnyHttpUrl(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'http', 'https'} __slots__ = () class HttpUrl(AnyHttpUrl): tld_required = True # max_length = 2083 hidden_parts = {'port'} @staticmethod def get_default_parts(parts: 'Parts') -> 'Parts': return {'port': '80' if parts['scheme'] == 'http' else '443'} class FileUrl(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'file'} host_required = False __slots__ = () class MultiHostDsn(AnyUrl): __slots__ = AnyUrl.__slots__ + ('hosts',) def __init__(self, *args: Any, hosts: Optional[List['HostParts']] = None, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.hosts = hosts @staticmethod def _match_url(url: str) -> Optional[Match[str]]: return multi_host_url_regex().match(url) @classmethod def validate_parts(cls, parts: 'Parts', validate_port: bool = True) -> 'Parts': return super().validate_parts(parts, validate_port=False) @classmethod def _build_url(cls, m: Match[str], url: str, parts: 'Parts') -> 'MultiHostDsn': hosts_parts: List['HostParts'] = [] host_re = host_regex() for host in m.groupdict()['hosts'].split(','): d: Parts = host_re.match(host).groupdict() # type: ignore host, tld, host_type, rebuild = cls.validate_host(d) port = d.get('port') cls._validate_port(port) hosts_parts.append( { 'host': host, 'host_type': host_type, 'tld': tld, 'rebuild': rebuild, 'port': port, } ) if len(hosts_parts) > 1: return cls( None if any([hp['rebuild'] for hp in hosts_parts]) else url, scheme=parts['scheme'], user=parts['user'], password=parts['password'], path=parts['path'], query=parts['query'], fragment=parts['fragment'], host_type=None, hosts=hosts_parts, ) else: # backwards compatibility with single host host_part = hosts_parts[0] return cls( None if host_part['rebuild'] else url, scheme=parts['scheme'], user=parts['user'], password=parts['password'], host=host_part['host'], tld=host_part['tld'], host_type=host_part['host_type'], port=host_part.get('port'), path=parts['path'], query=parts['query'], fragment=parts['fragment'], ) class PostgresDsn(MultiHostDsn): allowed_schemes = { 'postgres', 'postgresql', 'postgresql+asyncpg', 'postgresql+pg8000', 'postgresql+psycopg', 'postgresql+psycopg2', 'postgresql+psycopg2cffi', 'postgresql+py-postgresql', 'postgresql+pygresql', } user_required = True __slots__ = () class CockroachDsn(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = { 'cockroachdb', 'cockroachdb+psycopg2', 'cockroachdb+asyncpg', } user_required = True class AmqpDsn(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'amqp', 'amqps'} host_required = False class RedisDsn(AnyUrl): __slots__ = () allowed_schemes = {'redis', 'rediss'} host_required = False @staticmethod def get_default_parts(parts: 'Parts') -> 'Parts': return { 'domain': 'localhost' if not (parts['ipv4'] or parts['ipv6']) else '', 'port': '6379', 'path': '/0', } class MongoDsn(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'mongodb'} # TODO: Needed to generic "Parts" for "Replica Set", "Sharded Cluster", and other mongodb deployment modes @staticmethod def get_default_parts(parts: 'Parts') -> 'Parts': return { 'port': '27017', } class KafkaDsn(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'kafka'} @staticmethod def get_default_parts(parts: 'Parts') -> 'Parts': return { 'domain': 'localhost', 'port': '9092', } def stricturl( *, strip_whitespace: bool = True, min_length: int = 1, max_length: int = 2**16, tld_required: bool = True, host_required: bool = True, allowed_schemes: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> Type[AnyUrl]: # use kwargs then define conf in a dict to aid with IDE type hinting namespace = dict( strip_whitespace=strip_whitespace, min_length=min_length, max_length=max_length, tld_required=tld_required, host_required=host_required, allowed_schemes=allowed_schemes, ) return type('UrlValue', (AnyUrl,), namespace) def import_email_validator() -> None: global email_validator try: import email_validator except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('email-validator is not installed, run `pip install pydantic[email]`') from e class EmailStr(str): @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='email') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': # included here and below so the error happens straight away import_email_validator() yield str_validator yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Union[str]) -> str: return validate_email(value)[1] class NameEmail(Representation): __slots__ = 'name', 'email' def __init__(self, name: str, email: str): = name = email def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, NameEmail) and (, == (, @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='name-email') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': import_email_validator() yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Any) -> 'NameEmail': if value.__class__ == cls: return value value = str_validator(value) return cls(*validate_email(value)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{} <{}>' class IPvAnyAddress(_BaseAddress): __slots__ = () @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='ipvanyaddress') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Union[str, bytes, int]) -> Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]: try: return IPv4Address(value) except ValueError: pass try: return IPv6Address(value) except ValueError: raise errors.IPvAnyAddressError() class IPvAnyInterface(_BaseAddress): __slots__ = () @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='ipvanyinterface') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: NetworkType) -> Union[IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface]: try: return IPv4Interface(value) except ValueError: pass try: return IPv6Interface(value) except ValueError: raise errors.IPvAnyInterfaceError() class IPvAnyNetwork(_BaseNetwork): # type: ignore @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='ipvanynetwork') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: NetworkType) -> Union[IPv4Network, IPv6Network]: # Assume IP Network is defined with a default value for ``strict`` argument. # Define your own class if you want to specify network address check strictness. try: return IPv4Network(value) except ValueError: pass try: return IPv6Network(value) except ValueError: raise errors.IPvAnyNetworkError() pretty_email_regex = re.compile(r'([\w ]*?) *<(.*)> *') MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH = 2048 """Maximum length for an email. A somewhat arbitrary but very generous number compared to what is allowed by most implementations. """ def validate_email(value: Union[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Email address validation using Notes: * raw ip address (literal) domain parts are not allowed. * "John Doe " style "pretty" email addresses are processed * spaces are striped from the beginning and end of addresses but no error is raised """ if email_validator is None: import_email_validator() if len(value) > MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH: raise errors.EmailError() m = pretty_email_regex.fullmatch(value) name: Union[str, None] = None if m: name, value = m.groups() email = value.strip() try: parts = email_validator.validate_email(email, check_deliverability=False) except email_validator.EmailNotValidError as e: raise errors.EmailError from e if hasattr(parts, 'normalized'): # email-validator >= 2 email = parts.normalized assert email is not None name = name or parts.local_part return name, email else: # email-validator >1, <2 at_index = email.index('@') local_part = email[:at_index] # RFC 5321, local part must be case-sensitive. global_part = email[at_index:].lower() return name or local_part, local_part + global_part