from __future__ import annotations # built-in import codecs import math from collections import Counter from fractions import Fraction from itertools import groupby, permutations from typing import Any, Sequence, TypeVar # app from .base import Base as _Base try: # built-in import lzma except ImportError: lzma = None # type: ignore[assignment] __all__ = [ 'ArithNCD', 'LZMANCD', 'BZ2NCD', 'RLENCD', 'BWTRLENCD', 'ZLIBNCD', 'SqrtNCD', 'EntropyNCD', 'bz2_ncd', 'lzma_ncd', 'arith_ncd', 'rle_ncd', 'bwtrle_ncd', 'zlib_ncd', 'sqrt_ncd', 'entropy_ncd', ] T = TypeVar('T') class _NCDBase(_Base): """Normalized compression distance (NCD) """ qval = 1 def __init__(self, qval: int = 1) -> None: self.qval = qval def maximum(self, *sequences) -> int: return 1 def _get_size(self, data: str) -> float: return len(self._compress(data)) def _compress(self, data: str) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, *sequences) -> float: if not sequences: return 0 sequences = self._get_sequences(*sequences) concat_len = float('Inf') empty = type(sequences[0])() for mutation in permutations(sequences): if isinstance(empty, (str, bytes)): data = empty.join(mutation) else: data = sum(mutation, empty) concat_len = min(concat_len, self._get_size(data)) # type: ignore[arg-type] compressed_lens = [self._get_size(s) for s in sequences] max_len = max(compressed_lens) if max_len == 0: return 0 return (concat_len - min(compressed_lens) * (len(sequences) - 1)) / max_len class _BinaryNCDBase(_NCDBase): def __init__(self) -> None: pass def __call__(self, *sequences) -> float: if not sequences: return 0 if isinstance(sequences[0], str): sequences = tuple(s.encode('utf-8') for s in sequences) return super().__call__(*sequences) class ArithNCD(_NCDBase): """Arithmetic coding """ def __init__(self, base: int = 2, terminator: str | None = None, qval: int = 1) -> None: self.base = base self.terminator = terminator self.qval = qval def _make_probs(self, *sequences) -> dict[str, tuple[Fraction, Fraction]]: """ """ sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) counts = self._sum_counters(*sequences) if self.terminator is not None: counts[self.terminator] = 1 total_letters = sum(counts.values()) prob_pairs = {} cumulative_count = 0 for char, current_count in counts.most_common(): prob_pairs[char] = ( Fraction(cumulative_count, total_letters), Fraction(current_count, total_letters), ) cumulative_count += current_count assert cumulative_count == total_letters return prob_pairs def _get_range( self, data: str, probs: dict[str, tuple[Fraction, Fraction]], ) -> tuple[Fraction, Fraction]: if self.terminator is not None: if self.terminator in data: data = data.replace(self.terminator, '') data += self.terminator start = Fraction(0, 1) width = Fraction(1, 1) for char in data: prob_start, prob_width = probs[char] start += prob_start * width width *= prob_width return start, start + width def _compress(self, data: str) -> Fraction: probs = self._make_probs(data) start, end = self._get_range(data=data, probs=probs) output_fraction = Fraction(0, 1) output_denominator = 1 while not (start <= output_fraction < end): output_numerator = 1 + ((start.numerator * output_denominator) // start.denominator) output_fraction = Fraction(output_numerator, output_denominator) output_denominator *= 2 return output_fraction def _get_size(self, data: str) -> int: numerator = self._compress(data).numerator if numerator == 0: return 0 return math.ceil(math.log(numerator, self.base)) class RLENCD(_NCDBase): """Run-length encoding """ def _compress(self, data: Sequence) -> str: new_data = [] for k, g in groupby(data): n = len(list(g)) if n > 2: new_data.append(str(n) + k) elif n == 1: new_data.append(k) else: new_data.append(2 * k) return ''.join(new_data) class BWTRLENCD(RLENCD): """ """ def __init__(self, terminator: str = '\0') -> None: self.terminator: Any = terminator def _compress(self, data: str) -> str: if not data: data = self.terminator elif self.terminator not in data: data += self.terminator modified = sorted(data[i:] + data[:i] for i in range(len(data))) empty = type(data)() data = empty.join(subdata[-1] for subdata in modified) return super()._compress(data) # -- NORMAL COMPRESSORS -- # class SqrtNCD(_NCDBase): """Square Root based NCD Size of compressed data equals to sum of square roots of counts of every element in the input sequence. """ def __init__(self, qval: int = 1) -> None: self.qval = qval def _compress(self, data: Sequence[T]) -> dict[T, float]: return {element: math.sqrt(count) for element, count in Counter(data).items()} def _get_size(self, data: Sequence) -> float: return sum(self._compress(data).values()) class EntropyNCD(_NCDBase): """Entropy based NCD Get Entropy of input sequence as a size of compressed data. """ def __init__(self, qval: int = 1, coef: int = 1, base: int = 2) -> None: self.qval = qval self.coef = coef self.base = base def _compress(self, data: Sequence) -> float: total_count = len(data) entropy = 0.0 for element_count in Counter(data).values(): p = element_count / total_count entropy -= p * math.log(p, self.base) assert entropy >= 0 return entropy # # redundancy: # unique_count = len(counter) # absolute_entropy = math.log(unique_count, 2) / unique_count # return absolute_entropy - entropy / unique_count def _get_size(self, data: Sequence) -> float: return self.coef + self._compress(data) # -- BINARY COMPRESSORS -- # class BZ2NCD(_BinaryNCDBase): """ """ def _compress(self, data: str | bytes) -> bytes: return codecs.encode(data, 'bz2_codec')[15:] class LZMANCD(_BinaryNCDBase): """ """ def _compress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: if not lzma: raise ImportError('Please, install the PylibLZMA module') return lzma.compress(data)[14:] class ZLIBNCD(_BinaryNCDBase): """ """ def _compress(self, data: str | bytes) -> bytes: return codecs.encode(data, 'zlib_codec')[2:] arith_ncd = ArithNCD() bwtrle_ncd = BWTRLENCD() bz2_ncd = BZ2NCD() lzma_ncd = LZMANCD() rle_ncd = RLENCD() zlib_ncd = ZLIBNCD() sqrt_ncd = SqrtNCD() entropy_ncd = EntropyNCD()