from __future__ import annotations import json import os import re import warnings from functools import wraps from dynaconf.utils import extract_json_objects from dynaconf.utils import isnamedtupleinstance from dynaconf.utils import multi_replace from dynaconf.utils import recursively_evaluate_lazy_format from dynaconf.utils.boxing import DynaBox from dynaconf.utils.functional import empty from dynaconf.vendor import toml from dynaconf.vendor import tomllib try: from jinja2 import Environment jinja_env = Environment() for p_method in ("abspath", "realpath", "relpath", "dirname", "basename"): jinja_env.filters[p_method] = getattr(os.path, p_method) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover jinja_env = None true_values = ("t", "true", "enabled", "1", "on", "yes", "True") false_values = ("f", "false", "disabled", "0", "off", "no", "False", "") KV_PATTERN = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*=[a-zA-Z0-9\- :]*)") """matches `a=b, c=d, e=f` used on `VALUE='@merge foo=bar'` variables.""" class DynaconfFormatError(Exception): """Error to raise when formatting a lazy variable fails""" class DynaconfParseError(Exception): """Error to raise when parsing @casts""" class MetaValue: """A Marker to trigger specific actions on `set` and `object_merge`""" _meta_value = True def __init__(self, value, box_settings): self.box_settings = box_settings self.value = parse_conf_data( value, tomlfy=True, box_settings=box_settings ) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value}) on {id(self)}" def unwrap(self): return self.value class Reset(MetaValue): """Triggers an existing key to be reset to its value NOTE: DEPRECATED on v3.0.0 """ _dynaconf_reset = True def __init__(self, value, box_settings): self.box_settings = box_settings self.value = parse_conf_data( value, tomlfy=True, box_settings=self.box_settings ) warnings.warn(f"{self.value} does not need `@reset` anymore.") class Del(MetaValue): """Triggers an existing key to be deleted""" _dynaconf_del = True def unwrap(self): raise ValueError("Del object has no value") class Merge(MetaValue): """Triggers an existing key to be merged""" _dynaconf_merge = True def __init__(self, value, box_settings, unique=False): if unique: self._dynaconf_merge_unique = True self.box_settings = box_settings self.value = parse_conf_data( value, tomlfy=True, box_settings=box_settings ) if isinstance(self.value, (int, float, bool)): # @merge 1, @merge 1.1, @merge False self.value = [self.value] elif isinstance(self.value, str): # @merge {"valid": "json"} json_object = list( extract_json_objects( multi_replace( self.value, { ": True": ": true", ":True": ": true", ": False": ": false", ":False": ": false", ": None": ": null", ":None": ": null", }, ) ) ) if len(json_object) == 1: self.value = json_object[0] else: matches = KV_PATTERN.findall(self.value) # a=b, c=d if matches: self.value = { k.strip(): parse_conf_data( v, tomlfy=True, box_settings=box_settings ) for k, v in ( match.strip().split("=") for match in matches ) } elif "," in self.value: # @merge foo,bar self.value = self.value.split(",") else: # @merge foo self.value = [self.value] self.unique = unique class BaseFormatter: def __init__(self, function, token): self.function = function self.token = token def __call__(self, value, **context): try: return self.function(value, **context) except (KeyError, AttributeError) as exc: # A template like `{this.KEY}` failed with AttributeError # Or KeyError in the case of `{env[KEY]}` raise DynaconfFormatError( f"Dynaconf can't interpolate variable because {exc}" ) from exc def __str__(self): return str(self.token) def _jinja_formatter(value, **context): if jinja_env is None: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError( "jinja2 must be installed to enable '@jinja' settings in dynaconf" ) return jinja_env.from_string(value).render(**context) class Formatters: """Dynaconf builtin formatters""" python_formatter = BaseFormatter(str.format, "format") jinja_formatter = BaseFormatter(_jinja_formatter, "jinja") class Lazy: """Holds data to format lazily.""" _dynaconf_lazy_format = True def __init__( self, value=empty, formatter=Formatters.python_formatter, casting=None ): self.value = value self.formatter = formatter self.casting = casting @property def context(self): """Builds a context for formatting.""" return {"env": os.environ, "this": self.settings} def __call__(self, settings, validator_object=None): """LazyValue triggers format lazily.""" self.settings = settings self.context["_validator_object"] = validator_object result = self.formatter(self.value, **self.context) if self.casting is not None: result = self.casting(result) return result def __str__(self): """Gives string representation for the object.""" return str(self.value) def __repr__(self): """Give the quoted str representation""" return f"'@{self.formatter} {self.value}'" def _dynaconf_encode(self): """Encodes this object values to be serializable to json""" return f"@{self.formatter} {self.value}" def set_casting(self, casting): """Set the casting and return the instance.""" self.casting = casting return self def try_to_encode(value, callback=str): """Tries to encode a value by verifying existence of `_dynaconf_encode`""" try: return value._dynaconf_encode() except (AttributeError, TypeError): return callback(value) def evaluate_lazy_format(f): """Marks a method on Settings instance to lazily evaluate LazyFormat objects upon access.""" @wraps(f) def evaluate(settings, *args, **kwargs): value = f(settings, *args, **kwargs) return recursively_evaluate_lazy_format(value, settings) return evaluate converters = { "@str": lambda value: value.set_casting(str) if