# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import functools import hashlib import logging import os import re import shutil import tempfile from typing import List from babelfish import language_converters from fese import container from fese import FFprobeSubtitleStream from fese import FFprobeVideoContainer from fese import tags from fese.exceptions import ExtractionError from fese.exceptions import InvalidSource from subliminal_patch.core import Episode from subliminal_patch.core import Movie from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import blacklist_on from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subzero.language import Language logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Replace Babelfish's Language with Subzero's Language tags.Language = Language class EmbeddedSubtitle(Subtitle): provider_name = "embeddedsubtitles" hash_verifiable = False hearing_impaired_verifiable = True def __init__(self, stream, container, matches, media_type): super().__init__(stream.language, stream.disposition.hearing_impaired) if stream.disposition.forced: self.language = Language.rebuild(stream.language, forced=True) self.stream: FFprobeSubtitleStream = stream self.container: FFprobeVideoContainer = container self.forced = stream.disposition.forced self.page_link = self.container.path self.release_info = _get_pretty_release_name(stream, container) self.media_type = media_type self._matches: set = matches def get_matches(self, video): if self.language.hi: self._matches.add("hearing_impaired") self._matches.add("hash") return self._matches @property def id(self): return f"{self.container.path}_{self.stream.index}" _ALLOWED_CODECS = ("ass", "subrip", "webvtt", "mov_text") class EmbeddedSubtitlesProvider(Provider): provider_name = "embeddedsubtitles" languages = {Language("por", "BR"), Language("spa", "MX")} | { Language.fromalpha2(l) for l in language_converters["alpha2"].codes } languages.update(set(Language.rebuild(lang, hi=True) for lang in languages)) languages.update(set(Language.rebuild(lang, forced=True) for lang in languages)) video_types = (Episode, Movie) subtitle_class = EmbeddedSubtitle _blacklist = set() def __init__( self, included_codecs=None, cache_dir=None, ffprobe_path=None, ffmpeg_path=None, hi_fallback=False, timeout=600, unknown_as_fallback=False, fallback_lang="en", ): self._included_codecs = set(included_codecs or _ALLOWED_CODECS) for codec in self._included_codecs: if codec not in _ALLOWED_CODECS: logger.warning("Unallowed codec: %s", codec) self._cache_dir = os.path.join( cache_dir or tempfile.gettempdir(), self.__class__.__name__.lower() ) self._hi_fallback = hi_fallback self._unknown_as_fallback = unknown_as_fallback self._fallback_lang = fallback_lang self._cached_paths = {} self._timeout = int(timeout) container.FFPROBE_PATH = ffprobe_path or container.FFPROBE_PATH container.FFMPEG_PATH = ffmpeg_path or container.FFMPEG_PATH if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: container.FF_LOG_LEVEL = "warning" else: # Default is True container.FFMPEG_STATS = False tags.LANGUAGE_FALLBACK = self._fallback_lang if self._unknown_as_fallback and self._fallback_lang else None logger.debug("Language fallback set: %s", tags.LANGUAGE_FALLBACK) def initialize(self): os.makedirs(self._cache_dir, exist_ok=True) def terminate(self): # Remove leftovers shutil.rmtree(self._cache_dir, ignore_errors=True) def query(self, path: str, languages, media_type): video = _get_memoized_video_container(path) try: streams = list(_filter_subtitles(video.get_subtitles())) except InvalidSource as error: logger.error("Error trying to get subtitles for %s: %s", video, error) self._blacklist.add(path) streams = [] _rebuild_langs(streams) streams = _discard_possible_incomplete_subtitles(streams) if not streams: logger.debug("No subtitles found for container: %s", video) if self._hi_fallback: _check_hi_fallback(streams, languages) only_forced = all(lang.forced for lang in languages) also_forced = any(lang.forced for lang in languages) allowed_streams = [] for stream in streams: if stream.codec_name not in self._included_codecs: logger.debug("Ignoring codec %s [%s]", stream, self._included_codecs) continue if stream.language not in languages: logger.debug("%r not in %r", stream.language, languages) continue disposition = stream.disposition if only_forced and not disposition.forced: continue if ( disposition.generic or disposition.hearing_impaired or (disposition.forced and also_forced) ): logger.debug("Appending subtitle: %s", stream) allowed_streams.append(stream) else: logger.debug("Ignoring unwanted subtitle: %s", stream) logger.debug("Cache info: %s", _get_memoized_video_container.cache_info()) return [ EmbeddedSubtitle(stream, video, {"hash"}, media_type) for stream in allowed_streams ] def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): if not self._is_path_valid(video.original_path): logger.debug("Ignoring video: %s", video) return [] return self.query( video.original_path, languages, "series" if isinstance(video, Episode) else "movie", ) @blacklist_on(ExtractionError) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle: EmbeddedSubtitle): try: path = self._get_subtitle_path(subtitle) except KeyError: # TODO: add MustGetBlacklisted