from pyrsistent import pmap import pytest from referencing import Anchor, Registry, Resource, Specification, exceptions from referencing.jsonschema import DRAFT202012 ID_AND_CHILDREN = Specification( name="id-and-children", id_of=lambda contents: contents.get("ID"), subresources_of=lambda contents: contents.get("children", []), anchors_in=lambda specification, contents: [ Anchor( name=name, resource=specification.create_resource(contents=each), ) for name, each in contents.get("anchors", {}).items() ], maybe_in_subresource=lambda segments, resolver, subresource: ( resolver.in_subresource(subresource) if not len(segments) % 2 and all(each == "children" for each in segments[::2]) else resolver ), ) class TestRegistry: def test_with_resource(self): """ Adding a resource to the registry then allows re-retrieving it. """ resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "bar"}) uri = "urn:example" registry = Registry().with_resource(uri=uri, resource=resource) assert registry[uri] is resource def test_with_resources(self): """ Adding multiple resources to the registry is like adding each one. """ one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = Resource(contents={"foo": "bar"}, specification=ID_AND_CHILDREN) registry = Registry().with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ], ) assert registry == Registry().with_resource( uri="", resource=one, ).with_resource( uri="", resource=two, ) def test_matmul_resource(self): uri = "urn:example:resource" resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"ID": uri, "foo": 12}) registry = resource @ Registry() assert registry == Registry().with_resource(uri, resource) def test_matmul_many_resources(self): one_uri = "urn:example:one" one = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"ID": one_uri, "foo": 12}) two_uri = "urn:example:two" two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"ID": two_uri, "foo": 12}) registry = [one, two] @ Registry() assert registry == Registry().with_resources( [(one_uri, one), (two_uri, two)], ) def test_matmul_resource_without_id(self): resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "bar"}) with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoInternalID) as e: resource @ Registry() assert e.value == exceptions.NoInternalID(resource=resource) def test_with_contents_from_json_schema(self): uri = "urn:example" schema = {"$schema": ""} registry = Registry().with_contents([(uri, schema)]) expected = Resource(contents=schema, specification=DRAFT202012) assert registry[uri] == expected def test_with_contents_and_default_specification(self): uri = "urn:example" registry = Registry().with_contents( [(uri, {"foo": "bar"})], default_specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) assert registry[uri] == Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) def test_len(self): total = 5 registry = Registry().with_contents( [(str(i), {"foo": "bar"}) for i in range(total)], default_specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) assert len(registry) == total def test_iter(self): registry = Registry().with_contents( [(str(i), {"foo": "bar"}) for i in range(8)], default_specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) assert set(registry) == {str(i) for i in range(8)} def test_crawl_still_has_top_level_resource(self): resource = Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) uri = "urn:example" registry = Registry({uri: resource}).crawl() assert registry[uri] is resource def test_crawl_finds_a_subresource(self): child_id = "urn:child" root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( {"ID": "urn:root", "children": [{"ID": child_id, "foo": 12}]}, ) registry = root @ Registry() with pytest.raises(LookupError): registry[child_id] expected = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"ID": child_id, "foo": 12}) assert registry.crawl()[child_id] == expected def test_crawl_finds_anchors_with_id(self): resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( {"ID": "urn:bar", "anchors": {"foo": 12}}, ) registry = resource @ Registry() assert registry.crawl().anchor(, "foo").value == Anchor( name="foo", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource(12), ) def test_crawl_finds_anchors_no_id(self): resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"anchors": {"foo": 12}}) registry = Registry().with_resource("urn:root", resource) assert registry.crawl().anchor("urn:root", "foo").value == Anchor( name="foo", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource(12), ) def test_contents(self): resource = Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) uri = "urn:example" registry = Registry().with_resource(uri, resource) assert registry.contents(uri) == {"foo": "bar"} def test_crawled_anchor(self): resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"anchors": {"foo": "bar"}}) registry = Registry().with_resource("urn:example", resource) retrieved = registry.anchor("urn:example", "foo") assert retrieved.value == Anchor( name="foo", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource("bar"), ) assert retrieved.registry == registry.crawl() def test_init(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry( { "": one, "": two, }, ) assert ( registry == Registry() .with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ], ) .crawl() ) def test_dict_conversion(self): """ Passing a `dict` to `Registry` gets converted to a `pmap`. So continuing to use the registry works. """ one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry( {"": one}, ).with_resource("", two) assert ( registry.crawl() == Registry() .with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ], ) .crawl() ) def test_no_such_resource(self): registry = Registry() with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoSuchResource) as e: registry["urn:bigboom"] assert e.value == exceptions.NoSuchResource(ref="urn:bigboom") def test_combine(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) three = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"baz": "quux"}) four = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"anchors": {"foo": 12}}) first = Registry({"": one}) second = Registry().with_resource("", two) third = Registry( { "": one, "": three, }, ) fourth = ( Registry() .with_resource( "", four, ) .crawl() ) assert first.combine(second, third, fourth) == Registry( [ ("", one), ("", three), ("", four), ], anchors=pmap( { ("", "foo"): Anchor( name="foo", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource(12), ), }, ), ).with_resource("", two) def test_combine_self(self): """ Combining a registry with itself short-circuits. This is a performance optimization -- otherwise we do lots more work (in jsonschema this seems to correspond to making the test suite take *3x* longer). """ registry = Registry({"urn:foo": "bar"}) assert registry.combine(registry) is registry def test_combine_with_uncrawled_resources(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) three = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"baz": "quux"}) first = Registry().with_resource("", one) second = Registry().with_resource("", two) third = Registry( { "": one, "": three, }, ) expected = Registry( [ ("", one), ("", two), ("", three), ], ) combined = first.combine(second, third) assert combined != expected assert combined.crawl() == expected def test_combine_with_single_retrieve(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) three = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"baz": "quux"}) def retrieve(uri): pass first = Registry().with_resource("", one) second = Registry( retrieve=retrieve, ).with_resource("", two) third = Registry().with_resource("", three) assert first.combine(second, third) == Registry( retrieve=retrieve, ).with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ("", three), ], ) assert second.combine(first, third) == Registry( retrieve=retrieve, ).with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ("", three), ], ) def test_combine_with_common_retrieve(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) three = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"baz": "quux"}) def retrieve(uri): pass first = Registry(retrieve=retrieve).with_resource( "", one, ) second = Registry( retrieve=retrieve, ).with_resource("", two) third = Registry(retrieve=retrieve).with_resource( "", three, ) assert first.combine(second, third) == Registry( retrieve=retrieve, ).with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ("", three), ], ) assert second.combine(first, third) == Registry( retrieve=retrieve, ).with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ("", three), ], ) def test_combine_conflicting_retrieve(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) three = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"baz": "quux"}) def foo_retrieve(uri): pass def bar_retrieve(uri): pass first = Registry(retrieve=foo_retrieve).with_resource( "", one, ) second = Registry().with_resource("", two) third = Registry(retrieve=bar_retrieve).with_resource( "", three, ) with pytest.raises(Exception, match="conflict.