isinstance(value, Lazy) else str(value), "@int": lambda value: value.set_casting(int) if isinstance(value, Lazy) else int(value), "@float": lambda value: value.set_casting(float) if isinstance(value, Lazy) else float(value), "@bool": lambda value: value.set_casting( lambda x: str(x).lower() in true_values ) if isinstance(value, Lazy) else str(value).lower() in true_values, "@json": lambda value: value.set_casting( lambda x: json.loads(x.replace("'", '"')) ) if isinstance(value, Lazy) else json.loads(value), "@format": lambda value: Lazy(value), "@jinja": lambda value: Lazy(value, formatter=Formatters.jinja_formatter), # Meta Values to trigger pre assignment actions "@reset": Reset, # @reset is DEPRECATED on v3.0.0 "@del": Del, "@merge": Merge, "@merge_unique": lambda value, box_settings: Merge( value, box_settings, unique=True ), # Special markers to be used as placeholders e.g: in prefilled forms # will always return None when evaluated "@note": lambda value: None, "@comment": lambda value: None, "@null": lambda value: None, "@none": lambda value: None, "@empty": lambda value: empty, } def apply_converter(converter_key, value, box_settings): """ Get converter and apply it to @value. Lazy converters will return Lazy objects for later evaluation. """ converter = converters[converter_key] try: converted_value = converter(value, box_settings=box_settings) except TypeError: converted_value = converter(value) return converted_value def add_converter(converter_key, func): """Adds a new converter to the converters dict""" if not converter_key.startswith("@"): converter_key = f"@{converter_key}" converters[converter_key] = wraps(func)( lambda value: value.set_casting(func) if isinstance(value, Lazy) else Lazy( value, casting=func, formatter=BaseFormatter(lambda x, **_: x, converter_key), ) ) def parse_with_toml(data): """Uses TOML syntax to parse data""" try: # try tomllib first try: return tomllib.loads(f"key={data}")["key"] except (tomllib.TOMLDecodeError, KeyError): return data except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover # fallback to toml (TBR in 4.0.0) try: return toml.loads(f"key={data}")["key"] except (toml.TomlDecodeError, KeyError): return data warnings.warn( "TOML files should have only UTF-8 encoded characters. " "starting on 4.0.0 dynaconf will stop allowing invalid chars.", DeprecationWarning, ) def _parse_conf_data(data, tomlfy=False, box_settings=None): """ @int @bool @float @json (for lists and dicts) strings does not need converters export DYNACONF_DEFAULT_THEME='material' export DYNACONF_DEBUG='@bool True' export DYNACONF_DEBUG_TOOLBAR_ENABLED='@bool False' export DYNACONF_PAGINATION_PER_PAGE='@int 20' export DYNACONF_MONGODB_SETTINGS='@json {"DB": "quokka_db"}' export DYNACONF_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS='@json ["jpg", "png"]' """ # not enforced to not break backwards compatibility with custom loaders box_settings = box_settings or {} castenabled = box_settings.get("AUTO_CAST_FOR_DYNACONF", empty) if castenabled is empty: castenabled = ( os.environ.get("AUTO_CAST_FOR_DYNACONF", "true").lower() not in false_values ) if ( castenabled and data and isinstance(data, str) and data.startswith(tuple(converters.keys())) ): # Check combination token is used comb_token = re.match( f"^({'|'.join(converters.keys())}) @(jinja|format)", data, ) if comb_token: tokens = converter_key_list = tokens.split(" ") value = data.replace(tokens, "").strip() else: parts = data.partition(" ") converter_key_list = [parts[0]] value = parts[-1] # Parse the converters iteratively for converter_key in converter_key_list[::-1]: value = apply_converter(converter_key, value, box_settings) else: value = parse_with_toml(data) if tomlfy else data if isinstance(value, dict): value = DynaBox(value, box_settings=box_settings) return value def parse_conf_data(data, tomlfy=False, box_settings=None): """ Apply parsing tokens recursively and return transformed data. Strings with lazy parser (e.g, @format) will become Lazy objects. """ # fix for if isnamedtupleinstance(data): return data # not enforced to not break backwards compatibility with custom loaders box_settings = box_settings or {} if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): # recursively parse each sequence item return [ parse_conf_data(item, tomlfy=tomlfy, box_settings=box_settings) for item in data ] if isinstance(data, DynaBox): # recursively parse inner dict items _parsed = DynaBox({}, box_settings=box_settings) for k, v in data._safe_items(): _parsed[k] = parse_conf_data( v, tomlfy=tomlfy, box_settings=box_settings ) return _parsed if isinstance(data, dict): # recursively parse inner dict items _parsed = {} for k, v in data.items(): _parsed[k] = parse_conf_data( v, tomlfy=tomlfy, box_settings=box_settings ) return _parsed # return parsed string value return _parse_conf_data(data, tomlfy=tomlfy, box_settings=box_settings) def unparse_conf_data(value): if isinstance(value, bool): return f"@bool {value}" if isinstance(value, int): return f"@int {value}" if isinstance(value, float): return f"@float {value}" if isinstance(value, (list, dict)): return f"@json {json.dumps(value)}" if isinstance(value, Lazy): return try_to_encode(value) if value is None: return "@none " return value def boolean_fix(value: str | None): """Gets a value like `True/False` and turns to `true/false` This function exists because of issue #976 Toml parser casts booleans from true/false lower case however envvars are usually exportes as True/False capitalized by mistake, this helper fixes it for envvars only. Assume envvars are always str. """ if value and value.strip() in ("True", "False"): return value.lower() return value