support logger.error("Couldn't get subtitle path") return None modifiers = _type_modifiers.get(subtitle.stream.codec_name) or set() logger.debug("Found modifiers for %s type: %s", subtitle.stream, modifiers) for mod in modifiers: logger.debug("Running %s modifier for %s", mod, path) try: mod(path, path) except Exception as error: logger.debug("'%s' raised running modifier", error) with open(path, "rb") as sub: subtitle.content = sub.read() def _get_subtitle_path(self, subtitle: EmbeddedSubtitle): container = subtitle.container # Check if the container is not already in the instance if container.path not in self._cached_paths: # Extract all subittle streams to avoid reading the entire # container over and over subs = list(_filter_subtitles(container.get_subtitles())) extracted = container.copy_subtitles( subs, self._cache_dir, timeout=self._timeout, fallback_to_convert=True, basename_callback=_basename_callback, ) # Add the extracted paths to the containter path key self._cached_paths[container.path] = extracted cached_path = self._cached_paths[container.path] # Get the subtitle file by index return cached_path[subtitle.stream.index] def _is_path_valid(self, path): if path in self._blacklist: logger.debug("Blacklisted path: %s", path) return False if not os.path.isfile(path): logger.debug("Inexistent file: %s", path) return False return True class _MemoizedFFprobeVideoContainer(FFprobeVideoContainer): # 128 is the default value for maxsize since Python 3.8. We ste it here for previous versions. @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128) def get_subtitles(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().get_subtitles(*args, **kwargs) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8096) def _get_memoized_video_container(path: str): return _MemoizedFFprobeVideoContainer(path) def _filter_subtitles(subtitles: List[FFprobeSubtitleStream]): for subtitle in subtitles: if subtitle.codec_name not in _ALLOWED_CODECS: logger.debug("Unallowed codec: %s", subtitle) continue if subtitle.tags.language_fallback is True and any( (subtitle.language == sub.language) and (subtitle.index != sub.index) for sub in subtitles ): logger.debug("Not using language fallback. Language already found") continue yield subtitle def _check_hi_fallback(streams, languages): for language in languages: logger.debug("Checking HI fallback for '%r' language", language) streams_ = [ stream for stream in streams if stream.language.alpha3 == language.alpha3 ] if len(streams_) == 1 and streams_[0].disposition.hearing_impaired: stream_ = streams_[0] logger.debug( "HI fallback: updating %s HI to False (only subtitle found is HI)", stream_, ) stream_.disposition.hearing_impaired = False stream_.disposition.generic = True stream_.language.hi = False elif all(stream.disposition.hearing_impaired for stream in streams_): for stream in streams_: logger.debug( "HI fallback: updating %s HI to False (all subtitles are HI)", stream, ) stream.disposition.hearing_impaired = False stream.disposition.generic = True stream.language.hi = False elif any(stream.disposition.hearing_impaired for stream in streams_): logger.debug( "HI fallback not needed: %r (There's already one non-hi stream)", streams_, ) else: logger.debug("Unknown use-case: %r. Not doing anything.", streams_) def _rebuild_langs(streams): for stream in streams: kwargs = stream.disposition.language_kwargs() stream.language = Language.rebuild(stream.language, **kwargs) logger.debug("Rebuild language: %r", stream.language) def _discard_possible_incomplete_subtitles(streams): """Check frame properties from subtitle streams in order to find supposedly incomplete subtitles""" try: max_frames = max(stream.tags.frames for stream in streams) except ValueError: return [] # Blatantly assume there's nothing to discard as some ffprobe streams don't # have number_of_frames tags if not max_frames: logger.debug("No max frames. Assuming good subtitles.") return streams logger.debug("Checking possible incomplete subtitles (max frames: %d)", max_frames) valid_streams = [] for stream in streams: # 500 < 1200 if not stream.language.forced and stream.tags.frames < max_frames // 3: logger.debug( "Possible bad subtitle found: %s (%s frames - %s frames)", stream, stream.tags.frames, max_frames, ) continue valid_streams.append(stream) return valid_streams def _get_pretty_release_name(stream, container): bname = os.path.basename(container.path) return f"{os.path.splitext(bname)[0]}.{stream.suffix}" def _basename_callback(path: str): path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) return hashlib.md5(path.encode()).hexdigest() + ext # TODO: improve this _SIGNS_LINE_RE = re.compile(r",([\w|_]{,15}(sign|fx|karaoke))", flags=re.IGNORECASE) def _clean_ass_subtitles(path, output_path): """An attempt to ignore extraneous lines from ASS anime subtitles. Experimental.""" clean_lines = [] with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if _SIGNS_LINE_RE.search(line) is None: clean_lines.append(line) logger.debug("Cleaned lines: %d", abs(len(lines) - len(clean_lines))) with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.writelines(clean_lines) logger.debug("Lines written to output path: %s", output_path) _type_modifiers = {"ass": {_clean_ass_subtitles}}