*retriev"): # noqa: B017 first.combine(second, third) def test_remove(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry({"urn:foo": one, "urn:bar": two}) assert registry.remove("urn:foo") == Registry({"urn:bar": two}) def test_remove_uncrawled(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry().with_resources( [("urn:foo", one), ("urn:bar", two)], ) assert registry.remove("urn:foo") == Registry().with_resource( "urn:bar", two, ) def test_remove_with_anchors(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"anchors": {"foo": "bar"}}) registry = ( Registry() .with_resources( [("urn:foo", one), ("urn:bar", two)], ) .crawl() ) assert ( registry.remove("urn:bar") == Registry() .with_resource( "urn:foo", one, ) .crawl() ) def test_remove_nonexistent_uri(self): with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoSuchResource) as e: Registry().remove("urn:doesNotExist") assert e.value == exceptions.NoSuchResource(ref="urn:doesNotExist") def test_retrieve(self): foo = Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry(retrieve=lambda uri: foo) assert registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:example").value == foo def test_retrieve_arbitrary_exception(self): foo = Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) def retrieve(uri): if uri == "urn:succeed": return foo raise Exception("Oh no!") registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve) assert registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:succeed").value == foo with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unretrievable): registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:uhoh") def test_retrieve_no_such_resource(self): foo = Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) def retrieve(uri): if uri == "urn:succeed": return foo raise exceptions.NoSuchResource(ref=uri) registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve) assert registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:succeed").value == foo with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoSuchResource): registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:uhoh") def test_retrieve_cannot_determine_specification(self): def retrieve(uri): return Resource.from_contents({}) registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve) with pytest.raises(exceptions.CannotDetermineSpecification): registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:uhoh") def test_retrieve_already_available_resource(self): def retrieve(uri): raise Exception("Oh no!") foo = Resource.opaque({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry({"urn:example": foo}) assert registry["urn:example"] == foo assert registry.get_or_retrieve("urn:example").value == foo def test_retrieve_first_checks_crawlable_resource(self): def retrieve(uri): raise Exception("Oh no!") child = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"ID": "urn:child", "foo": 12}) root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"children": [child.contents]}) registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve).with_resource("urn:root", root) assert registry.crawl()["urn:child"] == child def test_resolver(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) registry = Registry({"": one}) resolver = registry.resolver(base_uri="") assert resolver.lookup("#").contents == {} def test_resolver_with_root_identified(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"ID": ""}) resolver = Registry().resolver_with_root(root) assert resolver.lookup("").contents == root.contents assert resolver.lookup("#").contents == root.contents def test_resolver_with_root_unidentified(self): root = Resource.opaque(contents={}) resolver = Registry().resolver_with_root(root) assert resolver.lookup("#").contents == root.contents def test_repr(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) registry = Registry().with_resources( [ ("", one), ("", two), ], ) assert repr(registry) == "" assert repr(registry.crawl()) == "" def test_repr_mixed_crawled(self): one = Resource.opaque(contents={}) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"foo": "bar"}) registry = ( Registry( {"": one}, ) .crawl() .with_resource(uri="", resource=two) ) assert repr(registry) == "" def test_repr_one_resource(self): registry = Registry().with_resource( uri="", resource=Resource.opaque(contents={}), ) assert repr(registry) == "" def test_repr_empty(self): assert repr(Registry()) == "" class TestResource: def test_from_contents_from_json_schema(self): schema = {"$schema": ""} resource = Resource.from_contents(schema) assert resource == Resource(contents=schema, specification=DRAFT202012) def test_from_contents_with_no_discernible_information(self): """ Creating a resource with no discernible way to see what specification it belongs to (e.g. no ``$schema`` keyword for JSON Schema) raises an error. """ with pytest.raises(exceptions.CannotDetermineSpecification): Resource.from_contents({"foo": "bar"}) def test_from_contents_with_no_discernible_information_and_default(self): resource = Resource.from_contents( {"foo": "bar"}, default_specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) assert resource == Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "bar"}) def test_from_contents_unneeded_default(self): schema = {"$schema": ""} resource = Resource.from_contents( schema, default_specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) assert resource == Resource( contents=schema, specification=DRAFT202012, ) def test_non_mapping_from_contents(self): resource = Resource.from_contents( True, default_specification=ID_AND_CHILDREN, ) assert resource == Resource( contents=True, specification=ID_AND_CHILDREN, ) def test_from_contents_with_fallback(self): resource = Resource.from_contents( {"foo": "bar"}, default_specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) assert resource == Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "bar"}) def test_id_delegates_to_specification(self): specification = Specification( name="", id_of=lambda contents: "urn:fixedID", subresources_of=lambda contents: [], anchors_in=lambda specification, contents: [], maybe_in_subresource=( lambda segments, resolver, subresource: resolver ), ) resource = Resource( contents={"foo": "baz"}, specification=specification, ) assert == "urn:fixedID" def test_subresources_delegates_to_specification(self): resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"children": [{}, 12]}) assert list(resource.subresources()) == [ ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource(each) for each in [{}, 12] ] def test_subresource_with_different_specification(self): schema = {"$schema": ""} resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"children": [schema]}) assert list(resource.subresources()) == [ DRAFT202012.create_resource(schema), ] def test_anchors_delegates_to_specification(self): resource = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( {"anchors": {"foo": {}, "bar": 1, "baz": ""}}, ) assert list(resource.anchors()) == [ Anchor(name="foo", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({})), Anchor(name="bar", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource(1)), Anchor(name="baz", resource=ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource("")), ] def test_pointer_to_mapping(self): resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "baz"}) resolver = Registry().resolver() assert resource.pointer("/foo", resolver=resolver).contents == "baz" def test_pointer_to_array(self): resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": {"bar": [3]}}) resolver = Registry().resolver() assert resource.pointer("/foo/bar/0", resolver=resolver).contents == 3 def test_opaque(self): contents = {"foo": "bar"} assert Resource.opaque(contents) == Resource( contents=contents, specification=Specification.OPAQUE, ) class TestResolver: def test_lookup_exact_uri(self): resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "baz"}) resolver = Registry({"": resource}).resolver() resolved = resolver.lookup("") assert resolved.contents == resource.contents def test_lookup_subresource(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( { "ID": "", "children": [ {"ID": "", "foo": 12}, ], }, ) registry = root @ Registry() resolved = registry.resolver().lookup("") assert resolved.contents == {"ID": "", "foo": 12} def test_lookup_anchor_with_id(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( { "ID": "", "anchors": {"foo": 12}, }, ) registry = root @ Registry() resolved = registry.resolver().lookup("") assert resolved.contents == 12 def test_lookup_anchor_without_id(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"anchors": {"foo": 12}}) resolver = Registry().with_resource("urn:example", root).resolver() resolved = resolver.lookup("urn:example#foo") assert resolved.contents == 12 def test_lookup_unknown_reference(self): resolver = Registry().resolver() ref = "" with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unresolvable) as e: resolver.lookup(ref) assert e.value == exceptions.Unresolvable(ref=ref) def test_lookup_non_existent_pointer(self): resource = Resource.opaque({"foo": {}}) resolver = Registry({"": resource}).resolver() ref = "" with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unresolvable) as e: resolver.lookup(ref) assert e.value == exceptions.PointerToNowhere( ref="/foo/bar", resource=resource, ) assert str(e.value) == "'/foo/bar' does not exist within {'foo': {}}" def test_lookup_non_existent_pointer_to_array_index(self): resource = Resource.opaque([1, 2, 4, 8]) resolver = Registry({"": resource}).resolver() ref = "" with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unresolvable) as e: resolver.lookup(ref) assert e.value == exceptions.PointerToNowhere( ref="/10", resource=resource, ) def test_lookup_non_existent_anchor(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource({"anchors": {}}) resolver = Registry().with_resource("urn:example", root).resolver() resolved = resolver.lookup("urn:example") assert resolved.contents == root.contents ref = "urn:example#noSuchAnchor" with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unresolvable) as e: resolver.lookup(ref) assert