# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os import re import sys import time import hashlib import inspect import threading from .utils import import_module from .utils import Singleton from .utils import parse_list from os.path import dirname from os.path import abspath from os.path import join from .logger import logger class PluginManager(metaclass=Singleton): """ Designed to be a singleton object to maintain all initialized loading of modules in memory. """ # Description (used for logging) name = 'Singleton Plugin' # Memory Space _id = 'undefined' # Our Module Python path name module_name_prefix = f'apprise.{_id}' # The module path to scan module_path = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), _id) # thread safe loading _lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Over-ride our class instantiation to provide a singleton """ self._module_map = None self._schema_map = None # This contains a mapping of all plugins dynamicaly loaded at runtime # from external modules such as the @notify decorator # # The elements here will be additionally added to the _schema_map if # there is no conflict otherwise. # The structure looks like the following: # Module path, e.g. /usr/share/apprise/plugins/my_notify_hook.py # { # 'path': path, # # 'notify': { # 'schema': { # 'name': 'Custom schema name', # 'fn_name': 'name_of_function_decorator_was_found_on', # 'url': 'schema://any/additional/info/found/on/url' # 'plugin': # }, # 'schema2': { # 'name': 'Custom schema name', # 'fn_name': 'name_of_function_decorator_was_found_on', # 'url': 'schema://any/additional/info/found/on/url' # 'plugin': # } # } # Note: that the inherits from # NotifyBase self._custom_module_map = {} # Track manually disabled modules (by their schema) self._disabled = set() # Hash of all paths previously scanned so we don't waste # effort/overhead doing it again self._paths_previously_scanned = set() # Track loaded module paths to prevent from loading them again self._loaded = set() def unload_modules(self, disable_native=False): """ Reset our object and unload all modules """ with self._lock: if self._custom_module_map: # Handle Custom Module Assignments for meta in self._custom_module_map.values(): if meta['name'] not in self._module_map: # Nothing to remove continue # For the purpose of tidying up un-used modules in memory loaded = [m for m in sys.modules.keys() if m.startswith( self._module_map[meta['name']]['path'])] for module_path in loaded: del sys.modules[module_path] # Reset disabled plugins (if any) for schema in self._disabled: self._schema_map[schema].enabled = True self._disabled.clear() # Reset our variables self._schema_map = {} self._custom_module_map = {} if disable_native: self._module_map = {} else: self._module_map = None self._loaded = set() # Reset our path cache self._paths_previously_scanned = set() def load_modules(self, path=None, name=None, force=False): """ Load our modules into memory """ # Default value module_name_prefix = self.module_name_prefix if name is None else name module_path = self.module_path if path is None else path with self._lock: if not force and module_path in self._loaded: # We're done return # Our base reference module_count = len(self._module_map) if self._module_map else 0 schema_count = len(self._schema_map) if self._schema_map else 0 if not self: # Initialize our maps self._module_map = {} self._schema_map = {} self._custom_module_map = {} # Used for the detection of additional Notify Services objects # The .py extension is optional as we support loading directories # too module_re = re.compile( r'^(?P' + self.fname_prefix + r'[a-z0-9]+)(\.py)?$', re.I) t_start = time.time() for f in os.listdir(module_path): tl_start = time.time() match = module_re.match(f) if not match: # keep going continue elif match.group('name') == f'{self.fname_prefix}Base': # keep going continue # Store our notification/plugin name: module_name = match.group('name') module_pyname = '{}.{}'.format(module_name_prefix, module_name) if module_name in self._module_map: logger.warning( "%s(s) (%s) already loaded; ignoring %s", self.name, module_name, os.path.join(module_path, f)) continue try: module = __import__( module_pyname, globals(), locals(), fromlist=[module_name]) except ImportError: # No problem, we can try again another way... module = import_module( os.path.join(module_path, f), module_pyname) if not module: # logging found in import_module and not needed here continue if not hasattr(module, module_name): # Not a library we can load as it doesn't follow the simple # rule that the class must bear the same name as the # notification file itself. logger.trace( "%s (%s) import failed; no filename/Class " "match found in %s", self.name, module_name, os.path.join(module_path, f)) continue # Get our plugin plugin = getattr(module, module_name) if not hasattr(plugin, 'app_id'): # Filter out non-notification modules logger.trace( "(%s) import failed; no app_id defined in %s", self.name, module_name, os.path.join(module_path, f)) continue # Add our plugin name to our module map self._module_map[module_name] = { 'plugin': set([plugin]), 'module': module, 'path': '{}.{}'.format(module_name_prefix, module_name), 'native': True, } fn = getattr(plugin, 'schemas', None) schemas = set([]) if not callable(fn) else fn(plugin) # map our schema to our plugin for schema in schemas: if schema in self._schema_map: logger.error( "{} schema ({}) mismatch detected - {} to {}" .format(self.name, schema, self._schema_map, plugin)) continue # Assign plugin self._schema_map[schema] = plugin logger.trace( '{} {} loaded in {:.6f}s'.format( self.name, module_name, (time.time() - tl_start))) # Track the directory loaded so we never load it again self._loaded.add(module_path) logger.debug( '{} {}(s) and {} Schema(s) loaded in {:.4f}s' .format( self.name, len(self._module_map) - module_count, len(self._schema_map) - schema_count, (time.time() - t_start))) def module_detection(self, paths, cache=True): """ Leverage the @notify decorator and load all objects found matching this. """ # A simple restriction that we don't allow periods in the filename at # all so it can't be hidden (Linux OS's) and it won't conflict with # Python path naming. This also prevents us from loading any python # file that starts with an underscore or dash # We allow for __init__.py as well module_re = re.compile( r'^(?P[_a-z0-9][a-z0-9._-]+)?