from __future__ import annotations import warnings from pathlib import Path from dynaconf import default_settings from dynaconf.constants import TOML_EXTENSIONS from dynaconf.loaders.base import BaseLoader from dynaconf.utils import object_merge from dynaconf.vendor import toml # Backwards compatibility with uiri/toml from dynaconf.vendor import tomllib # New tomllib stdlib on py3.11 def load(obj, env=None, silent=True, key=None, filename=None, validate=False): """ Reads and loads in to "obj" a single key or all keys from source file. :param obj: the settings instance :param env: settings current env default='development' :param silent: if errors should raise :param key: if defined load a single key, else load all in env :param filename: Optional custom filename to load :return: None """ try: loader = BaseLoader( obj=obj, env=env, identifier="toml", extensions=TOML_EXTENSIONS, file_reader=tomllib.load, string_reader=tomllib.loads, opener_params={"mode": "rb"}, validate=validate, ) loader.load( filename=filename, key=key, silent=silent, ) except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover """ NOTE: Compat functions exists to keep backwards compatibility with the new tomllib library. The old library was called `toml` and the new one is called `tomllib`. The old lib uiri/toml allowed unicode characters and re-added files as string. The new tomllib (stdlib) does not allow unicode characters, only utf-8 encoded, and read files as binary. NOTE: In dynaconf 4.0.0 we will drop support for the old library removing the compat functions and calling directly the new lib. """ loader = BaseLoader( obj=obj, env=env, identifier="toml", extensions=TOML_EXTENSIONS, file_reader=toml.load, string_reader=toml.loads, validate=validate, ) loader.load( filename=filename, key=key, silent=silent, ) warnings.warn( "TOML files should have only UTF-8 encoded characters. " "starting on 4.0.0 dynaconf will stop allowing invalid chars.", ) def write(settings_path, settings_data, merge=True): """Write data to a settings file. :param settings_path: the filepath :param settings_data: a dictionary with data :param merge: boolean if existing file should be merged with new data """ settings_path = Path(settings_path) if settings_path.exists() and merge: # pragma: no cover try: # tomllib first with open(str(settings_path), "rb") as open_file: object_merge(tomllib.load(open_file), settings_data) except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover # uiri/toml fallback (TBR on 4.0.0) with open( str(settings_path), encoding=default_settings.ENCODING_FOR_DYNACONF, ) as open_file: object_merge(toml.load(open_file), settings_data) try: # tomllib first with open(str(settings_path), "wb") as open_file: tomllib.dump(encode_nulls(settings_data), open_file) except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover # uiri/toml fallback (TBR on 4.0.0) with open( str(settings_path), "w", encoding=default_settings.ENCODING_FOR_DYNACONF, ) as open_file: toml.dump(encode_nulls(settings_data), open_file) warnings.warn( "TOML files should have only UTF-8 encoded characters. " "starting on 4.0.0 dynaconf will stop allowing invalid chars.", ) def encode_nulls(data): """TOML does not support `None` so this function transforms to '@none '.""" if data is None: return "@none " if isinstance(data, dict): return {key: encode_nulls(value) for key, value in data.items()} elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): return [encode_nulls(item) for item in data] return data