e.value == exceptions.NoSuchAnchor( ref="urn:example", resource=root, anchor="noSuchAnchor", ) def test_lookup_retrieved_resource(self): resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "baz"}) resolver = Registry(retrieve=lambda uri: resource).resolver() resolved = resolver.lookup("") assert resolved.contents == resource.contents def test_repeated_lookup_from_retrieved_resource(self): """ A (custom-)retrieved resource is added to the registry returned by looking it up. """ resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "baz"}) once = [resource] def retrieve(uri: str): return once.pop() resolver = Registry(retrieve=retrieve).resolver() resolved = resolver.lookup("") assert resolved.contents == resource.contents resolved = resolved.resolver.lookup("") assert resolved.contents == resource.contents def test_repeated_anchor_lookup_from_retrieved_resource(self): resource = Resource.opaque(contents={"foo": "baz"}) once = [resource] def retrieve(uri: str): return once.pop() resolver = Registry(retrieve=retrieve).resolver() resolved = resolver.lookup("") assert resolved.contents == resource.contents resolved = resolved.resolver.lookup("#") assert resolved.contents == resource.contents # FIXME: The tests below aren't really representable in the current # suite, though we should probably think of ways to do so. def test_in_subresource(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( { "ID": "", "children": [ { "ID": "child/", "children": [{"ID": "grandchild"}], }, ], }, ) registry = root @ Registry() resolver = registry.resolver() first = resolver.lookup("") assert first.contents == root.contents with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unresolvable): first.resolver.lookup("grandchild") sub = first.resolver.in_subresource( ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource(first.contents["children"][0]), ) second = sub.lookup("grandchild") assert second.contents == {"ID": "grandchild"} def test_in_pointer_subresource(self): root = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( { "ID": "", "children": [ { "ID": "child/", "children": [{"ID": "grandchild"}], }, ], }, ) registry = root @ Registry() resolver = registry.resolver() first = resolver.lookup("") assert first.contents == root.contents with pytest.raises(exceptions.Unresolvable): first.resolver.lookup("grandchild") second = first.resolver.lookup("#/children/0") third = second.resolver.lookup("grandchild") assert third.contents == {"ID": "grandchild"} def test_dynamic_scope(self): one = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( { "ID": "", "children": [ { "ID": "child/", "children": [{"ID": "grandchild"}], }, ], }, ) two = ID_AND_CHILDREN.create_resource( { "ID": "", "children": [{"ID": "two-child/"}], }, ) registry = [one, two] @ Registry() resolver = registry.resolver() first = resolver.lookup("") second = first.resolver.lookup("#/children/0") third = second.resolver.lookup("grandchild") fourth = third.resolver.lookup("") assert list(fourth.resolver.dynamic_scope()) == [ ("", fourth.resolver._registry), ("", fourth.resolver._registry), ("", fourth.resolver._registry), ] assert list(third.resolver.dynamic_scope()) == [ ("", third.resolver._registry), ("", third.resolver._registry), ] assert list(second.resolver.dynamic_scope()) == [ ("", second.resolver._registry), ] assert list(first.resolver.dynamic_scope()) == [] class TestSpecification: def test_create_resource(self): specification = Specification( name="", id_of=lambda contents: "urn:fixedID", subresources_of=lambda contents: [], anchors_in=lambda specification, contents: [], maybe_in_subresource=( lambda segments, resolver, subresource: resolver ), ) resource = specification.create_resource(contents={"foo": "baz"}) assert resource == Resource( contents={"foo": "baz"}, specification=specification, ) assert == "urn:fixedID" def test_repr(self): assert ( repr(ID_AND_CHILDREN) == "" ) class TestOpaqueSpecification: THINGS = [{"foo": "bar"}, True, 37, "foo", object()] @pytest.mark.parametrize("thing", THINGS) def test_no_id(self, thing): """ An arbitrary thing has no ID. """ assert Specification.OPAQUE.id_of(thing) is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("thing", THINGS) def test_no_subresources(self, thing): """ An arbitrary thing has no subresources. """ assert list(Specification.OPAQUE.subresources_of(thing)) == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize("thing", THINGS) def test_no_anchors(self, thing): """ An arbitrary thing has no anchors. """ assert list(Specification.OPAQUE.anchors_in(thing)) == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls", [Registry, Resource, Specification], ) def test_nonsubclassable(cls): with pytest.raises(Exception, match="(?i)subclassing"): # noqa: B017 class Boom(cls): # pragma: no cover pass