(\.py)?$', re.I) # Validate if we're a loadable Python file or not valid_python_file_re = re.compile(r'.+\.py(o|c)?$', re.IGNORECASE) if isinstance(paths, str): paths = [paths, ] if not paths or not isinstance(paths, (tuple, list)): # We're done return def _import_module(path): # Since our plugin name can conflict (as a module) with another # we want to generate random strings to avoid steping on # another's namespace if not (path and valid_python_file_re.match(path)): # Ignore file/module type logger.trace('Plugin Scan: Skipping %s', path) return t_start = time.time() module_name = hashlib.sha1(path.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() module_pyname = "{prefix}.{name}".format( prefix='apprise.custom.module', name=module_name) if module_pyname in self._custom_module_map: # First clear out existing entries for schema in \ self._custom_module_map[module_pyname]['notify']\ .keys(): # Remove any mapped modules to this file del self._schema_map[schema] # Reset del self._custom_module_map[module_pyname] # Load our module module = import_module(path, module_pyname) if not module: # No problem, we can't use this object logger.warning('Failed to load custom module: %s', _path) return # Print our loaded modules if any if module_pyname in self._custom_module_map: logger.debug( 'Custom module %s - %d schema(s) (name=%s) ' 'loaded in %.6fs', _path, len(self._custom_module_map[module_pyname]['notify']), module_name, (time.time() - t_start)) # Add our plugin name to our module map self._module_map[module_name] = { 'plugin': set(), 'module': module, 'path': module_pyname, 'native': False, } for schema, meta in\ self._custom_module_map[module_pyname]['notify']\ .items(): # For mapping purposes; map our element in our main list self._module_map[module_name]['plugin'].add( self._schema_map[schema]) # Log our success logger.info('Loaded custom notification: %s://', schema) else: # The code reaches here if we successfully loaded the Python # module but no hooks/triggers were found. So we can safely # just remove/ignore this entry del sys.modules[module_pyname] return # end of _import_module() return with self._lock: for _path in paths: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(_path)) if (cache and path in self._paths_previously_scanned) \ or not os.path.exists(path): # We're done as we've already scanned this continue # Store our path as a way of hashing it has been handled self._paths_previously_scanned.add(path) if os.path.isdir(path) and not \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, '__init__.py')): logger.debug('Scanning for custom plugins in: %s', path) for entry in os.listdir(path): re_match = module_re.match(entry) if not re_match: # keep going logger.trace('Plugin Scan: Ignoring %s', entry) continue new_path = os.path.join(path, entry) if os.path.isdir(new_path): # Update our path new_path = os.path.join(path, entry, '__init__.py') if not os.path.isfile(new_path): logger.trace( 'Plugin Scan: Ignoring %s', os.path.join(path, entry)) continue if not cache or \ (cache and new_path not in self._paths_previously_scanned): # Load our module _import_module(new_path) # Add our subdir path self._paths_previously_scanned.add(new_path) else: if os.path.isdir(path): # This logic is safe to apply because we already # validated the directories state above; update our # path path = os.path.join(path, '__init__.py') if cache and path in self._paths_previously_scanned: continue self._paths_previously_scanned.add(path) # directly load as is re_match = module_re.match(os.path.basename(path)) # must be a match and must have a .py extension if not re_match or not re_match.group(1): # keep going logger.trace('Plugin Scan: Ignoring %s', path) continue # Load our module _import_module(path) return None def add(self, plugin, schemas=None, url=None, send_func=None): """ Ability to manually add Notification services to our stack """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() # Acquire a list of schemas p_schemas = parse_list(plugin.secure_protocol, plugin.protocol) if isinstance(schemas, str): schemas = [schemas, ] elif schemas is None: # Default schemas = p_schemas if not schemas or not isinstance(schemas, (set, tuple, list)): # We're done logger.error( 'The schemas provided (type %s) is unsupported; ' 'loaded from %s.', type(schemas), send_func.__name__ if send_func else plugin.__class__.__name__) return False # Convert our schemas into a set schemas = set([s.lower() for s in schemas]) | set(p_schemas) # Valdation conflict = [s for s in schemas if s in self] if conflict: # we're already handling this schema logger.warning( 'The schema(s) (%s) are already defined and could not be ' 'loaded from %s%s.', ', '.join(conflict), 'custom notify function ' if send_func else '', send_func.__name__ if send_func else plugin.__class__.__name__) return False if send_func: # Acquire the function name fn_name = send_func.__name__ # Acquire the python filename path path = inspect.getfile(send_func) # Acquire our path to our module module_name = str(send_func.__module__) if module_name not in self._custom_module_map: # Support non-dynamic includes as well... self._custom_module_map[module_name] = { # Name can be useful for indexing back into the # _module_map object; this is the key to do it with: 'name': module_name.split('.')[-1], # The path to the module loaded 'path': path, # Initialize our template 'notify': {}, } for schema in schemas: self._custom_module_map[module_name]['notify'][schema] = { # The name of the send function the @notify decorator # wrapped 'fn_name': fn_name, # The URL that was provided in the @notify decorator call # associated with the 'on=' 'url': url, } else: module_name = hashlib.sha1( ''.join(schemas).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() module_pyname = "{prefix}.{name}".format( prefix='apprise.adhoc.module', name=module_name) # Add our plugin name to our module map self._module_map[module_name] = { 'plugin': set([plugin]), 'module': None, 'path': module_pyname, 'native': False, } for schema in schemas: # Assign our mapping self._schema_map[schema] = plugin return True def remove(self, *schemas): """ Removes a loaded element (if defined) """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() for schema in schemas: try: del self[schema] except KeyError: pass def plugins(self, include_disabled=True): """ Return all of our loaded plugins """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() for module in self._module_map.values(): for plugin in module['plugin']: if not include_disabled and not plugin.enabled: continue yield plugin def schemas(self, include_disabled=True): """ Return all of our loaded schemas if include_disabled == True, then even disabled notifications are returned """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() # Return our list return list(self._schema_map.keys()) if include_disabled else \ [s for s in self._schema_map.keys() if self._schema_map[s].enabled] def disable(self, *schemas): """ Disables the modules associated with the specified schemas """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() for schema in schemas: if schema not in self._schema_map: continue if not self._schema_map[schema].enabled: continue # Disable self._schema_map[schema].enabled = False self._disabled.add(schema) def enable_only(self, *schemas): """ Disables the modules associated with the specified schemas """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() # convert to set for faster indexing schemas = set(schemas) for plugin in self.plugins(): # Get our plugin's schema list p_schemas = set( parse_list(plugin.secure_protocol, plugin.protocol)) if not schemas & p_schemas: if plugin.enabled: # Disable it (only if previously enabled); this prevents us # from adjusting schemas that were disabled due to missing # libraries or other environment reasons plugin.enabled = False self._disabled |= p_schemas continue # If we reach here, our schema was flagged to be enabled if p_schemas & self._disabled: # Previously disabled; no worries, let's clear this up self._disabled -= p_schemas plugin.enabled = True def __contains__(self, schema): """ Checks if a schema exists """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() return schema in self._schema_map def __delitem__(self, schema): if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() # Get our plugin (otherwise we throw a KeyError) which is # intended on del action that doesn't align plugin = self._schema_map[schema] # Our list of all schema entries p_schemas = set([schema]) for key in list(self._module_map.keys()): if plugin in self._module_map[key]['plugin']: # Remove our plugin self._module_map[key]['plugin'].remove(plugin) # Custom Plugin Entry; Clean up cross reference module_pyname = self._module_map[key]['path'] if not self._module_map[key]['native'] and \ module_pyname in self._custom_module_map: del self.\ _custom_module_map[module_pyname]['notify'][schema] if not self._custom_module_map[module_pyname]['notify']: # # Last custom loaded element # # Free up custom object entry del self._custom_module_map[module_pyname] if not self._module_map[key]['plugin']: # # Last element # if self._module_map[key]['native']: # Get our plugin's schema list p_schemas = \ set([s for s in parse_list( plugin.secure_protocol, plugin.protocol) if s in self._schema_map]) # free system memory if self._module_map[key]['module']: del sys.modules[self._module_map[key]['path']] # free last remaining pointer in module map del self._module_map[key] for schema in p_schemas: # Final Tidy del self._schema_map[schema] def __setitem__(self, schema, plugin): """ Support fast assigning of Plugin/Notification Objects """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() # Set default values if not otherwise set if not plugin.service_name: # Assign service name if one doesn't exist plugin.service_name = f'{schema}://' p_schemas = set( parse_list(plugin.secure_protocol, plugin.protocol)) if not p_schemas: # Assign our protocol plugin.secure_protocol = schema p_schemas.add(schema) elif schema not in p_schemas: # Add our others (if defined) plugin.secure_protocol = \ set([schema] + parse_list(plugin.secure_protocol)) p_schemas.add(schema) if not self.add(plugin, schemas=p_schemas): raise KeyError('Conflicting Assignment') def __getitem__(self, schema): """ Returns the indexed plugin identified by the schema specified """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() return self._schema_map[schema] def __iter__(self): """ Returns an iterator so we can iterate over our loaded modules """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() return iter(self._module_map.values()) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of modules/plugins loaded """ if not self: # Lazy load self.load_modules() return len(self._module_map) def __bool__(self): """ Determines if object has loaded or not """ return True if self._loaded and self._module_map is not None else False